- calcLength(byte[], int) - Static method in class org.bitcoinj.core.Transaction
- calcSigHashValue(Transaction.SigHash, boolean) - Static method in class org.bitcoinj.crypto.TransactionSignature
Calculates the byte used in the protocol to represent the combination of mode and anyoneCanPay.
- calculate(ImmutableList<PeerFilterProvider>) - Method in class org.bitcoinj.net.FilterMerger
- calculateAllSpendCandidates() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Wallet
Returns a list of the outputs that can potentially be spent, i.e.
- calculateAllSpendCandidates(boolean, boolean) - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Wallet
Returns a list of all outputs that are being tracked by this wallet either from the
(in this case the existence or not of private keys is ignored), or the wallets internal storage (the default)
taking into account the flags.
- calculateAllSpendCandidatesFromUTXOProvider(boolean) - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Wallet
Returns the spendable candidates from the
based on keys that the wallet contains.
- calculateBalanceForAddress(Address) - Method in class org.bitcoinj.store.DatabaseFullPrunedBlockStore
Calculate the balance for a coinbase, to-address, or p2sh address.
- calculateSignature(int, ECKey, byte[], Transaction.SigHash, boolean) - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.Transaction
Calculates a signature that is valid for being inserted into the input at the given position.
- calculateSignature(int, ECKey, Script, Transaction.SigHash, boolean) - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.Transaction
Calculates a signature that is valid for being inserted into the input at the given position.
- calculateSignature(int, ECKey, KeyParameter, byte[], Transaction.SigHash, boolean) - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.Transaction
Calculates a signature that is valid for being inserted into the input at the given position.
- calculateSignature(int, ECKey, KeyParameter, Script, Transaction.SigHash, boolean) - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.Transaction
Calculates a signature that is valid for being inserted into the input at the given position.
- calculateWitnessSignature(int, ECKey, byte[], Coin, Transaction.SigHash, boolean) - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.Transaction
- calculateWitnessSignature(int, ECKey, Script, Coin, Transaction.SigHash, boolean) - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.Transaction
- calculateWitnessSignature(int, ECKey, KeyParameter, byte[], Coin, Transaction.SigHash, boolean) - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.Transaction
- calculateWitnessSignature(int, ECKey, KeyParameter, Script, Coin, Transaction.SigHash, boolean) - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.Transaction
- canSignFor(Script) - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Wallet
Returns true if this wallet has at least one of the private keys needed to sign for this scriptPubKey.
- CENT - Static variable in class org.bitcoinj.core.Coin
0.01 Bitcoins.
- CERTIFICATE_FIELD_NUMBER - Static variable in class org.bitcoin.protocols.payments.Protos.X509Certificates
- certificates - Variable in exception org.bitcoinj.protocols.payments.PaymentProtocolException.PkiVerificationException
- chain - Variable in class org.bitcoinj.core.PeerGroup
- chain() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.kits.WalletAppKit
- CHAIN_CODE_FIELD_NUMBER - Static variable in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.DeterministicKey
- chainCode - Variable in class org.bitcoinj.crypto.HDKeyDerivation.RawKeyBytes
- ChainDownloadStartedEventListener - Interface in org.bitcoinj.core.listeners
Implementors can listen to events like blocks being downloaded/transactions being broadcast/connect/disconnects,
they can pre-filter messages before they are processed by a
, and they can
provide transactions to remote peers when they ask for them.
- ChainFileLockedException - Exception in org.bitcoinj.store
Thrown by
when the process cannot gain exclusive access to the chain file.
- ChainFileLockedException(String) - Constructor for exception org.bitcoinj.store.ChainFileLockedException
- ChainFileLockedException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.bitcoinj.store.ChainFileLockedException
- chainHead - Variable in class org.bitcoinj.core.AbstractBlockChain
Tracks the top of the best known chain.
- chainHeadBlock - Variable in class org.bitcoinj.store.DatabaseFullPrunedBlockStore
- chainHeadBlock - Variable in class org.bitcoinj.store.LevelDBFullPrunedBlockStore
- chainHeadHash - Variable in class org.bitcoinj.store.DatabaseFullPrunedBlockStore
- chainHeadHash - Variable in class org.bitcoinj.store.LevelDBFullPrunedBlockStore
- chains(List<DeterministicKeyChain>) - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.KeyChainGroup.Builder
Add multiple chains.
- chains - Variable in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.KeyChainGroup
- changeAddress - Variable in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.SendRequest
"Change" means the difference between the value gathered by a transactions inputs (the size of which you
don't really control as it depends on who sent you money), and the value being sent somewhere else.
- changed - Variable in class org.bitcoinj.net.FilterMerger.Result
- changeEncryptionKey(KeyCrypter, KeyParameter, KeyParameter) - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Wallet
Changes wallet AES encryption key, this is atomic operation.
- changeEncryptionPassword(CharSequence, CharSequence) - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Wallet
Changes wallet encryption password, this is atomic operation.
- character - Variable in exception org.bitcoinj.core.AddressFormatException.InvalidCharacter
- check(List<String>) - Method in class org.bitcoinj.crypto.MnemonicCode
Check to see if a mnemonic word list is valid.
- check() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.DeterministicSeed
Check if our mnemonic is a valid mnemonic phrase for our word list.
- checkAESKey(KeyParameter) - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.BasicKeyChain
Check whether the AES key can decrypt the first encrypted key in the wallet.
- checkAESKey(KeyParameter) - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.DeterministicKeyChain
- checkAESKey(KeyParameter) - Method in interface org.bitcoinj.wallet.EncryptableKeyChain
- checkAESKey(KeyParameter) - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.KeyChainGroup
- checkAESKey(KeyParameter) - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Wallet
Check whether the AES key can decrypt the first encrypted key in the wallet.
- checkBitLE(byte[], int) - Static method in class org.bitcoinj.core.Utils
Checks if the given bit is set in data, using little endian (not the same as Java native big endian)
- checkCoinBaseHeight(int) - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.Transaction
Check block height is in coinbase input script, for use after BIP 34
enforcement is enabled.
- checkDifficultyTransitions(StoredBlock, Block, BlockStore) - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.NetworkParameters
Throws an exception if the block's difficulty is not correct.
- checkDifficultyTransitions(StoredBlock, Block, BlockStore) - Method in class org.bitcoinj.params.AbstractBitcoinNetParams
- checkDifficultyTransitions(StoredBlock, Block, BlockStore) - Method in class org.bitcoinj.params.TestNet3Params
- checkForFilterExhaustion(FilteredBlock) - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Wallet
Used by
to decide whether or not to discard this block and any blocks building upon it, in case
the Bloom filter used to request them may be exhausted, that is, not have sufficient keys in the deterministic
sequence within it to reliably find relevant transactions.
- checkPassword(CharSequence) - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.BasicKeyChain
Returns whether the given password is correct for this key chain.
- checkPassword(CharSequence) - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.DeterministicKeyChain
- checkPassword(CharSequence) - Method in interface org.bitcoinj.wallet.EncryptableKeyChain
- checkPassword(CharSequence) - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.KeyChainGroup
- checkPassword(CharSequence) - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Wallet
Check whether the password can decrypt the first key in the wallet.
- checkpoint(NetworkParameters, InputStream, BlockStore, long) - Static method in class org.bitcoinj.core.CheckpointManager
Convenience method that creates a CheckpointManager, loads the given data, gets the checkpoint for the given
time, then inserts it into the store and sets that to be the chain head.
- CheckpointManager - Class in org.bitcoinj.core
Vends hard-coded
s for blocks throughout the chain.
- CheckpointManager(Context) - Constructor for class org.bitcoinj.core.CheckpointManager
Loads the default checkpoints bundled with bitcoinj
- CheckpointManager(NetworkParameters, InputStream) - Constructor for class org.bitcoinj.core.CheckpointManager
Loads the checkpoints from the given stream
- checkpoints - Variable in class org.bitcoinj.core.CheckpointManager
- checkpoints - Variable in class org.bitcoinj.core.NetworkParameters
- checkpoints - Variable in class org.bitcoinj.kits.WalletAppKit
- checkProofOfWork(boolean) - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.Block
Returns true if the hash of the block is OK (lower than difficulty target).
- checksum - Variable in class org.bitcoinj.core.BitcoinSerializer.BitcoinPacketHeader
- ChildMessage - Class in org.bitcoinj.core
Represents a Message type that can be contained within another Message.
- ChildMessage() - Constructor for class org.bitcoinj.core.ChildMessage
- ChildMessage(NetworkParameters) - Constructor for class org.bitcoinj.core.ChildMessage
- ChildMessage(NetworkParameters, byte[], int) - Constructor for class org.bitcoinj.core.ChildMessage
- ChildMessage(NetworkParameters, byte[], int, Message, MessageSerializer, int) - Constructor for class org.bitcoinj.core.ChildMessage
- CHILDNUM_ORDER - Static variable in class org.bitcoinj.crypto.DeterministicKey
Sorts deterministic keys in the order of their child number.
- ChildNumber - Class in org.bitcoinj.crypto
This is just a wrapper for the i (child number) as per BIP 32 with a boolean getter for the most significant bit
and a getter for the actual 0-based child number.
- ChildNumber(int, boolean) - Constructor for class org.bitcoinj.crypto.ChildNumber
- ChildNumber(int) - Constructor for class org.bitcoinj.crypto.ChildNumber
- childPaysForParent(Wallet, Transaction, Coin) - Static method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.SendRequest
Construct a SendRequest for a CPFP (child-pays-for-parent) transaction.
- chunks - Variable in class org.bitcoinj.script.Script
- cleanup() - Static method in class org.bitcoin.NativeSecp256k1
libsecp256k1 Cleanup - This destroys the secp256k1 context object This should be called at the end of the program
for proper cleanup of the context.
- cleanup() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Wallet
Clean up the wallet.
- clear() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.store.SPVBlockStore
- clearAccountPath() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.Key.Builder
The path to the root.
- clearAmount() - Method in class org.bitcoin.protocols.payments.Protos.Output.Builder
amount is integer-number-of-satoshis
- clearAppearedAtHeight() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.TransactionConfidence.Builder
If type == BUILDING then this is the chain height at which the transaction was included.
- clearBlockHash() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.Transaction.Builder
A list of blocks in which the transaction has been observed (on any chain).
- clearBlockRelativityOffsets() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.Transaction.Builder
repeated int32 block_relativity_offsets = 11;
- clearBroadcastBy() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.TransactionConfidence
Erases the set of broadcast/seen peers.
- clearBroadcastBy() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.TransactionConfidence.Builder
repeated .wallet.PeerAddress broadcast_by = 6;
- clearCertificate() - Method in class org.bitcoin.protocols.payments.Protos.X509Certificates.Builder
DER-encoded X.509 certificate chain
- clearChainCode() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.DeterministicKey.Builder
Random data that allows us to extend a key.
- clearCoinValue() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.ExchangeRate.Builder
This much of satoshis (1E-8 fractions)…
- clearConfidence() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.Transaction.Builder
Data describing where the transaction is in the chain.
- clearCreationTimestamp() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.Key.Builder
Timestamp stored as millis since epoch.
- clearCreationTimestamp() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.Script.Builder
Timestamp stored as millis since epoch.
- clearData() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.Extension.Builder
required bytes data = 2;
- clearData() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.ScriptWitness.Builder
repeated bytes data = 1;
- clearData() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.Tag.Builder
required bytes data = 2;
- clearDepth() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.TransactionConfidence.Builder
If type == BUILDING then this is the depth of the transaction in the blockchain.
- clearDescription() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.Wallet.Builder
A UTF8 encoded text description of the wallet that is intended for end user provided text.
- clearDeterministicKey() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.Key.Builder
optional .wallet.DeterministicKey deterministic_key = 7;
- clearDeterministicSeed() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.Key.Builder
The seed for a deterministic key hierarchy.
- clearEncryptedData() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.Key.Builder
If the secret data is encrypted, then secret_bytes is missing and this field is set.
- clearEncryptedDeterministicSeed() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.Key.Builder
Encrypted version of the seed
- clearEncryptedPrivateKey() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.EncryptedData.Builder
The encrypted private key
- clearEncryptionParameters() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.Wallet.Builder
optional .wallet.ScryptParameters encryption_parameters = 6;
- clearEncryptionType() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.Wallet.Builder
optional .wallet.Wallet.EncryptionType encryption_type = 5 [default = UNENCRYPTED];
- clearExchangeRate() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.Transaction.Builder
Exchange rate that was valid when the transaction was sent.
- clearExpires() - Method in class org.bitcoin.protocols.payments.Protos.PaymentDetails.Builder
Timestamp; when this request should be considered invalid
- clearExtension() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.Wallet.Builder
repeated .wallet.Extension extension = 10;
- clearFiatCurrencyCode() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.ExchangeRate.Builder
ISO 4217 currency code (if available) of the fiat currency.
- clearFiatValue() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.ExchangeRate.Builder
…is worth this much of fiat (1E-4 fractions).
- clearHash() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.Transaction.Builder
required bytes hash = 2;
- clearId() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.Extension.Builder
like org.whatever.foo.bar
- clearInitialisationVector() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.EncryptedData.Builder
The initialisation vector for the AES encryption (16 bytes)
- clearInputs() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.Transaction
Removes all the inputs from this transaction.
- clearIpAddress() - Method in class org.bitcoin.crawler.PeerSeedProtos.PeerSeedData.Builder
required string ip_address = 1;
- clearIpAddress() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.PeerAddress.Builder
required bytes ip_address = 1;
- clearIsFollowing() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.DeterministicKey.Builder
Flag indicating that this key is a root of a following chain.
- clearIssuedSubkeys() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.DeterministicKey.Builder
How many children of this key have been issued, that is, given to the user when they requested a fresh key?
For the parents of keys being handed out, this is always less than the true number of children: the difference is
called the lookahead zone.
- clearKey() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.Wallet.Builder
repeated .wallet.Key key = 3;
- clearKeyRotationTime() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.Wallet.Builder
UNIX time in seconds since the epoch.
- clearLabel() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.Key.Builder
User-provided label associated with the key.
- clearLastBroadcastedAt() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.TransactionConfidence.Builder
Millis since epoch the transaction was last announced to us.
- clearLastSeenBlockHash() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.Wallet.Builder
The SHA256 hash of the head of the best chain seen by this wallet.
- clearLastSeenBlockHeight() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.Wallet.Builder
The height in the chain of the last seen block.
- clearLastSeenBlockTimeSecs() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.Wallet.Builder
optional int64 last_seen_block_time_secs = 14;
- clearLockTime() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.Transaction.Builder
The nLockTime field is useful for contracts.
- clearLookaheadSize() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.DeterministicKey.Builder
optional uint32 lookahead_size = 4;
- clearMandatory() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.Extension.Builder
If we do not understand a mandatory extension, abort to prevent data loss.
- clearMemo() - Method in class org.bitcoin.protocols.payments.Protos.Payment.Builder
Human-readable message for the merchant
- clearMemo() - Method in class org.bitcoin.protocols.payments.Protos.PaymentACK.Builder
human-readable message for customer
- clearMemo() - Method in class org.bitcoin.protocols.payments.Protos.PaymentDetails.Builder
Human-readable description of request for the customer
- clearMemo() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.Transaction.Builder
Memo of the transaction.
- clearMerchantData() - Method in class org.bitcoin.protocols.payments.Protos.Payment.Builder
From PaymentDetails.merchant_data
- clearMerchantData() - Method in class org.bitcoin.protocols.payments.Protos.PaymentDetails.Builder
Arbitrary data to include in the Payment message
- clearN() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.ScryptParameters.Builder
CPU/ memory cost parameter
- clearNet() - Method in class org.bitcoin.crawler.PeerSeedProtos.PeerSeeds.Builder
required string net = 3;
- clearNetwork() - Method in class org.bitcoin.protocols.payments.Protos.PaymentDetails.Builder
"main" or "test"
- clearNetworkIdentifier() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.Wallet.Builder
the network used by this wallet
- clearOutputs() - Method in class org.bitcoin.protocols.payments.Protos.PaymentDetails.Builder
Where payment should be sent
- clearOutputs() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.Transaction
Removes all the outputs from this transaction.
- clearOutputScriptType() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.Key.Builder
Type of addresses (aka output scripts) to generate for receiving.
- clearOverridingTransaction() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.TransactionConfidence.Builder
If set, hash of the transaction that double spent this one into oblivion.
- clearP() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.ScryptParameters.Builder
Parallelisation parameter
- clearPath() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.DeterministicKey.Builder
The path through the key tree.
- clearPayment() - Method in class org.bitcoin.protocols.payments.Protos.PaymentACK.Builder
Payment message that triggered this ACK
- clearPaymentDetailsVersion() - Method in class org.bitcoin.protocols.payments.Protos.PaymentRequest.Builder
optional uint32 payment_details_version = 1 [default = 1];
- clearPaymentUrl() - Method in class org.bitcoin.protocols.payments.Protos.PaymentDetails.Builder
URL to send Payment and get PaymentACK
- clearPeerSeeds() - Method in class org.bitcoin.crawler.PeerSeedProtos.SignedPeerSeeds.Builder
required bytes peer_seeds = 1;
- clearPkiData() - Method in class org.bitcoin.protocols.payments.Protos.PaymentRequest.Builder
depends on pki_type
- clearPkiType() - Method in class org.bitcoin.protocols.payments.Protos.PaymentRequest.Builder
none / x509+sha256 / x509+sha1
- clearPool() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.Transaction.Builder
If pool is not present, that means either:
- This Transaction is either not in a wallet at all (the proto is re-used elsewhere)
- Or it is stored but for other purposes, for example, because it is the overriding transaction of a double spend.
- clearPort() - Method in class org.bitcoin.crawler.PeerSeedProtos.PeerSeedData.Builder
required uint32 port = 2;
- clearPort() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.PeerAddress.Builder
required uint32 port = 2;
- clearProgram() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.Script.Builder
required bytes program = 1;
- clearPubkey() - Method in class org.bitcoin.crawler.PeerSeedProtos.SignedPeerSeeds.Builder
required bytes pubkey = 3;
- clearPublicKey() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.Key.Builder
The public EC key derived from the private key.
- clearPurpose() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.Transaction.Builder
optional .wallet.Transaction.Purpose purpose = 10 [default = UNKNOWN];
- clearR() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.ScryptParameters.Builder
Block size parameter
- clearRefundTo() - Method in class org.bitcoin.protocols.payments.Protos.Payment.Builder
Where to send refunds, if a refund is necessary
- clearSalt() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.ScryptParameters.Builder
Salt to use in generation of the wallet password (8 bytes)
- clearScript() - Method in class org.bitcoin.protocols.payments.Protos.Output.Builder
usually one of the standard Script forms
- clearScriptBytes() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.TransactionInput
Clear input scripts, e.g.
- clearScriptBytes() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.TransactionInput.Builder
Script that contains the signatures/pubkeys.
- clearScriptBytes() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.TransactionOutput.Builder
script of transaction output
- clearSecretBytes() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.Key.Builder
Either the private EC key bytes (without any ASN.1 wrapping), or the deterministic root seed.
- clearSeed() - Method in class org.bitcoin.crawler.PeerSeedProtos.PeerSeeds.Builder
repeated .org.bitcoin.crawler.PeerSeedData seed = 1;
- clearSequence() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.TransactionInput.Builder
Sequence number.
- clearSerializedPaymentDetails() - Method in class org.bitcoin.protocols.payments.Protos.PaymentRequest.Builder
- clearServices() - Method in class org.bitcoin.crawler.PeerSeedProtos.PeerSeedData.Builder
required uint32 services = 3;
- clearServices() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.PeerAddress.Builder
required uint64 services = 3;
- clearSignature() - Method in class org.bitcoin.crawler.PeerSeedProtos.SignedPeerSeeds.Builder
required bytes signature = 2;
- clearSignature() - Method in class org.bitcoin.protocols.payments.Protos.PaymentRequest.Builder
pki-dependent signature
- clearSigsRequiredToSpend() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.DeterministicKey.Builder
Number of signatures required to spend.
- clearSource() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.TransactionConfidence.Builder
optional .wallet.TransactionConfidence.Source source = 7;
- clearSpentByTransactionHash() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.TransactionOutput.Builder
If spent, the hash of the transaction doing the spend.
- clearSpentByTransactionIndex() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.TransactionOutput.Builder
If spent, the index of the transaction input of the transaction doing the spend.
- clearTag() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.Tag.Builder
required string tag = 1;
- clearTags() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.Wallet.Builder
repeated .wallet.Tag tags = 16;
- clearTime() - Method in class org.bitcoin.protocols.payments.Protos.PaymentDetails.Builder
Timestamp; when payment request created
- clearTimestamp() - Method in class org.bitcoin.crawler.PeerSeedProtos.PeerSeeds.Builder
seconds since UNIX epoch
- clearTransaction() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.Wallet.Builder
repeated .wallet.Transaction transaction = 4;
- clearTransactionInput() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.Transaction.Builder
repeated .wallet.TransactionInput transaction_input = 6;
- clearTransactionOutPointHash() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.TransactionInput.Builder
Hash of the transaction this input is using.
- clearTransactionOutPointIndex() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.TransactionInput.Builder
Index of transaction output used by this input.
- clearTransactionOutput() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.Transaction.Builder
repeated .wallet.TransactionOutput transaction_output = 7;
- clearTransactions() - Method in class org.bitcoin.protocols.payments.Protos.Payment.Builder
Signed transactions that satisfy PaymentDetails.outputs
- clearTransactions(int) - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Wallet
Deletes transactions which appeared above the given block height from the wallet, but does not touch the keys.
- clearType() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.Key.Builder
required .wallet.Key.Type type = 1;
- clearType() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.TransactionConfidence.Builder
This is optional in case we add confidence types to prevent parse errors - backwards compatible.
- clearUpdatedAt() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.Transaction.Builder
millis since epoch the transaction was last updated
- clearValue() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.TransactionInput.Builder
Value of connected output, if known
- clearValue() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.TransactionOutput.Builder
required int64 value = 1;
- clearVersion() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.Transaction.Builder
See Wallet.java for detailed description of pool semantics
- clearVersion() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.Wallet.Builder
The version number of the wallet - used to detect wallets that were produced in the future
- clearWatchedScript() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.Wallet.Builder
repeated .wallet.Script watched_script = 15;
- clearWitness() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.TransactionInput.Builder
script witness
- ClientConnectionManager - Interface in org.bitcoinj.net
A generic interface for an object which keeps track of a set of open client connections, creates new ones and
ensures they are serviced properly.
- clientVersion - Variable in class org.bitcoinj.core.VersionMessage
The version number of the protocol spoken.
- clone() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.LegacyAddress
- clone() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.PrefixedChecksummedBytes
This implementation narrows the return type to
and allows subclasses to throw
even though it
is never thrown by this implementation.
- cloneAsHeader() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.Block
Returns a copy of the block, but without any transactions.
- cloneContext() - Static method in class org.bitcoin.NativeSecp256k1
Clone context
- close() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.PeerSocketHandler
Closes the connection to the peer if one exists, or immediately closes the connection as soon as it opens
- close() - Method in interface org.bitcoinj.store.BlockStore
Closes the store.
- close() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.store.DatabaseFullPrunedBlockStore
- close() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.store.LevelDBBlockStore
- close() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.store.LevelDBFullPrunedBlockStore
- close() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.store.MemoryBlockStore
- close() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.store.MemoryFullPrunedBlockStore
- close() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.store.SPVBlockStore
- closeConnection() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.net.BlockingClient
- closeConnection() - Method in interface org.bitcoinj.net.MessageWriteTarget
- closeConnection() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.net.NioClient
- closeConnections(int) - Method in class org.bitcoinj.net.BlockingClientManager
- closeConnections(int) - Method in interface org.bitcoinj.net.ClientConnectionManager
Closes n peer connections
- closeConnections(int) - Method in class org.bitcoinj.net.NioClientManager
- code - Variable in enum org.bitcoinj.core.InventoryItem.Type
- code() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.utils.BtcFixedFormat
Return the currency code that identifies the units in which values formatted and
(by-default) parsed by this instance are denominated.
- code(String) - Method in class org.bitcoinj.utils.BtcFormat.Builder
Specify a custom currency code to be used in the denomination-unit indicators
of formatted values.
- code(int, String) - Method in class org.bitcoinj.utils.MonetaryFormat
Configure currency code for given decimal separator shift.
- code() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.utils.MonetaryFormat
Get currency code that will be used for current shift.
- CODE_BTC - Static variable in class org.bitcoinj.utils.MonetaryFormat
Currency code for base 1 Bitcoin.
- CODE_MBTC - Static variable in class org.bitcoinj.utils.MonetaryFormat
Currency code for base 1/1000 Bitcoin.
- CODE_SAT - Static variable in class org.bitcoinj.utils.MonetaryFormat
Currency code for base 1 satoshi.
- CODE_UBTC - Static variable in class org.bitcoinj.utils.MonetaryFormat
Currency code for base 1/1000000 Bitcoin.
- codeSeparator(char) - Method in class org.bitcoinj.utils.MonetaryFormat
Separator between currency code and formatted value.
- Coin - Class in org.bitcoinj.core
Represents a monetary Bitcoin value.
- COIN - Static variable in class org.bitcoinj.core.Coin
One Bitcoin.
- coin - Variable in class org.bitcoinj.utils.ExchangeRate
- COIN_SCALE - Static variable in class org.bitcoinj.utils.BtcFormat
A constant useful for specifying a denomination of bitcoins, the int
- COIN_SYMBOL_ALT - Static variable in class org.bitcoinj.utils.BtcFormat
An alternative currency symbol to use in locales where the default symbol is used for the national currency.
- COIN_VALUE_FIELD_NUMBER - Static variable in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.ExchangeRate
- CoinbaseHeightMismatch(String) - Constructor for exception org.bitcoinj.core.VerificationException.CoinbaseHeightMismatch
- CoinbaseScriptSizeOutOfRange() - Constructor for exception org.bitcoinj.core.VerificationException.CoinbaseScriptSizeOutOfRange
- coinCode() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.utils.BtcFormat
Return the unprefixed international currency code for bitcoins configured for this
- CoinSelection - Class in org.bitcoinj.wallet
- CoinSelection(Coin, Collection<TransactionOutput>) - Constructor for class org.bitcoinj.wallet.CoinSelection
- CoinSelector - Interface in org.bitcoinj.wallet
A CoinSelector is responsible for picking some outputs to spend, from the list of all possible outputs.
- coinSelector - Variable in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.SendRequest
If not null, the
to use instead of the wallets default.
- coinSelector - Variable in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Wallet
- coinSymbol() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.utils.BtcFormat
Return the unprefixed currency symbol for bitcoins configured for this object.
- coinToFiat(Coin) - Method in class org.bitcoinj.utils.ExchangeRate
Convert a coin amount to a fiat amount using this exchange rate.
- command - Variable in class org.bitcoinj.core.BitcoinSerializer.BitcoinPacketHeader
- commitDatabaseBatchWrite() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.store.DatabaseFullPrunedBlockStore
- commitDatabaseBatchWrite() - Method in interface org.bitcoinj.store.FullPrunedBlockStore
- commitDatabaseBatchWrite() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.store.LevelDBFullPrunedBlockStore
- commitDatabaseBatchWrite() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.store.MemoryFullPrunedBlockStore
- commitTx(Transaction) - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Wallet
Updates the wallet with the given transaction: puts it into the pending pool, sets the spent flags and runs
the onCoinsSent/onCoinsReceived event listener.
- COMPACT_SERIALIZED_SIZE - Static variable in class org.bitcoinj.core.StoredBlock
- compareAddressPartial(Address) - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.Address
- compareTo(Address) - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.Address
- compareTo(Coin) - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.Coin
- compareTo(Address) - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.LegacyAddress
- compareTo(Address) - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.SegwitAddress
- compareTo(Sha256Hash) - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.Sha256Hash
- compareTo(ChildNumber) - Method in class org.bitcoinj.crypto.ChildNumber
- compareTo(ExponentialBackoff) - Method in class org.bitcoinj.utils.ExponentialBackoff
- compareTo(Fiat) - Method in class org.bitcoinj.utils.Fiat
- completeTx(SendRequest) - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Wallet
Given a spend request containing an incomplete transaction, makes it valid by adding outputs and signed inputs
according to the instructions in the request.
- CompletionException() - Constructor for exception org.bitcoinj.wallet.Wallet.CompletionException
- CompletionException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.bitcoinj.wallet.Wallet.CompletionException
- compress() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.crypto.LazyECPoint
Returns a compressed version of this elliptic curve point.
- compressed - Variable in class org.bitcoinj.crypto.BIP38PrivateKey
- compressPoint(LazyECPoint) - Static method in class org.bitcoinj.core.ECKey
- computePubkey(byte[]) - Static method in class org.bitcoin.NativeSecp256k1
libsecp256k1 Compute Pubkey - computes public key from secret key
- concat(List<ChildNumber>, List<ChildNumber>) - Static method in class org.bitcoinj.crypto.HDUtils
- CONFIDENCE_FIELD_NUMBER - Static variable in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.Transaction
- conn - Variable in class org.bitcoinj.store.DatabaseFullPrunedBlockStore
- connect(Map<Sha256Hash, Transaction>, TransactionInput.ConnectMode) - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.TransactionInput
Connects this input to the relevant output of the referenced transaction if it's in the given map.
- connect(Transaction, TransactionInput.ConnectMode) - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.TransactionInput
Connects this input to the relevant output of the referenced transaction.
- connect(TransactionOutput) - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.TransactionInput
Internal use only: connects this TransactionInput to the given output (updates pointers and spent flags)
- connectionClosed() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.Peer
- connectionClosed() - Method in interface org.bitcoinj.net.StreamConnection
Called when the connection socket is closed
- connectionOpened() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.Peer
- connectionOpened() - Method in interface org.bitcoinj.net.StreamConnection
Called when the connection socket is first opened
- connectionURL - Variable in class org.bitcoinj.store.DatabaseFullPrunedBlockStore
- connectTo(InetSocketAddress) - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.PeerGroup
Connect to a peer by creating a channel to the destination address.
- connectTo(PeerAddress, boolean, int) - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.PeerGroup
Creates a version message to send, constructs a Peer object and attempts to connect it.
- connectToLocalHost() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.PeerGroup
Helper for forcing a connection to localhost.
- connectToLocalHost() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.kits.WalletAppKit
Will only connect to localhost.
- connectTransactions(int, Block) - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.AbstractBlockChain
Connect each transaction in block.transactions, verifying them as we go and removing spent outputs
If an error is encountered in a transaction, no changes should be made to the underlying BlockStore.
- connectTransactions(StoredBlock) - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.AbstractBlockChain
Load newBlock from BlockStore and connect its transactions, returning changes to the set of unspent transactions.
- connectTransactions(int, Block) - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.BlockChain
- connectTransactions(StoredBlock) - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.BlockChain
- connectTransactions(int, Block) - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.FullPrunedBlockChain
- connectTransactions(StoredBlock) - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.FullPrunedBlockChain
Used during reorgs to connect a block previously on a fork
- contains(byte[]) - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.BloomFilter
Returns true if the given object matches the filter either because it was inserted, or because we have a
- content - Variable in class org.bitcoinj.crypto.BIP38PrivateKey
- Context - Class in org.bitcoinj.core
The Context object holds various objects and pieces of configuration that are scoped to a specific instantiation of
bitcoinj for a specific network.
- Context(NetworkParameters) - Constructor for class org.bitcoinj.core.Context
Creates a new context object.
- Context(NetworkParameters, int, Coin, boolean) - Constructor for class org.bitcoinj.core.Context
Creates a new custom context object.
- context - Variable in class org.bitcoinj.kits.WalletAppKit
- context - Variable in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Wallet
- ContextPropagatingThreadFactory - Class in org.bitcoinj.utils
that propagates a
from the creating
thread into the new thread.
- ContextPropagatingThreadFactory(String, int) - Constructor for class org.bitcoinj.utils.ContextPropagatingThreadFactory
- ContextPropagatingThreadFactory(String) - Constructor for class org.bitcoinj.utils.ContextPropagatingThreadFactory
- convertToBitcoinURI(Address, Coin, String, String) - Static method in class org.bitcoinj.uri.BitcoinURI
Simple Bitcoin URI builder using known good fields.
- convertToBitcoinURI(NetworkParameters, String, Coin, String, String) - Static method in class org.bitcoinj.uri.BitcoinURI
Simple Bitcoin URI builder using known good fields.
- correctlySpends(Transaction, int, TransactionWitness, Coin, Script, Set<Script.VerifyFlag>) - Method in class org.bitcoinj.script.Script
Verifies that this script (interpreted as a scriptSig) correctly spends the given scriptPubKey.
- correctlySpends(Transaction, long, Script, Set<Script.VerifyFlag>) - Method in class org.bitcoinj.script.Script
- CouldNotAdjustDownwards() - Constructor for exception org.bitcoinj.wallet.Wallet.CouldNotAdjustDownwards
- create(Wallet, Transaction, List<Transaction>) - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.DefaultRiskAnalysis.Analyzer
- create(Wallet, Transaction, List<Transaction>) - Method in interface org.bitcoinj.wallet.RiskAnalysis.Analyzer
- create(NetworkParameters, KeyChainGroup) - Method in interface org.bitcoinj.wallet.WalletProtobufSerializer.WalletFactory
- createBasic(NetworkParameters) - Static method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.KeyChainGroup
Creates a keychain group with just a basic chain.
- createBasic(NetworkParameters) - Static method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Wallet
Creates a new, empty wallet with just a basic keychain and no transactions.
- createConfidence(Sha256Hash) - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.TransactionConfidence.Factory
- createDeterministic(NetworkParameters, Script.ScriptType) - Static method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Wallet
Creates a new, empty wallet with a randomly chosen seed and no transactions.
- createDeterministic(Context, Script.ScriptType) - Static method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Wallet
Creates a new, empty wallet with a randomly chosen seed and no transactions.
- createECDHSecret(byte[], byte[]) - Static method in class org.bitcoin.NativeSecp256k1
libsecp256k1 create ECDH secret - constant time ECDH calculation
- createEmpty() - Static method in class org.bitcoinj.script.ScriptBuilder
Creates an empty script.
- createEmptyInputScript(ECKey, Script) - Method in class org.bitcoinj.script.Script
Creates an incomplete scriptSig that, once filled with signatures, can redeem output containing this scriptPubKey.
- createEmptyWitness(ECKey) - Method in class org.bitcoinj.script.Script
- createExecutor() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.net.discovery.DnsDiscovery
- createExecutor() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.net.discovery.MultiplexingDiscovery
- createFromBitcoinUri(BitcoinURI) - Static method in class org.bitcoinj.protocols.payments.PaymentSession
Returns a future that will be notified with a PaymentSession object after it is fetched using the provided uri.
- createFromBitcoinUri(BitcoinURI, boolean) - Static method in class org.bitcoinj.protocols.payments.PaymentSession
Returns a future that will be notified with a PaymentSession object after it is fetched using the provided uri.
- createFromBitcoinUri(BitcoinURI, boolean, TrustStoreLoader) - Static method in class org.bitcoinj.protocols.payments.PaymentSession
Returns a future that will be notified with a PaymentSession object after it is fetched using the provided uri.
- createFromUrl(String) - Static method in class org.bitcoinj.protocols.payments.PaymentSession
Returns a future that will be notified with a PaymentSession object after it is fetched using the provided url.
- createFromUrl(String, boolean) - Static method in class org.bitcoinj.protocols.payments.PaymentSession
Returns a future that will be notified with a PaymentSession object after it is fetched using the provided url.
- createFromUrl(String, boolean, TrustStoreLoader) - Static method in class org.bitcoinj.protocols.payments.PaymentSession
Returns a future that will be notified with a PaymentSession object after it is fetched using the provided url.
- createGenesis(NetworkParameters) - Static method in class org.bitcoinj.core.Block
- createInputScript(byte[], byte[]) - Static method in class org.bitcoinj.script.Script
- createInputScript(byte[]) - Static method in class org.bitcoinj.script.Script
- createInputScript(TransactionSignature, ECKey) - Static method in class org.bitcoinj.script.ScriptBuilder
Creates a scriptSig that can redeem a P2PKH output.
- createInputScript(TransactionSignature) - Static method in class org.bitcoinj.script.ScriptBuilder
Creates a scriptSig that can redeem a P2PK output.
- createMasterPrivateKey(byte[]) - Static method in class org.bitcoinj.crypto.HDKeyDerivation
Generates a new deterministic key from the given seed, which can be any arbitrary byte array.
- createMasterPrivKeyFromBytes(byte[], byte[]) - Static method in class org.bitcoinj.crypto.HDKeyDerivation
- createMasterPubKeyFromBytes(byte[], byte[]) - Static method in class org.bitcoinj.crypto.HDKeyDerivation
- createMockBroadcast(Transaction, SettableFuture<Transaction>) - Static method in class org.bitcoinj.core.TransactionBroadcast
- createMultiSigInputScript(List<TransactionSignature>) - Static method in class org.bitcoinj.script.ScriptBuilder
Create a program that satisfies an OP_CHECKMULTISIG program.
- createMultiSigInputScript(TransactionSignature...) - Static method in class org.bitcoinj.script.ScriptBuilder
Create a program that satisfies an OP_CHECKMULTISIG program.
- createMultiSigInputScriptBytes(List<byte[]>) - Static method in class org.bitcoinj.script.ScriptBuilder
Create a program that satisfies an OP_CHECKMULTISIG program, using pre-encoded signatures.
- createMultiSigInputScriptBytes(List<byte[]>, byte[]) - Static method in class org.bitcoinj.script.ScriptBuilder
Create a program that satisfies an OP_CHECKMULTISIG program, using pre-encoded signatures.
- createMultiSigOutputScript(int, List<ECKey>) - Static method in class org.bitcoinj.script.Script
Creates a program that requires at least N of the given keys to sign, using OP_CHECKMULTISIG.
- createMultiSigOutputScript(int, List<ECKey>) - Static method in class org.bitcoinj.script.ScriptBuilder
Creates a program that requires at least N of the given keys to sign, using OP_CHECKMULTISIG.
- createNextBlock(Address, long, long, int) - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.Block
Returns a solved block that builds on top of this one.
- createNextBlock(Address, TransactionOutPoint) - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.Block
- createNextBlock(Address, Coin) - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.Block
- createNextBlock(Address) - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.Block
- createNextBlockWithCoinbase(long, byte[], Coin, int) - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.Block
- createOpReturnScript(byte[]) - Static method in class org.bitcoinj.script.ScriptBuilder
Creates a script of the form OP_RETURN [data].
- createOutputScript(Address) - Static method in class org.bitcoinj.script.ScriptBuilder
Creates a scriptPubKey that encodes payment to the given address.
- createP2PKHOutputScript(byte[]) - Static method in class org.bitcoinj.script.ScriptBuilder
Creates a scriptPubKey that sends to the given public key hash.
- createP2PKHOutputScript(ECKey) - Static method in class org.bitcoinj.script.ScriptBuilder
Creates a scriptPubKey that sends to the given public key.
- createP2PKOutputScript(byte[]) - Static method in class org.bitcoinj.script.ScriptBuilder
Creates a scriptPubKey that encodes payment to the given raw public key.
- createP2PKOutputScript(ECKey) - Static method in class org.bitcoinj.script.ScriptBuilder
Creates a scriptPubKey that encodes payment to the given raw public key.
- createP2SHMultiSigInputScript(List<TransactionSignature>, Script) - Static method in class org.bitcoinj.script.ScriptBuilder
Create a program that satisfies a P2SH OP_CHECKMULTISIG program.
- createP2SHOutputScript(byte[]) - Static method in class org.bitcoinj.script.ScriptBuilder
Creates a scriptPubKey that sends to the given script hash.
- createP2SHOutputScript(Script) - Static method in class org.bitcoinj.script.ScriptBuilder
Creates a scriptPubKey for a given redeem script.
- createP2SHOutputScript(int, List<ECKey>) - Static method in class org.bitcoinj.script.ScriptBuilder
Creates a P2SH output script for n-of-m multisig with given public keys and threshold.
- createP2WPKHOutputScript(byte[]) - Static method in class org.bitcoinj.script.ScriptBuilder
Creates a segwit scriptPubKey that sends to the given public key hash.
- createP2WPKHOutputScript(ECKey) - Static method in class org.bitcoinj.script.ScriptBuilder
Creates a segwit scriptPubKey that sends to the given public key.
- createP2WSHOutputScript(byte[]) - Static method in class org.bitcoinj.script.ScriptBuilder
Creates a segwit scriptPubKey that sends to the given script hash.
- createP2WSHOutputScript(Script) - Static method in class org.bitcoinj.script.ScriptBuilder
Creates a segwit scriptPubKey for the given redeem script.
- createPaymentAck(Protos.Payment, String) - Static method in class org.bitcoinj.protocols.payments.PaymentProtocol
Create a payment ack.
- createPaymentMessage(List<Transaction>, Coin, Address, String, byte[]) - Static method in class org.bitcoinj.protocols.payments.PaymentProtocol
Create a payment message with one standard pay to address output.
- createPaymentMessage(List<Transaction>, List<Protos.Output>, String, byte[]) - Static method in class org.bitcoinj.protocols.payments.PaymentProtocol
Create a payment message.
- createPaymentRequest(NetworkParameters, Coin, Address, String, String, byte[]) - Static method in class org.bitcoinj.protocols.payments.PaymentProtocol
Create a payment request with one standard pay to address output.
- createPaymentRequest(NetworkParameters, List<Protos.Output>, String, String, byte[]) - Static method in class org.bitcoinj.protocols.payments.PaymentProtocol
Create a payment request.
- createPayToAddressOutput(Coin, Address) - Static method in class org.bitcoinj.protocols.payments.PaymentProtocol
- createPeer(PeerAddress, VersionMessage) - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.PeerGroup
You can override this to customise the creation of
- createPeerGroup() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.kits.WalletAppKit
- createPrivateExecutor() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.PeerGroup
- createRedeemScript(int, List<ECKey>) - Static method in class org.bitcoinj.script.ScriptBuilder
Creates an n-of-m multisig redeem script with given public keys and threshold.
- createSend(Address, Coin) - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Wallet
Statelessly creates a transaction that sends the given value to address.
- createSend(Address, Coin, boolean) - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Wallet
Statelessly creates a transaction that sends the given value to address.
- createWallet() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.kits.WalletAppKit
- CREATION_TIMESTAMP_FIELD_NUMBER - Static variable in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.Key
- CREATION_TIMESTAMP_FIELD_NUMBER - Static variable in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.Script
- creationTimeSeconds - Variable in class org.bitcoinj.core.ECKey
- creationTimeSecs - Variable in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.DeterministicKeyChain.Builder
- currencyCode - Variable in class org.bitcoinj.utils.Fiat
- CURRENT_WALLET_VERSION - Static variable in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.WalletProtobufSerializer
Current version used for serializing wallets.
- currentAddress(KeyChain.KeyPurpose) - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.KeyChainGroup
- currentAddress(KeyChain.KeyPurpose) - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Wallet
- currentChangeAddress() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Wallet
Returns the address used for change outputs.
- currentKey(KeyChain.KeyPurpose) - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.KeyChainGroup
Returns a key that hasn't been seen in a transaction yet, and which is suitable for displaying in a wallet
user interface as "a convenient key to receive funds on" when the purpose parameter is
- currentKey(KeyChain.KeyPurpose) - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Wallet
Returns a key that hasn't been seen in a transaction yet, and which is suitable for displaying in a wallet
user interface as "a convenient key to receive funds on" when the purpose parameter is
- CurrentKeyChangeEventListener - Interface in org.bitcoinj.wallet.listeners
- currentReceiveAddress() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Wallet
- currentReceiveKey() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Wallet
- currentTimeMillis() - Static method in class org.bitcoinj.core.Utils
Returns the current time in milliseconds since the epoch, or a mocked out equivalent.
- currentTimeSeconds() - Static method in class org.bitcoinj.core.Utils
Returns the current time in seconds since the epoch, or a mocked out equivalent.
- cursor - Variable in class org.bitcoinj.core.Message
- CURVE - Static variable in class org.bitcoinj.core.ECKey
The parameters of the secp256k1 curve that Bitcoin uses.
- CustomTransactionSigner - Class in org.bitcoinj.signers
This signer may be used as a template for creating custom multisig transaction signers.
- CustomTransactionSigner() - Constructor for class org.bitcoinj.signers.CustomTransactionSigner
- CustomTransactionSigner.SignatureAndKey - Class in org.bitcoinj.signers
- gathered - Variable in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.CoinSelection
- genesisBlock - Variable in class org.bitcoinj.params.AbstractBitcoinNetParams
- get(int) - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.BlockLocator
Get hash by index from this block locator.
- get() - Static method in class org.bitcoinj.core.Context
Returns the current context that is associated with the calling thread.
- get(Sha256Hash) - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.TxConfidenceTable
Returns the
for the given hash if we have downloaded it, or null if that tx hash
is unknown to the system at this time.
- get(List<ChildNumber>, boolean, boolean) - Method in class org.bitcoinj.crypto.DeterministicHierarchy
Returns a key for the given path, optionally creating it.
- get(int) - Method in class org.bitcoinj.crypto.HDPath
- get() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.crypto.LazyECPoint
- get() - Static method in class org.bitcoinj.params.MainNetParams
- get() - Static method in class org.bitcoinj.params.Networks
- get() - Static method in class org.bitcoinj.params.RegTestParams
- get() - Static method in class org.bitcoinj.params.TestNet3Params
- get() - Static method in class org.bitcoinj.params.UnitTestParams
- get(Sha256Hash) - Method in interface org.bitcoinj.store.BlockStore
Returns the StoredBlock given a hash.
- get(Sha256Hash, boolean) - Method in class org.bitcoinj.store.DatabaseFullPrunedBlockStore
- get(Sha256Hash) - Method in class org.bitcoinj.store.DatabaseFullPrunedBlockStore
- get(Sha256Hash) - Method in class org.bitcoinj.store.LevelDBBlockStore
- get(Sha256Hash) - Method in class org.bitcoinj.store.LevelDBFullPrunedBlockStore
- get(Sha256Hash, boolean) - Method in class org.bitcoinj.store.LevelDBFullPrunedBlockStore
- get(Sha256Hash) - Method in class org.bitcoinj.store.MemoryBlockStore
- get(Sha256Hash) - Method in class org.bitcoinj.store.MemoryFullPrunedBlockStore
- get(Sha256Hash) - Method in class org.bitcoinj.store.SPVBlockStore
- get(String) - Static method in class org.bitcoinj.utils.AppDataDirectory
Get and create if necessary the Path to the application data directory.
- get() - Static method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.AllowUnconfirmedCoinSelector
Returns a global static instance of the selector.
- get() - Static method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.DefaultCoinSelector
Returns a global static instance of the selector.
- getAccountPath() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.DeterministicKeyChain
- getAccountPath(int) - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.Key.Builder
The path to the root.
- getAccountPath(int) - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.Key
The path to the root.
- getAccountPath(int) - Method in interface org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.KeyOrBuilder
The path to the root.
- getAccountPathCount() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.Key.Builder
The path to the root.
- getAccountPathCount() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.Key
The path to the root.
- getAccountPathCount() - Method in interface org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.KeyOrBuilder
The path to the root.
- getAccountPathList() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.Key.Builder
The path to the root.
- getAccountPathList() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.Key
The path to the root.
- getAccountPathList() - Method in interface org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.KeyOrBuilder
The path to the root.
- getActiveKeyChain(Script.ScriptType, long) - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.KeyChainGroup
Returns the key chain that's used for generation of fresh/current keys of the given type.
- getActiveKeyChain() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.KeyChainGroup
Returns the key chain that's used for generation of default fresh/current keys.
- getActiveKeyChain() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Wallet
- getActiveKeyChains(long) - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.KeyChainGroup
Returns the key chains that are used for generation of fresh/current keys, in the order of how they
were added.
- getActiveKeyChains() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Wallet
- getAddr() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.Peer
Sends a getaddr request to the peer and returns a future that completes with the answer once the peer has replied.
- getAddr() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.PeerAddress
- getAddress() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.PeerSocketHandler
- getAddress() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.UTXO
The address of this output, can be the empty string if none was provided at construction time or was deserialized
- getAddress() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.uri.BitcoinURI
The Bitcoin address from the URI, if one was present.
- getAddresses() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.AddressMessage
- getAddressFromP2PKHScript(NetworkParameters) - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.TransactionOutput
- getAddressFromP2SH(NetworkParameters) - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.TransactionOutput
- getAddressHeader() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.NetworkParameters
First byte of a base58 encoded address.
- GetAddrMessage - Class in org.bitcoinj.core
Represents the "getaddr" P2P protocol message, which requests network
s from a peer.
- GetAddrMessage(NetworkParameters) - Constructor for class org.bitcoinj.core.GetAddrMessage
- getAddrSeeds() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.NetworkParameters
Returns IP address of active peers.
- getAffineXCoord() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.crypto.LazyECPoint
- getAffineYCoord() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.crypto.LazyECPoint
- getAmount() - Method in class org.bitcoin.protocols.payments.Protos.Output.Builder
amount is integer-number-of-satoshis
- getAmount() - Method in class org.bitcoin.protocols.payments.Protos.Output
amount is integer-number-of-satoshis
- getAmount() - Method in interface org.bitcoin.protocols.payments.Protos.OutputOrBuilder
amount is integer-number-of-satoshis
- getAmount() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.uri.BitcoinURI
- getAppearedAtChainHeight() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.TransactionConfidence
Returns the chain height at which the transaction appeared if confidence type is BUILDING.
- getAppearedAtHeight() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.TransactionConfidence.Builder
If type == BUILDING then this is the chain height at which the transaction was included.
- getAppearedAtHeight() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.TransactionConfidence
If type == BUILDING then this is the chain height at which the transaction was included.
- getAppearedAtHeight() - Method in interface org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.TransactionConfidenceOrBuilder
If type == BUILDING then this is the chain height at which the transaction was included.
- getAppearsInHashes() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.Transaction
Returns a map of block [hashes] which contain the transaction mapped to relativity counters, or null if this
transaction doesn't have that data because it's not stored in the wallet or because it has never appeared in a
- getAssociatedTransactions() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.FilteredBlock
Gets the set of transactions which were provided using provideTransaction() which match in getTransactionHashes()
- getAvailableLocales() - Static method in class org.bitcoinj.utils.BtcFormat
Return an array of all locales for which the getInstance() method of this class can
return localized instances.
- getBalance() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Wallet
Returns the AVAILABLE balance of this wallet.
- getBalance(Wallet.BalanceType) - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Wallet
Returns the balance of this wallet as calculated by the provided balanceType.
- getBalance(CoinSelector) - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Wallet
Returns the balance that would be considered spendable by the given coin selector, including watched outputs
- getBalanceFuture(Coin, Wallet.BalanceType) - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Wallet
Returns a future that will complete when the balance of the given type has becom equal or larger to the given
- getBalanceSelectSQL() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.store.DatabaseFullPrunedBlockStore
Get the SQL to select the total balance for a given address.
- getBestChainHeight() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.AbstractBlockChain
- getBestHeight() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.Peer
- getBip32HeaderP2PKHpriv() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.NetworkParameters
Returns the 4 byte header for BIP32 wallet P2PKH - private key part.
- getBip32HeaderP2PKHpub() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.NetworkParameters
Returns the 4 byte header for BIP32 wallet P2PKH - public key part.
- getBip32HeaderP2WPKHpriv() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.NetworkParameters
Returns the 4 byte header for BIP32 wallet P2WPKH - private key part.
- getBip32HeaderP2WPKHpub() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.NetworkParameters
Returns the 4 byte header for BIP32 wallet P2WPKH - public key part.
- getBitcoinProtocolVersion() - Method in enum org.bitcoinj.core.NetworkParameters.ProtocolVersion
- getBlock(Sha256Hash) - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.Peer
Asks the connected peer for the block of the given hash, and returns a future representing the answer.
- getBlockHash(int) - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.Transaction.Builder
A list of blocks in which the transaction has been observed (on any chain).
- getBlockHash(int) - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.Transaction
A list of blocks in which the transaction has been observed (on any chain).
- getBlockHash(int) - Method in interface org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.TransactionOrBuilder
A list of blocks in which the transaction has been observed (on any chain).
- getBlockHashCount() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.Transaction.Builder
A list of blocks in which the transaction has been observed (on any chain).
- getBlockHashCount() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.Transaction
A list of blocks in which the transaction has been observed (on any chain).
- getBlockHashCount() - Method in interface org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.TransactionOrBuilder
A list of blocks in which the transaction has been observed (on any chain).
- getBlockHashList() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.Transaction.Builder
A list of blocks in which the transaction has been observed (on any chain).
- getBlockHashList() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.Transaction
A list of blocks in which the transaction has been observed (on any chain).
- getBlockHashList() - Method in interface org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.TransactionOrBuilder
A list of blocks in which the transaction has been observed (on any chain).
- getBlockHeader() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.FilteredBlock
Gets a copy of the block header
- getBlockHeaders() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.HeadersMessage
- getBlockInflation(int) - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.Block
- getBlockInflation(int) - Method in class org.bitcoinj.params.AbstractBitcoinNetParams
A utility method that calculates how much new Bitcoin would be created by the block at the given height.
- getBlockRelativityOffsets(int) - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.Transaction.Builder
repeated int32 block_relativity_offsets = 11;
- getBlockRelativityOffsets(int) - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.Transaction
repeated int32 block_relativity_offsets = 11;
- getBlockRelativityOffsets(int) - Method in interface org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.TransactionOrBuilder
repeated int32 block_relativity_offsets = 11;
- getBlockRelativityOffsetsCount() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.Transaction.Builder
repeated int32 block_relativity_offsets = 11;
- getBlockRelativityOffsetsCount() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.Transaction
repeated int32 block_relativity_offsets = 11;
- getBlockRelativityOffsetsCount() - Method in interface org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.TransactionOrBuilder
repeated int32 block_relativity_offsets = 11;
- getBlockRelativityOffsetsList() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.Transaction.Builder
repeated int32 block_relativity_offsets = 11;
- getBlockRelativityOffsetsList() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.Transaction
repeated int32 block_relativity_offsets = 11;
- getBlockRelativityOffsetsList() - Method in interface org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.TransactionOrBuilder
repeated int32 block_relativity_offsets = 11;
- GetBlocksMessage - Class in org.bitcoinj.core
Represents the "getblocks" P2P network message, which requests the hashes of the parts of the block chain we're
- GetBlocksMessage(NetworkParameters, BlockLocator, Sha256Hash) - Constructor for class org.bitcoinj.core.GetBlocksMessage
- GetBlocksMessage(NetworkParameters, byte[]) - Constructor for class org.bitcoinj.core.GetBlocksMessage
- getBlockStore() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.AbstractBlockChain
Returns the
the chain was constructed with.
- getBlockVerificationFlags(Block, VersionTally, Integer) - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.NetworkParameters
The flags indicating which block validation tests should be applied to
the given block.
- getBloomFilter() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.Peer
- getBloomFilter(int, double, long) - Method in interface org.bitcoinj.core.PeerFilterProvider
Gets a bloom filter that contains all the necessary elements for the listener to receive relevant transactions.
- getBloomFilter(int, double, long) - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.KeyChainGroup
- getBloomFilter(double) - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Wallet
Gets a bloom filter that contains all of the public keys from this wallet, and which will provide the given
false-positive rate.
- getBloomFilter(int, double, long) - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Wallet
Gets a bloom filter that contains all of the public keys from this wallet, and which will provide the given
false-positive rate if it has size elements.
- getBloomFilterElementCount() - Method in interface org.bitcoinj.core.PeerFilterProvider
- getBloomFilterElementCount() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.KeyChainGroup
- getBloomFilterElementCount() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Wallet
Returns the number of distinct data items (note: NOT keys) that will be inserted into a bloom filter, when it
is constructed.
- getBloomFilterFPRate() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.net.FilterMerger
- getBroadcastBy() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.TransactionConfidence
Returns a snapshot of
es that announced the transaction.
- getBroadcastBy(int) - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.TransactionConfidence.Builder
repeated .wallet.PeerAddress broadcast_by = 6;
- getBroadcastBy(int) - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.TransactionConfidence
repeated .wallet.PeerAddress broadcast_by = 6;
- getBroadcastBy(int) - Method in interface org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.TransactionConfidenceOrBuilder
repeated .wallet.PeerAddress broadcast_by = 6;
- getBroadcastByCount() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.TransactionConfidence.Builder
repeated .wallet.PeerAddress broadcast_by = 6;
- getBroadcastByCount() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.TransactionConfidence
repeated .wallet.PeerAddress broadcast_by = 6;
- getBroadcastByCount() - Method in interface org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.TransactionConfidenceOrBuilder
repeated .wallet.PeerAddress broadcast_by = 6;
- getBroadcastByList() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.TransactionConfidence.Builder
repeated .wallet.PeerAddress broadcast_by = 6;
- getBroadcastByList() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.TransactionConfidence
repeated .wallet.PeerAddress broadcast_by = 6;
- getBroadcastByList() - Method in interface org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.TransactionConfidenceOrBuilder
repeated .wallet.PeerAddress broadcast_by = 6;
- getBroadcastByOrBuilder(int) - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.TransactionConfidence
repeated .wallet.PeerAddress broadcast_by = 6;
- getBroadcastByOrBuilderList() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.TransactionConfidence
repeated .wallet.PeerAddress broadcast_by = 6;
- getBytes() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.Sha256Hash
Returns the internal byte array, without defensively copying.
- getCertificate(int) - Method in class org.bitcoin.protocols.payments.Protos.X509Certificates.Builder
DER-encoded X.509 certificate chain
- getCertificate(int) - Method in class org.bitcoin.protocols.payments.Protos.X509Certificates
DER-encoded X.509 certificate chain
- getCertificate(int) - Method in interface org.bitcoin.protocols.payments.Protos.X509CertificatesOrBuilder
DER-encoded X.509 certificate chain
- getCertificateCount() - Method in class org.bitcoin.protocols.payments.Protos.X509Certificates.Builder
DER-encoded X.509 certificate chain
- getCertificateCount() - Method in class org.bitcoin.protocols.payments.Protos.X509Certificates
DER-encoded X.509 certificate chain
- getCertificateCount() - Method in interface org.bitcoin.protocols.payments.Protos.X509CertificatesOrBuilder
DER-encoded X.509 certificate chain
- getCertificateList() - Method in class org.bitcoin.protocols.payments.Protos.X509Certificates.Builder
DER-encoded X.509 certificate chain
- getCertificateList() - Method in class org.bitcoin.protocols.payments.Protos.X509Certificates
DER-encoded X.509 certificate chain
- getCertificateList() - Method in interface org.bitcoin.protocols.payments.Protos.X509CertificatesOrBuilder
DER-encoded X.509 certificate chain
- getChainCode() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.crypto.DeterministicKey
Returns the chain code associated with this key.
- getChainCode() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.DeterministicKey.Builder
Random data that allows us to extend a key.
- getChainCode() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.DeterministicKey
Random data that allows us to extend a key.
- getChainCode() - Method in interface org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.DeterministicKeyOrBuilder
Random data that allows us to extend a key.
- getChainHead() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.AbstractBlockChain
Returns the block at the head of the current best chain.
- getChainHead() - Method in interface org.bitcoinj.store.BlockStore
Returns the
that represents the top of the chain of greatest total work.
- getChainHead() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.store.DatabaseFullPrunedBlockStore
- getChainHead() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.store.LevelDBBlockStore
- getChainHead() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.store.LevelDBFullPrunedBlockStore
- getChainHead() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.store.MemoryBlockStore
- getChainHead() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.store.MemoryFullPrunedBlockStore
- getChainHead() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.store.SPVBlockStore
- getChainHeadHeight() - Method in interface org.bitcoinj.core.UTXOProvider
Get the height of the chain head.
- getChainHeadHeight() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.store.DatabaseFullPrunedBlockStore
- getChainHeadHeight() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.store.LevelDBFullPrunedBlockStore
- getChainHeadHeight() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.store.MemoryFullPrunedBlockStore
- getChainWork() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.StoredBlock
The total sum of work done in this block, and all the blocks below it in the chain.
- getCheckpointBefore(long) - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.CheckpointManager
Returns a
representing the last checkpoint before the given time, for example, normally
you would want to know the checkpoint before the earliest wallet birthday.
- getChildNumber() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.crypto.DeterministicKey
- getChunks() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.script.Script
Returns an immutable list of the scripts parsed form.
- getCodeInstance() - Static method in class org.bitcoinj.utils.BtcFormat
Return a new auto-denominating instance that will indicate units using a currency
code, for example, "BTC"
- getCodeInstance(int) - Static method in class org.bitcoinj.utils.BtcFormat
Return a new code-style auto-formatter with the given number of fractional decimal
- getCodeInstance(Locale) - Static method in class org.bitcoinj.utils.BtcFormat
Return a new code-style auto-formatter for the given locale.
- getCodeInstance(Locale, int) - Static method in class org.bitcoinj.utils.BtcFormat
Return a new code-style auto-formatter for the given locale with the given number of
fraction places.
- getCoinInstance() - Static method in class org.bitcoinj.utils.BtcFormat
Return a new coin-denominated formatter.
- getCoinInstance(int, int...) - Static method in class org.bitcoinj.utils.BtcFormat
Return a new coin-denominated formatter with the specified fraction-places.
- getCoinInstance(Locale) - Static method in class org.bitcoinj.utils.BtcFormat
Return a new coin-denominated formatter for the given locale.
- getCoinInstance(Locale, int, int...) - Static method in class org.bitcoinj.utils.BtcFormat
Return a newly-constructed instance for the given locale that will format
values in terms of bitcoins, with the given minimum number of fractional
decimal places.
- getCoinSelector() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Wallet
Returns the default
object that is used by this wallet if no custom selector is specified.
- getCoinValue() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.ExchangeRate.Builder
This much of satoshis (1E-8 fractions)…
- getCoinValue() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.ExchangeRate
This much of satoshis (1E-8 fractions)…
- getCoinValue() - Method in interface org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.ExchangeRateOrBuilder
This much of satoshis (1E-8 fractions)…
- getCombinedKeyLookaheadEpochs() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.KeyChainGroup
Returns a counter that increases (by an arbitrary amount) each time new keys have been calculated due to
lookahead and thus the Bloom filter that was previously calculated has become stale.
- getCompatibilitySQL() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.store.DatabaseFullPrunedBlockStore
Get the SQL statements to check if the database is compatible.
- getConfidence() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.Transaction
- getConfidence(Context) - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.Transaction
- getConfidence(TxConfidenceTable) - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.Transaction
- getConfidence() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.Transaction.Builder
Data describing where the transaction is in the chain.
- getConfidence() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.Transaction
Data describing where the transaction is in the chain.
- getConfidence() - Method in interface org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.TransactionOrBuilder
Data describing where the transaction is in the chain.
- getConfidenceTable() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.Context
- getConfidenceType() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.TransactionConfidence
Returns a general statement of the level of confidence you can have in this transaction.
- getConnectedClientCount() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.net.BlockingClientManager
- getConnectedClientCount() - Method in interface org.bitcoinj.net.ClientConnectionManager
Gets the number of connected peers
- getConnectedClientCount() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.net.NioClientManager
- getConnectedKey(KeyBag) - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.TransactionOutPoint
Returns the ECKey identified in the connected output, for either P2PKH, P2WPKH or P2PK scripts.
- getConnectedOutput() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.TransactionInput
- getConnectedOutput() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.TransactionOutPoint
An outpoint is a part of a transaction input that points to the output of another transaction.
- getConnectedPeers() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.PeerGroup
Returns a newly allocated list containing the currently connected peers.
- getConnectedPubKeyScript() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.TransactionOutPoint
Returns the pubkey script from the connected output.
- getConnectedRedeemData(KeyBag) - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.TransactionInput
Alias for getOutpoint().getConnectedRedeemData(keyBag)
- getConnectedRedeemData(KeyBag) - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.TransactionOutPoint
Returns the RedeemData identified in the connected output, for either P2PKH, P2WPKH, P2PK
or P2SH scripts.
- getConnectedTransaction() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.TransactionInput
- getConnectFuture() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.net.BlockingClient
Returns a future that completes once connection has occurred at the socket level or with an exception if failed to connect.
- getConnectionOpenFuture() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.Peer
Provides a ListenableFuture that can be used to wait for the socket to connect.
- getContext() - Static method in class org.bitcoin.Secp256k1Context
- getContext() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Wallet
Returns the API context that this wallet was created with.
- getCountAtOrAbove(long) - Method in class org.bitcoinj.utils.VersionTally
Get the count of blocks at or above the given version, within the window.
- getCreateIndexesSQL() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.store.DatabaseFullPrunedBlockStore
Get the SQL statements that create the indexes (DDL).
- getCreateIndexesSQL() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.store.H2FullPrunedBlockStore
- getCreateIndexesSQL() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.store.MySQLFullPrunedBlockStore
- getCreateIndexesSQL() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.store.PostgresFullPrunedBlockStore
- getCreateSchemeSQL() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.store.DatabaseFullPrunedBlockStore
Get the SQL statements that create the schema (DDL).
- getCreateSchemeSQL() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.store.H2FullPrunedBlockStore
- getCreateSchemeSQL() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.store.MySQLFullPrunedBlockStore
- getCreateSchemeSQL() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.store.PostgresFullPrunedBlockStore
- getCreateTablesSQL() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.store.DatabaseFullPrunedBlockStore
Get the SQL statements that create the tables (DDL).
- getCreateTablesSQL() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.store.H2FullPrunedBlockStore
- getCreateTablesSQL() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.store.MySQLFullPrunedBlockStore
- getCreateTablesSQL() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.store.PostgresFullPrunedBlockStore
- getCreationTimeSeconds() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.ECKey
Returns the creation time of this key or zero if the key was deserialized from a version that did not store
that data.
- getCreationTimeSeconds() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.crypto.DeterministicKey
The creation time of a deterministic key is equal to that of its parent, unless this key is the root of a tree
in which case the time is stored alongside the key as per normal, see
- getCreationTimeSeconds() - Method in interface org.bitcoinj.crypto.EncryptableItem
Returns the time in seconds since the UNIX epoch at which this encryptable item was first created/derived.
- getCreationTimeSeconds() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.script.Script
- getCreationTimeSeconds() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.DeterministicSeed
- getCreationTimestamp() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.Key.Builder
Timestamp stored as millis since epoch.
- getCreationTimestamp() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.Key
Timestamp stored as millis since epoch.
- getCreationTimestamp() - Method in interface org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.KeyOrBuilder
Timestamp stored as millis since epoch.
- getCreationTimestamp() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.Script.Builder
Timestamp stored as millis since epoch.
- getCreationTimestamp() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.Script
Timestamp stored as millis since epoch.
- getCreationTimestamp() - Method in interface org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.ScriptOrBuilder
Timestamp stored as millis since epoch.
- getCurrencyCode() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.utils.Fiat
- getCurve() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.crypto.LazyECPoint
- getData(Peer, GetDataMessage) - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.listeners.AbstractPeerDataEventListener
- getData(Peer, GetDataMessage) - Method in interface org.bitcoinj.core.listeners.GetDataEventListener
Called when a peer receives a getdata message, usually in response to an "inv" being broadcast.
- getData() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.Extension.Builder
required bytes data = 2;
- getData() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.Extension
required bytes data = 2;
- getData() - Method in interface org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.ExtensionOrBuilder
required bytes data = 2;
- getData(int) - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.ScriptWitness.Builder
repeated bytes data = 1;
- getData(int) - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.ScriptWitness
repeated bytes data = 1;
- getData(int) - Method in interface org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.ScriptWitnessOrBuilder
repeated bytes data = 1;
- getData() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.Tag.Builder
required bytes data = 2;
- getData() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.Tag
required bytes data = 2;
- getData() - Method in interface org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.TagOrBuilder
required bytes data = 2;
- getDatabaseDriverClass() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.store.DatabaseFullPrunedBlockStore
Get the database driver class,
- getDatabaseDriverClass() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.store.H2FullPrunedBlockStore
- getDatabaseDriverClass() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.store.MySQLFullPrunedBlockStore
- getDatabaseDriverClass() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.store.PostgresFullPrunedBlockStore
- getDataCount() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.ScriptWitness.Builder
repeated bytes data = 1;
- getDataCount() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.ScriptWitness
repeated bytes data = 1;
- getDataCount() - Method in interface org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.ScriptWitnessOrBuilder
repeated bytes data = 1;
- GetDataEventListener - Interface in org.bitcoinj.core.listeners
Implementors can listen to events like blocks being downloaded/transactions being broadcast/connect/disconnects,
they can pre-filter messages before they are processed by a
, and they can
provide transactions to remote peers when they ask for them.
- getDataHash() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.CheckpointManager
Returns a hash of the concatenated checkpoint data.
- getDataList() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.ScriptWitness.Builder
repeated bytes data = 1;
- getDataList() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.ScriptWitness
repeated bytes data = 1;
- getDataList() - Method in interface org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.ScriptWitnessOrBuilder
repeated bytes data = 1;
- GetDataMessage - Class in org.bitcoinj.core
Represents the "getdata" P2P network message, which requests the contents of blocks or transactions given their
- GetDataMessage(NetworkParameters, byte[]) - Constructor for class org.bitcoinj.core.GetDataMessage
- GetDataMessage(NetworkParameters, byte[], MessageSerializer, int) - Constructor for class org.bitcoinj.core.GetDataMessage
Deserializes a 'getdata' message.
- GetDataMessage(NetworkParameters) - Constructor for class org.bitcoinj.core.GetDataMessage
- getDate() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.protocols.payments.PaymentSession
Returns the date that the payment request was generated.
- getDefaultInstance() - Static method in class org.bitcoin.crawler.PeerSeedProtos.PeerSeedData
- getDefaultInstance() - Static method in class org.bitcoin.crawler.PeerSeedProtos.PeerSeeds
- getDefaultInstance() - Static method in class org.bitcoin.crawler.PeerSeedProtos.SignedPeerSeeds
- getDefaultInstance() - Static method in class org.bitcoin.protocols.payments.Protos.Output
- getDefaultInstance() - Static method in class org.bitcoin.protocols.payments.Protos.Payment
- getDefaultInstance() - Static method in class org.bitcoin.protocols.payments.Protos.PaymentACK
- getDefaultInstance() - Static method in class org.bitcoin.protocols.payments.Protos.PaymentDetails
- getDefaultInstance() - Static method in class org.bitcoin.protocols.payments.Protos.PaymentRequest
- getDefaultInstance() - Static method in class org.bitcoin.protocols.payments.Protos.X509Certificates
- getDefaultInstance() - Static method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.DeterministicKey
- getDefaultInstance() - Static method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.EncryptedData
- getDefaultInstance() - Static method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.ExchangeRate
- getDefaultInstance() - Static method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.Extension
- getDefaultInstance() - Static method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.Key
- getDefaultInstance() - Static method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.PeerAddress
- getDefaultInstance() - Static method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.Script
- getDefaultInstance() - Static method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.ScriptWitness
- getDefaultInstance() - Static method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.ScryptParameters
- getDefaultInstance() - Static method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.Tag
- getDefaultInstance() - Static method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.Transaction
- getDefaultInstance() - Static method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.TransactionConfidence
- getDefaultInstance() - Static method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.TransactionInput
- getDefaultInstance() - Static method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.TransactionOutput
- getDefaultInstance() - Static method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.Wallet
- getDefaultSerializer() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.NetworkParameters
Return the default serializer for this network.
- getDeleteOpenoutputsSQL() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.store.DatabaseFullPrunedBlockStore
Get the SQL to delete a openoutputs record.
- getDeleteOpenoutputsSQL() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.store.MySQLFullPrunedBlockStore
- getDeleteUndoableBlocksSQL() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.store.DatabaseFullPrunedBlockStore
Get the SQL to delete a undoableblocks record.
- getDepth() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.crypto.DeterministicKey
Return this key's depth in the hierarchy, where the root node is at depth zero.
- getDepth() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.TransactionConfidence.Builder
If type == BUILDING then this is the depth of the transaction in the blockchain.
- getDepth() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.TransactionConfidence
If type == BUILDING then this is the depth of the transaction in the blockchain.
- getDepth() - Method in interface org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.TransactionConfidenceOrBuilder
If type == BUILDING then this is the depth of the transaction in the blockchain.
- getDepthFuture(int, Executor) - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.TransactionConfidence
Returns a future that completes when the transaction has been confirmed by "depth" blocks.
- getDepthFuture(int) - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.TransactionConfidence
- getDepthInBlocks() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.TransactionConfidence
Depth in the chain is an approximation of how much time has elapsed since the transaction has been confirmed.
- getDescription() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.Wallet.Builder
A UTF8 encoded text description of the wallet that is intended for end user provided text.
- getDescription() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.Wallet
A UTF8 encoded text description of the wallet that is intended for end user provided text.
- getDescription() - Method in interface org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.WalletOrBuilder
A UTF8 encoded text description of the wallet that is intended for end user provided text.
- getDescription() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Wallet
Get the description of the wallet.
- getDescriptionBytes() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.Wallet.Builder
A UTF8 encoded text description of the wallet that is intended for end user provided text.
- getDescriptionBytes() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.Wallet
A UTF8 encoded text description of the wallet that is intended for end user provided text.
- getDescriptionBytes() - Method in interface org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.WalletOrBuilder
A UTF8 encoded text description of the wallet that is intended for end user provided text.
- getDetachedPoint() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.crypto.LazyECPoint
- getDeterministicKey() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.Key.Builder
optional .wallet.DeterministicKey deterministic_key = 7;
- getDeterministicKey() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.Key
optional .wallet.DeterministicKey deterministic_key = 7;
- getDeterministicKey() - Method in interface org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.KeyOrBuilder
optional .wallet.DeterministicKey deterministic_key = 7;
- getDeterministicKeyChains() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.KeyChainGroup
Returns a copy of the current list of chains.
- getDeterministicSeed() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.Key.Builder
The seed for a deterministic key hierarchy.
- getDeterministicSeed() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.Key
The seed for a deterministic key hierarchy.
- getDeterministicSeed() - Method in interface org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.KeyOrBuilder
The seed for a deterministic key hierarchy.
- getDifficultyTarget() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.Block
Returns the difficulty of the proof of work that this block should meet encoded in compact form.
- getDifficultyTargetAsInteger() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.Block
Returns the difficulty target as a 256 bit value that can be compared to a SHA-256 hash.
- getDisplayNameFromCertificate(X509Certificate, boolean) - Static method in class org.bitcoinj.crypto.X509Utils
Returns either a string that "sums up" the certificate for humans, in a similar manner to what you might see
in a web browser, or null if one cannot be extracted.
- getDnsSeeds() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.NetworkParameters
Returns DNS names that when resolved, give IP addresses of active peers.
- getDownloadPeer() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.PeerGroup
Returns the currently selected download peer.
- getDropTablesSQL() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.store.DatabaseFullPrunedBlockStore
Get the SQL to drop all the tables (DDL).
- getDumpedPrivateKeyHeader() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.NetworkParameters
First byte of a base58 encoded dumped private key.
- getDuplicateKeyErrorCode() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.store.DatabaseFullPrunedBlockStore
Get the database specific error code that indicated a duplicate key error when inserting a record.
- getDuplicateKeyErrorCode() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.store.H2FullPrunedBlockStore
- getDuplicateKeyErrorCode() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.store.MySQLFullPrunedBlockStore
- getDuplicateKeyErrorCode() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.store.PostgresFullPrunedBlockStore
- getEarliestKeyCreationTime() - Method in interface org.bitcoinj.core.PeerFilterProvider
Returns the earliest timestamp (seconds since epoch) for which full/bloom-filtered blocks must be downloaded.
- getEarliestKeyCreationTime() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.BasicKeyChain
- getEarliestKeyCreationTime() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.DeterministicKeyChain
- getEarliestKeyCreationTime() - Method in interface org.bitcoinj.wallet.KeyChain
Returns the earliest creation time of keys in this chain, in seconds since the epoch.
- getEarliestKeyCreationTime() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.KeyChainGroup
- getEarliestKeyCreationTime() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Wallet
Returns the earliest creation time of keys or watched scripts in this wallet, in seconds since the epoch, ie the min
- getEncoded() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.crypto.LazyECPoint
- getEncoded(boolean) - Method in class org.bitcoinj.crypto.LazyECPoint
- getEncryptedData() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.ECKey
- getEncryptedData() - Method in interface org.bitcoinj.crypto.EncryptableItem
Returns the initialization vector and encrypted secret bytes, or null if not encrypted.
- getEncryptedData() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.DeterministicSeed
- getEncryptedData() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.Key.Builder
If the secret data is encrypted, then secret_bytes is missing and this field is set.
- getEncryptedData() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.Key
If the secret data is encrypted, then secret_bytes is missing and this field is set.
- getEncryptedData() - Method in interface org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.KeyOrBuilder
If the secret data is encrypted, then secret_bytes is missing and this field is set.
- getEncryptedDeterministicSeed() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.Key.Builder
Encrypted version of the seed
- getEncryptedDeterministicSeed() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.Key
Encrypted version of the seed
- getEncryptedDeterministicSeed() - Method in interface org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.KeyOrBuilder
Encrypted version of the seed
- getEncryptedPrivateKey() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.ECKey
Returns the the encrypted private key bytes and initialisation vector for this ECKey, or null if the ECKey
is not encrypted.
- getEncryptedPrivateKey() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.EncryptedData.Builder
The encrypted private key
- getEncryptedPrivateKey() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.EncryptedData
The encrypted private key
- getEncryptedPrivateKey() - Method in interface org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.EncryptedDataOrBuilder
The encrypted private key
- getEncryptedSeedData() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.DeterministicSeed
- getEncryptionParameters() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.Wallet.Builder
optional .wallet.ScryptParameters encryption_parameters = 6;
- getEncryptionParameters() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.Wallet
optional .wallet.ScryptParameters encryption_parameters = 6;
- getEncryptionParameters() - Method in interface org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.WalletOrBuilder
optional .wallet.ScryptParameters encryption_parameters = 6;
- getEncryptionType() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.ECKey
- getEncryptionType() - Method in interface org.bitcoinj.crypto.EncryptableItem
Returns an enum constant describing what algorithm was used to encrypt the key or UNENCRYPTED.
- getEncryptionType() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.DeterministicSeed
- getEncryptionType() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.Wallet.Builder
optional .wallet.Wallet.EncryptionType encryption_type = 5 [default = UNENCRYPTED];
- getEncryptionType() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.Wallet
optional .wallet.Wallet.EncryptionType encryption_type = 5 [default = UNENCRYPTED];
- getEncryptionType() - Method in interface org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.WalletOrBuilder
optional .wallet.Wallet.EncryptionType encryption_type = 5 [default = UNENCRYPTED];
- getEncryptionType() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Wallet
Get the type of encryption used for this wallet.
- getError() - Method in exception org.bitcoinj.script.ScriptException
- getEventHorizon() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.Context
The event horizon is the number of blocks after which various bits of the library consider a transaction to be
so confirmed that it's safe to delete data.
- getExchangeRate() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.Transaction
- getExchangeRate() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.Transaction.Builder
Exchange rate that was valid when the transaction was sent.
- getExchangeRate() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.Transaction
Exchange rate that was valid when the transaction was sent.
- getExchangeRate() - Method in interface org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.TransactionOrBuilder
Exchange rate that was valid when the transaction was sent.
- getExpires() - Method in class org.bitcoin.protocols.payments.Protos.PaymentDetails.Builder
Timestamp; when this request should be considered invalid
- getExpires() - Method in class org.bitcoin.protocols.payments.Protos.PaymentDetails
Timestamp; when this request should be considered invalid
- getExpires() - Method in interface org.bitcoin.protocols.payments.Protos.PaymentDetailsOrBuilder
Timestamp; when this request should be considered invalid
- getExpires() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.protocols.payments.PaymentSession
Returns the expires time of the payment request, or null if none.
- getExtension(int) - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.Wallet.Builder
repeated .wallet.Extension extension = 10;
- getExtension(int) - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.Wallet
repeated .wallet.Extension extension = 10;
- getExtension(int) - Method in interface org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.WalletOrBuilder
repeated .wallet.Extension extension = 10;
- getExtensionCount() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.Wallet.Builder
repeated .wallet.Extension extension = 10;
- getExtensionCount() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.Wallet
repeated .wallet.Extension extension = 10;
- getExtensionCount() - Method in interface org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.WalletOrBuilder
repeated .wallet.Extension extension = 10;
- getExtensionList() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.Wallet.Builder
repeated .wallet.Extension extension = 10;
- getExtensionList() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.Wallet
repeated .wallet.Extension extension = 10;
- getExtensionList() - Method in interface org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.WalletOrBuilder
repeated .wallet.Extension extension = 10;
- getExtensionOrBuilder(int) - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.Wallet
repeated .wallet.Extension extension = 10;
- getExtensionOrBuilderList() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.Wallet
repeated .wallet.Extension extension = 10;
- getExtensions() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Wallet
Returns a snapshot of all registered extension objects.
- getFalsePositiveRate() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.AbstractBlockChain
The false positive rate is the average over all blockchain transactions of:
- 1.0 if the transaction was false-positive (was irrelevant to all listeners)
- 0.0 if the transaction was relevant or filtered out
- getFalsePositiveRate(int) - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.BloomFilter
Returns the theoretical false positive rate of this filter if were to contain the given number of elements.
- getFastCatchupTimeSecs() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.PeerGroup
Returns the current fast catchup time.
- getFee() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.Transaction
The transaction fee is the difference of the value of all inputs and the value of all outputs.
- getFeeFilter() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.Peer
Returns the fee filter announced by the remote peer, interpreted as satoshis per kB.
- getFeePerKb() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.Context
The default fee per 1000 virtual bytes of transaction data to pay when completing transactions.
- getFeeRate() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.FeeFilterMessage
- getFiatCurrencyCode() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.ExchangeRate.Builder
ISO 4217 currency code (if available) of the fiat currency.
- getFiatCurrencyCode() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.ExchangeRate
ISO 4217 currency code (if available) of the fiat currency.
- getFiatCurrencyCode() - Method in interface org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.ExchangeRateOrBuilder
ISO 4217 currency code (if available) of the fiat currency.
- getFiatCurrencyCodeBytes() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.ExchangeRate.Builder
ISO 4217 currency code (if available) of the fiat currency.
- getFiatCurrencyCodeBytes() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.ExchangeRate
ISO 4217 currency code (if available) of the fiat currency.
- getFiatCurrencyCodeBytes() - Method in interface org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.ExchangeRateOrBuilder
ISO 4217 currency code (if available) of the fiat currency.
- getFiatValue() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.ExchangeRate.Builder
…is worth this much of fiat (1E-4 fractions).
- getFiatValue() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.ExchangeRate
…is worth this much of fiat (1E-4 fractions).
- getFiatValue() - Method in interface org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.ExchangeRateOrBuilder
…is worth this much of fiat (1E-4 fractions).
- getFileSize(int) - Static method in class org.bitcoinj.store.SPVBlockStore
Returns the size in bytes of the file that is used to store the chain with the current parameters.
- getFilter(int, double, long) - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.BasicKeyChain
- getFilter(int, double, long) - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.DeterministicKeyChain
- getFilter(int, double, long) - Method in interface org.bitcoinj.wallet.KeyChain
Gets a bloom filter that contains all of the public keys from this chain, and which will provide the given
false-positive rate if it has size elements.
- getFilter(int, double, long) - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.MarriedKeyChain
- getFingerprint() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.crypto.DeterministicKey
- getFullKey() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.RedeemData
Returns the first key that has private bytes
- getFuture() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.listeners.DownloadProgressTracker
Returns a listenable future that completes with the height of the best chain (as reported by the peer) once chain
download seems to be finished.
- getGenesisBlock() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.NetworkParameters
Genesis block for this chain.
- getGenesisBlock() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.params.MainNetParams
- getGenesisBlock() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.params.RegTestParams
- getGenesisBlock() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.params.TestNet3Params
- getGenesisBlock() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.params.UnitTestParams
- getHash() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.Address
Get either the public key hash or script hash that is encoded in the address.
- getHash() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.Block
Returns the hash of the block (which for a valid, solved block should be
below the target).
- getHash() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.FilteredBlock
Gets the hash of the block represented in this Filtered Block
- getHash() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.LegacyAddress
The (big endian) 20 byte hash that is the core of a Bitcoin address.
- getHash() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.Message
This method is a NOP for all classes except Block and Transaction.
- getHash() - Method in exception org.bitcoinj.core.PrunedException
- getHash() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.SegwitAddress
- getHash() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.StoredUndoableBlock
Get the hash of the represented block
- getHash() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.Transaction
- getHash() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.TransactionOutPoint
Returns the hash of the transaction this outpoint references/spends/is connected to.
- getHash() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.UTXO
The hash of the transaction which holds this output.
- getHash() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.Transaction.Builder
required bytes hash = 2;
- getHash() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.Transaction
required bytes hash = 2;
- getHash() - Method in interface org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.TransactionOrBuilder
required bytes hash = 2;
- getHashAsString() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.Block
Returns the hash of the block (which for a valid, solved block should be below the target) in the form seen on
the block explorer.
- getHashAsString() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.Transaction
- getHashes() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.BlockLocator
Returns List of Block locator hashes.
- getHashOf(int) - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.GetDataMessage
- getHeader() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.StoredBlock
The block header this object wraps.
- GetHeadersMessage - Class in org.bitcoinj.core
The "getheaders" command is structurally identical to "getblocks", but has different meaning.
- GetHeadersMessage(NetworkParameters, BlockLocator, Sha256Hash) - Constructor for class org.bitcoinj.core.GetHeadersMessage
- GetHeadersMessage(NetworkParameters, byte[]) - Constructor for class org.bitcoinj.core.GetHeadersMessage
- getHeight() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.StoredBlock
Position in the chain for this block.
- getHeight() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.UTXO
Gets the height of the block that created this output.
- getHeightFuture(int) - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.AbstractBlockChain
Returns a future that completes when the block chain has reached the given height.
- getHeights() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.UTXOsMessage
Returns the block heights of each output returned in getOutputs(), or MEMPOOL_HEIGHT if not confirmed yet.
- getHitMap() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.UTXOsMessage
Returns a bit map indicating which of the queried outputs were found in the UTXO set.
- getHostname() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.PeerAddress
- getHttpSeeds() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.NetworkParameters
Returns discovery objects for seeds implementing the Cartographer protocol.
- getI() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.crypto.ChildNumber
Returns the uint32 encoded form of the path element, including the most significant bit.
- getId() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.NetworkParameters
A Java package style string acting as unique ID for these parameters
- getId() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.Extension.Builder
like org.whatever.foo.bar
- getId() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.Extension
like org.whatever.foo.bar
- getId() - Method in interface org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.ExtensionOrBuilder
like org.whatever.foo.bar
- getIdBytes() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.Extension.Builder
like org.whatever.foo.bar
- getIdBytes() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.Extension
like org.whatever.foo.bar
- getIdBytes() - Method in interface org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.ExtensionOrBuilder
like org.whatever.foo.bar
- getIdentifier() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.crypto.DeterministicKey
Returns RIPE-MD160(SHA256(pub key bytes)).
- getImportedKeys() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.KeyChainGroup
Returns a list of the non-deterministic keys that have been imported into the wallet, or the empty list if none.
- getImportedKeys() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Wallet
Returns a list of the non-deterministic keys that have been imported into the wallet, or the empty list if none.
- getIncludeMempool() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.GetUTXOsMessage
- getIndex() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.TransactionInput
Gets the index of this input in the parent transaction, or throws if this input is free standing.
- getIndex() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.TransactionOutPoint
- getIndex() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.TransactionOutput
Gets the index of this output in the parent transaction, or throws if this output is free standing.
- getIndex() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.UTXO
The index of this output in the transaction which holds it.
- getInitialisationVector() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.EncryptedData.Builder
The initialisation vector for the AES encryption (16 bytes)
- getInitialisationVector() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.EncryptedData
The initialisation vector for the AES encryption (16 bytes)
- getInitialisationVector() - Method in interface org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.EncryptedDataOrBuilder
The initialisation vector for the AES encryption (16 bytes)
- getInput(long) - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.Transaction
Same as getInputs().get(index).
- getInputs() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.Transaction
Returns an unmodifiable view of all inputs.
- getInputSum() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.Transaction
Gets the sum of the inputs, regardless of who owns them.
- getInsertHeadersSQL() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.store.DatabaseFullPrunedBlockStore
Get the SQL to insert a headers record.
- getInsertOpenoutputsSQL() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.store.DatabaseFullPrunedBlockStore
Get the SQL to insert a openoutputs record.
- getInsertOpenoutputsSQL() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.store.MySQLFullPrunedBlockStore
- getInsertSettingsSQL() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.store.DatabaseFullPrunedBlockStore
Get the SQL to insert a settings record.
- getInsertUndoableBlocksSQL() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.store.DatabaseFullPrunedBlockStore
Get the SQL to insert a undoableblocks record.
- getInstance() - Static method in class org.bitcoinj.utils.BtcFormat
Return a new instance of this class using all defaults.
- getInstance(Locale) - Static method in class org.bitcoinj.utils.BtcFormat
Return a new code-style auto-formatter for the given locale.
- getInstance(Locale, int) - Static method in class org.bitcoinj.utils.BtcFormat
Return a new code-style auto-formatter for the given locale with the given number of
fraction places.
- getInstance(BtcAutoFormat.Style) - Static method in class org.bitcoinj.utils.BtcFormat
Return a new auto-denominating formatter.
- getInstance(BtcAutoFormat.Style, int) - Static method in class org.bitcoinj.utils.BtcFormat
Return a new auto-denominating formatter with the given number of fractional decimal
- getInstance(BtcAutoFormat.Style, Locale) - Static method in class org.bitcoinj.utils.BtcFormat
Return a new auto-formatter with the given style for the given locale.
- getInstance(BtcAutoFormat.Style, Locale, int) - Static method in class org.bitcoinj.utils.BtcFormat
Return a new auto-formatter for the given locale with the given number of fraction places.
- getInstance(int, int, int...) - Static method in class org.bitcoinj.utils.BtcFormat
Return a new fixed-denomination formatter with the specified fractional decimal
- getInstance(int) - Static method in class org.bitcoinj.utils.BtcFormat
Return a new fixed-denomination formatter.
- getInstance(int, Locale) - Static method in class org.bitcoinj.utils.BtcFormat
Return a new fixed-denomination formatter for the given locale.
- getInstance(int, Locale, int, int...) - Static method in class org.bitcoinj.utils.BtcFormat
Return a new fixed-denomination formatter for the given locale, with the specified
fractional decimal placing.
- getInstance(int, Locale, int, List<Integer>) - Static method in class org.bitcoinj.utils.BtcFormat
Return a new fixed-denomination formatter for the given locale, with the specified
fractional decimal placing.
- getInterval() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.NetworkParameters
How many blocks pass between difficulty adjustment periods.
- getIpAddress() - Method in class org.bitcoin.crawler.PeerSeedProtos.PeerSeedData.Builder
required string ip_address = 1;
- getIpAddress() - Method in class org.bitcoin.crawler.PeerSeedProtos.PeerSeedData
required string ip_address = 1;
- getIpAddress() - Method in interface org.bitcoin.crawler.PeerSeedProtos.PeerSeedDataOrBuilder
required string ip_address = 1;
- getIpAddress() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.PeerAddress.Builder
required bytes ip_address = 1;
- getIpAddress() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.PeerAddress
required bytes ip_address = 1;
- getIpAddress() - Method in interface org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.PeerAddressOrBuilder
required bytes ip_address = 1;
- getIpAddressBytes() - Method in class org.bitcoin.crawler.PeerSeedProtos.PeerSeedData.Builder
required string ip_address = 1;
- getIpAddressBytes() - Method in class org.bitcoin.crawler.PeerSeedProtos.PeerSeedData
required string ip_address = 1;
- getIpAddressBytes() - Method in interface org.bitcoin.crawler.PeerSeedProtos.PeerSeedDataOrBuilder
required string ip_address = 1;
- getIsFollowing() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.DeterministicKey.Builder
Flag indicating that this key is a root of a following chain.
- getIsFollowing() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.DeterministicKey
Flag indicating that this key is a root of a following chain.
- getIsFollowing() - Method in interface org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.DeterministicKeyOrBuilder
Flag indicating that this key is a root of a following chain.
- getIssuedExternalKeys() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.DeterministicKeyChain
Returns number of keys used on external path.
- getIssuedInternalKeys() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.DeterministicKeyChain
Returns number of keys used on internal path.
- getIssuedReceiveAddresses() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Wallet
- getIssuedReceiveKeys() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.DeterministicKeyChain
Returns only the external keys that have been issued by this chain, lookahead not included.
- getIssuedReceiveKeys() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Wallet
- getIssuedSubkeys() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.DeterministicKey.Builder
How many children of this key have been issued, that is, given to the user when they requested a fresh key?
For the parents of keys being handed out, this is always less than the true number of children: the difference is
called the lookahead zone.
- getIssuedSubkeys() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.DeterministicKey
How many children of this key have been issued, that is, given to the user when they requested a fresh key?
For the parents of keys being handed out, this is always less than the true number of children: the difference is
called the lookahead zone.
- getIssuedSubkeys() - Method in interface org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.DeterministicKeyOrBuilder
How many children of this key have been issued, that is, given to the user when they requested a fresh key?
For the parents of keys being handed out, this is always less than the true number of children: the difference is
called the lookahead zone.
- getItems() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.ListMessage
- getKey() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.DumpedPrivateKey
Returns an ECKey created from this encoded private key.
- getKey(KeyChain.KeyPurpose) - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.BasicKeyChain
- getKey(KeyChain.KeyPurpose) - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.DeterministicKeyChain
Returns a freshly derived key that has not been returned by this method before.
- getKey(KeyChain.KeyPurpose) - Method in interface org.bitcoinj.wallet.KeyChain
Obtains a key intended for the given purpose.
- getKey(int) - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.Wallet.Builder
repeated .wallet.Key key = 3;
- getKey(int) - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.Wallet
repeated .wallet.Key key = 3;
- getKey(int) - Method in interface org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.WalletOrBuilder
repeated .wallet.Key key = 3;
- getKeyByPath(ChildNumber...) - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.DeterministicKeyChain
Returns the deterministic key for the given absolute path in the hierarchy.
- getKeyByPath(List<ChildNumber>) - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.DeterministicKeyChain
Returns the deterministic key for the given absolute path in the hierarchy.
- getKeyByPath(List<ChildNumber>, boolean) - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.DeterministicKeyChain
Returns the deterministic key for the given absolute path in the hierarchy, optionally creating it
- getKeyByPath(List<ChildNumber>) - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Wallet
Returns a key for the given HD path, assuming it's already been derived.
- getKeyChainGroupCombinedKeyLookaheadEpochs() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Wallet
- getKeyChainGroupLookaheadSize() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Wallet
- getKeyChainGroupLookaheadThreshold() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Wallet
- getKeyChainGroupSize() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Wallet
Returns the number of keys in the key chain group, including lookahead keys.
- getKeyChainSeed() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Wallet
Returns the immutable seed for the current active HD chain.
- getKeyCount() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.Wallet.Builder
repeated .wallet.Key key = 3;
- getKeyCount() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.Wallet
repeated .wallet.Key key = 3;
- getKeyCount() - Method in interface org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.WalletOrBuilder
repeated .wallet.Key key = 3;
- getKeyCrypter() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.ECKey
Returns the KeyCrypter that was used to encrypt to encrypt this ECKey.
- getKeyCrypter() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.crypto.DeterministicKey
Returns this keys
or the keycrypter of its parent key.
- getKeyCrypter() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.BasicKeyChain
Returns the
in use or null if the key chain is not encrypted.
- getKeyCrypter() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.DeterministicKeyChain
- getKeyCrypter() - Method in interface org.bitcoinj.wallet.EncryptableKeyChain
Returns the key crypter used by this key chain, or null if it's not encrypted.
- getKeyCrypter() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.KeyChainGroup
Returns the key crypter or null if the group is not encrypted.
- getKeyCrypter() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Wallet
Get the wallet's KeyCrypter, or null if the wallet is not encrypted.
- getKeyList() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.Wallet.Builder
repeated .wallet.Key key = 3;
- getKeyList() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.Wallet
repeated .wallet.Key key = 3;
- getKeyList() - Method in interface org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.WalletOrBuilder
repeated .wallet.Key key = 3;
- getKeyLookaheadEpoch() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.DeterministicKeyChain
Returns a counter that is incremented each time new keys are generated due to lookahead.
- getKeyOrBuilder(int) - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.Wallet
repeated .wallet.Key key = 3;
- getKeyOrBuilderList() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.Wallet
repeated .wallet.Key key = 3;
- getKeyRotationTime() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.Wallet.Builder
UNIX time in seconds since the epoch.
- getKeyRotationTime() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.Wallet
UNIX time in seconds since the epoch.
- getKeyRotationTime() - Method in interface org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.WalletOrBuilder
UNIX time in seconds since the epoch.
- getKeyRotationTime() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Wallet
Returns the key rotation time, or null if unconfigured.
- getKeys(KeyChain.KeyPurpose, int) - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.BasicKeyChain
- getKeys() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.BasicKeyChain
Returns a copy of the list of keys that this chain is managing.
- getKeys(KeyChain.KeyPurpose, int) - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.DeterministicKeyChain
Returns freshly derived key/s that have not been returned by this method before.
- getKeys(KeyChain.KeyPurpose, int) - Method in interface org.bitcoinj.wallet.KeyChain
Obtains a number of key/s intended for the given purpose.
- getKeyStore() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.crypto.TrustStoreLoader.DefaultTrustStoreLoader
- getKeyStore() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.crypto.TrustStoreLoader.FileTrustStoreLoader
- getKeyStore() - Method in interface org.bitcoinj.crypto.TrustStoreLoader
- getLabel() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.uri.BitcoinURI
- getLabel() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.Key.Builder
User-provided label associated with the key.
- getLabel() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.Key
User-provided label associated with the key.
- getLabel() - Method in interface org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.KeyOrBuilder
User-provided label associated with the key.
- getLabelBytes() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.Key.Builder
User-provided label associated with the key.
- getLabelBytes() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.Key
User-provided label associated with the key.
- getLabelBytes() - Method in interface org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.KeyOrBuilder
User-provided label associated with the key.
- getLastBlockSeenHash() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Wallet
Returns the hash of the last seen best-chain block, or null if the wallet is too old to store this data.
- getLastBlockSeenHeight() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Wallet
Returns the height of the last seen best-chain block.
- getLastBlockSeenTime() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Wallet
Returns a Date
representing the time extracted from the last best seen block header.
- getLastBlockSeenTimeSecs() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Wallet
Returns the UNIX time in seconds since the epoch extracted from the last best seen block header.
- getLastBroadcastedAt() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.TransactionConfidence
Return the time the transaction was last announced to us.
- getLastBroadcastedAt() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.TransactionConfidence.Builder
Millis since epoch the transaction was last announced to us.
- getLastBroadcastedAt() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.TransactionConfidence
Millis since epoch the transaction was last announced to us.
- getLastBroadcastedAt() - Method in interface org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.TransactionConfidenceOrBuilder
Millis since epoch the transaction was last announced to us.
- getLastFilter() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.net.FilterMerger
- getLastPingTime() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.Peer
Returns the elapsed time of the last ping/pong cycle.
- getLastSeenBlockHash() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.Wallet.Builder
The SHA256 hash of the head of the best chain seen by this wallet.
- getLastSeenBlockHash() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.Wallet
The SHA256 hash of the head of the best chain seen by this wallet.
- getLastSeenBlockHash() - Method in interface org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.WalletOrBuilder
The SHA256 hash of the head of the best chain seen by this wallet.
- getLastSeenBlockHeight() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.Wallet.Builder
The height in the chain of the last seen block.
- getLastSeenBlockHeight() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.Wallet
The height in the chain of the last seen block.
- getLastSeenBlockHeight() - Method in interface org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.WalletOrBuilder
The height in the chain of the last seen block.
- getLastSeenBlockTimeSecs() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.Wallet.Builder
optional int64 last_seen_block_time_secs = 14;
- getLastSeenBlockTimeSecs() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.Wallet
optional int64 last_seen_block_time_secs = 14;
- getLastSeenBlockTimeSecs() - Method in interface org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.WalletOrBuilder
optional int64 last_seen_block_time_secs = 14;
- getLeafKeys() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.DeterministicKeyChain
Returns leaf keys issued by this chain (including lookahead zone)
- getListeners() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.BasicKeyChain
- getLocator() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.GetBlocksMessage
- getLockTime() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.Transaction
Transactions can have an associated lock time, specified either as a block height or in seconds since the
UNIX epoch.
- getLockTime() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.Transaction.Builder
The nLockTime field is useful for contracts.
- getLockTime() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.Transaction
The nLockTime field is useful for contracts.
- getLockTime() - Method in interface org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.TransactionOrBuilder
The nLockTime field is useful for contracts.
- getLookaheadSize() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.DeterministicKeyChain
The number of public keys we should pre-generate on each path before they are requested by the app.
- getLookaheadSize() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.KeyChainGroup
Gets the current lookahead size being used for ALL deterministic key chains.
- getLookaheadSize() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.DeterministicKey.Builder
optional uint32 lookahead_size = 4;
- getLookaheadSize() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.DeterministicKey
optional uint32 lookahead_size = 4;
- getLookaheadSize() - Method in interface org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.DeterministicKeyOrBuilder
optional uint32 lookahead_size = 4;
- getLookaheadThreshold() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.DeterministicKeyChain
Gets the threshold for the key pre-generation.
- getLookaheadThreshold() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.KeyChainGroup
Gets the current lookahead threshold being used for ALL deterministic key chains.
- getMajorityEnforceBlockUpgrade() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.NetworkParameters
The number of blocks in the last
at which to trigger a notice to the user to upgrade their client, where
the client does not understand those blocks.
- getMajorityRejectBlockOutdated() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.NetworkParameters
- getMajorityWindow() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.NetworkParameters
The sampling window from which the version numbers of blocks are taken
in order to determine if a new block version is now the majority.
- getMandatory() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.Extension.Builder
If we do not understand a mandatory extension, abort to prevent data loss.
- getMandatory() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.Extension
If we do not understand a mandatory extension, abort to prevent data loss.
- getMandatory() - Method in interface org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.ExtensionOrBuilder
If we do not understand a mandatory extension, abort to prevent data loss.
- getMaxConnections() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.PeerGroup
The maximum number of connections that we will create to peers.
- getMaxMessageSize() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.PeerSocketHandler
- getMaxMessageSize() - Method in interface org.bitcoinj.net.StreamConnection
Returns the maximum message size of a message on the socket.
- getMaxMoney() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.NetworkParameters
Returns the number of coins that will be produced in total, on this
- getMaxMoney() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.params.AbstractBitcoinNetParams
- getMaxPeersToDiscoverCount() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.PeerGroup
Returns the maximum number of
s to discover.
- getMaxTarget() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.NetworkParameters
Maximum target represents the easiest allowable proof of work.
- getMemo() - Method in class org.bitcoin.protocols.payments.Protos.Payment.Builder
Human-readable message for the merchant
- getMemo() - Method in class org.bitcoin.protocols.payments.Protos.Payment
Human-readable message for the merchant
- getMemo() - Method in class org.bitcoin.protocols.payments.Protos.PaymentACK.Builder
human-readable message for customer
- getMemo() - Method in class org.bitcoin.protocols.payments.Protos.PaymentACK
human-readable message for customer
- getMemo() - Method in interface org.bitcoin.protocols.payments.Protos.PaymentACKOrBuilder
human-readable message for customer
- getMemo() - Method in class org.bitcoin.protocols.payments.Protos.PaymentDetails.Builder
Human-readable description of request for the customer
- getMemo() - Method in class org.bitcoin.protocols.payments.Protos.PaymentDetails
Human-readable description of request for the customer
- getMemo() - Method in interface org.bitcoin.protocols.payments.Protos.PaymentDetailsOrBuilder
Human-readable description of request for the customer
- getMemo() - Method in interface org.bitcoin.protocols.payments.Protos.PaymentOrBuilder
Human-readable message for the merchant
- getMemo() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.Transaction
- getMemo() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.protocols.payments.PaymentProtocol.Ack
Returns the memo included by the merchant in the payment ack.
- getMemo() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.protocols.payments.PaymentSession
Returns the memo included by the merchant in the payment request, or null if not found.
- getMemo() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.Transaction.Builder
Memo of the transaction.
- getMemo() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.Transaction
Memo of the transaction.
- getMemo() - Method in interface org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.TransactionOrBuilder
Memo of the transaction.
- getMemoBytes() - Method in class org.bitcoin.protocols.payments.Protos.Payment.Builder
Human-readable message for the merchant
- getMemoBytes() - Method in class org.bitcoin.protocols.payments.Protos.Payment
Human-readable message for the merchant
- getMemoBytes() - Method in class org.bitcoin.protocols.payments.Protos.PaymentACK.Builder
human-readable message for customer
- getMemoBytes() - Method in class org.bitcoin.protocols.payments.Protos.PaymentACK
human-readable message for customer
- getMemoBytes() - Method in interface org.bitcoin.protocols.payments.Protos.PaymentACKOrBuilder
human-readable message for customer
- getMemoBytes() - Method in class org.bitcoin.protocols.payments.Protos.PaymentDetails.Builder
Human-readable description of request for the customer
- getMemoBytes() - Method in class org.bitcoin.protocols.payments.Protos.PaymentDetails
Human-readable description of request for the customer
- getMemoBytes() - Method in interface org.bitcoin.protocols.payments.Protos.PaymentDetailsOrBuilder
Human-readable description of request for the customer
- getMemoBytes() - Method in interface org.bitcoin.protocols.payments.Protos.PaymentOrBuilder
Human-readable message for the merchant
- getMemoBytes() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.Transaction.Builder
Memo of the transaction.
- getMemoBytes() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.Transaction
Memo of the transaction.
- getMemoBytes() - Method in interface org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.TransactionOrBuilder
Memo of the transaction.
- getMemoryPool() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.PeerGroup
- getMerchantData() - Method in class org.bitcoin.protocols.payments.Protos.Payment.Builder
From PaymentDetails.merchant_data
- getMerchantData() - Method in class org.bitcoin.protocols.payments.Protos.Payment
From PaymentDetails.merchant_data
- getMerchantData() - Method in class org.bitcoin.protocols.payments.Protos.PaymentDetails.Builder
Arbitrary data to include in the Payment message
- getMerchantData() - Method in class org.bitcoin.protocols.payments.Protos.PaymentDetails
Arbitrary data to include in the Payment message
- getMerchantData() - Method in interface org.bitcoin.protocols.payments.Protos.PaymentDetailsOrBuilder
Arbitrary data to include in the Payment message
- getMerchantData() - Method in interface org.bitcoin.protocols.payments.Protos.PaymentOrBuilder
From PaymentDetails.merchant_data
- getMerchantData() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.protocols.payments.PaymentSession
Returns the merchant data included by the merchant in the payment request, or null if none.
- getMerkleRoot() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.Block
Returns the merkle root in big endian form, calculating it from transactions if necessary.
- getMessage() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.uri.BitcoinURI
- getMessageSize() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.Message
This returns a correct value by parsing the message.
- getMessageSizeForPriorityCalc() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.Transaction
The priority (coin age) calculation doesn't use the regular message size, but rather one adjusted downwards
for the number of inputs.
- getMicroInstance() - Static method in class org.bitcoinj.utils.BtcFormat
Return a new microcoin-denominated formatter for the default locale.
- getMicroInstance(Locale) - Static method in class org.bitcoinj.utils.BtcFormat
Return a new microcoin-denominated formatter for the given locale.
- getMicroInstance(int, int...) - Static method in class org.bitcoinj.utils.BtcFormat
Return a new microcoin-denominated formatter with the specified fractional decimal
- getMicroInstance(Locale, int, int...) - Static method in class org.bitcoinj.utils.BtcFormat
Return a new microcoin-denominated formatter for the given locale with the specified
fractional decimal placing.
- getMilliInstance() - Static method in class org.bitcoinj.utils.BtcFormat
Return a new millicoin-denominated formatter.
- getMilliInstance(Locale) - Static method in class org.bitcoinj.utils.BtcFormat
Return a new millicoin-denominated formatter for the given locale.
- getMilliInstance(int, int...) - Static method in class org.bitcoinj.utils.BtcFormat
Return a new millicoin-denominated formatter with the specified fractional decimal
- getMilliInstance(Locale, int, int...) - Static method in class org.bitcoinj.utils.BtcFormat
Return a new millicoin-denominated formatter for the given locale with the specified
fractional decimal placing.
- getMinBroadcastConnections() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.PeerGroup
Returns the number of connections that are required before transactions will be broadcast.
- getMinNonDustOutput() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.NetworkParameters
- getMinNonDustOutput() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.params.AbstractBitcoinNetParams
- getMinNonDustValue(Coin) - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.TransactionOutput
Gets the minimum value for a txout of this size to be considered non-dust by Bitcoin Core
(and thus relayed).
- getMinNonDustValue() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.TransactionOutput
Returns the minimum value for this output to be considered "not dust", i.e.
- getMinRequiredProtocolVersion() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.PeerGroup
The minimum protocol version required: defaults to the version required for Bloom filtering.
- getMnemonic() - Method in enum org.bitcoinj.script.ScriptError
- getMnemonicCode() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.DeterministicKeyChain
Returns a list of words that represent the seed or null if this chain is a watching chain.
- getMnemonicCode() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.DeterministicSeed
Get the mnemonic code, or null if unknown.
- getMnemonicString() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.DeterministicSeed
Get the mnemonic code as string, or null if unknown.
- getMonetaryFormat() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.NetworkParameters
The monetary object for this currency.
- getMonetaryFormat() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.params.AbstractBitcoinNetParams
- getMostCommonChainHeight() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.PeerGroup
Returns our peers most commonly reported chain height.
- getMostCommonChainHeight(List<Peer>) - Static method in class org.bitcoinj.core.PeerGroup
Returns most commonly reported chain height from the given list of
- getN() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.ScryptParameters.Builder
CPU/ memory cost parameter
- getN() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.ScryptParameters
CPU/ memory cost parameter
- getN() - Method in interface org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.ScryptParametersOrBuilder
CPU/ memory cost parameter
- getNet() - Method in class org.bitcoin.crawler.PeerSeedProtos.PeerSeeds.Builder
required string net = 3;
- getNet() - Method in class org.bitcoin.crawler.PeerSeedProtos.PeerSeeds
required string net = 3;
- getNet() - Method in interface org.bitcoin.crawler.PeerSeedProtos.PeerSeedsOrBuilder
required string net = 3;
- getNetBytes() - Method in class org.bitcoin.crawler.PeerSeedProtos.PeerSeeds.Builder
required string net = 3;
- getNetBytes() - Method in class org.bitcoin.crawler.PeerSeedProtos.PeerSeeds
required string net = 3;
- getNetBytes() - Method in interface org.bitcoin.crawler.PeerSeedProtos.PeerSeedsOrBuilder
required string net = 3;
- getNetwork() - Method in class org.bitcoin.protocols.payments.Protos.PaymentDetails.Builder
"main" or "test"
- getNetwork() - Method in class org.bitcoin.protocols.payments.Protos.PaymentDetails
"main" or "test"
- getNetwork() - Method in interface org.bitcoin.protocols.payments.Protos.PaymentDetailsOrBuilder
"main" or "test"
- getNetworkBytes() - Method in class org.bitcoin.protocols.payments.Protos.PaymentDetails.Builder
"main" or "test"
- getNetworkBytes() - Method in class org.bitcoin.protocols.payments.Protos.PaymentDetails
"main" or "test"
- getNetworkBytes() - Method in interface org.bitcoin.protocols.payments.Protos.PaymentDetailsOrBuilder
"main" or "test"
- getNetworkIdentifier() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.Wallet.Builder
the network used by this wallet
- getNetworkIdentifier() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.Wallet
the network used by this wallet
- getNetworkIdentifier() - Method in interface org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.WalletOrBuilder
the network used by this wallet
- getNetworkIdentifierBytes() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.Wallet.Builder
the network used by this wallet
- getNetworkIdentifierBytes() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.Wallet
the network used by this wallet
- getNetworkIdentifierBytes() - Method in interface org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.WalletOrBuilder
the network used by this wallet
- getNetworkParameters() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.protocols.payments.PaymentSession
Gets the params as read from the PaymentRequest.network field: main is the default if missing.
- getNetworkParameters() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Wallet
- getNewConnection(InetAddress, int) - Method in interface org.bitcoinj.net.StreamConnectionFactory
Returns a new handler or null to have the connection close.
- getNonce() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.Block
Returns the nonce, an arbitrary value that exists only to make the hash of the block header fall below the
difficulty target.
- getNonce() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.Ping
- getNonce() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.Pong
Returns the nonce sent by the remote peer.
- getNonFinal() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.DefaultRiskAnalysis
Returns the transaction that was found to be non-final, or null.
- getNonStandard() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.DefaultRiskAnalysis
Returns the transaction that was found to be non-standard, or null.
- getNumber() - Method in enum org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.Key.OutputScriptType
- getNumber() - Method in enum org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.Key.Type
- getNumber() - Method in enum org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.Transaction.Pool
- getNumber() - Method in enum org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.Transaction.Purpose
- getNumber() - Method in enum org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.TransactionConfidence.Source
- getNumber() - Method in enum org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.TransactionConfidence.Type
- getNumber() - Method in enum org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.Wallet.EncryptionType
- getNumberOfBytesRequiredToSpend(ECKey, Script) - Method in class org.bitcoinj.script.Script
Returns number of bytes required to spend this script.
- getNumberOfSignaturesRequiredToSpend() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.script.Script
Returns number of signatures required to satisfy this script.
- getNumChildren(HDPath) - Method in class org.bitcoinj.crypto.DeterministicHierarchy
- getOnceUndoableStoredBlock(Sha256Hash) - Method in class org.bitcoinj.store.DatabaseFullPrunedBlockStore
- getOnceUndoableStoredBlock(Sha256Hash) - Method in interface org.bitcoinj.store.FullPrunedBlockStore
Returns the StoredBlock that was added as a StoredUndoableBlock given a hash.
- getOnceUndoableStoredBlock(Sha256Hash) - Method in class org.bitcoinj.store.LevelDBFullPrunedBlockStore
- getOnceUndoableStoredBlock(Sha256Hash) - Method in class org.bitcoinj.store.MemoryFullPrunedBlockStore
- getOpCode(String) - Static method in class org.bitcoinj.script.ScriptOpCodes
Converts the given OpCodeName into an int
- getOpCodeName(int) - Static method in class org.bitcoinj.script.ScriptOpCodes
Converts the given OpCode into a string (eg "0", "PUSHDATA", or "NON_OP(10)")
- getOpenTransactionOutputs(List<ECKey>) - Method in interface org.bitcoinj.core.UTXOProvider
Get the list of
's for given keys.
- getOpenTransactionOutputs(List<ECKey>) - Method in class org.bitcoinj.store.DatabaseFullPrunedBlockStore
- getOpenTransactionOutputs(List<ECKey>) - Method in class org.bitcoinj.store.LevelDBFullPrunedBlockStore
- getOpenTransactionOutputs(List<ECKey>) - Method in class org.bitcoinj.store.MemoryFullPrunedBlockStore
- getOptimalEncodingMessageSize() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.Block
- getOptimalEncodingMessageSize() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.Transaction
- getOrCreate(NetworkParameters) - Static method in class org.bitcoinj.core.Context
- getOrCreate(Sha256Hash) - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.TxConfidenceTable
Returns the
for the given hash if we have downloaded it, or null if that tx hash
is unknown to the system at this time.
- getOriginalSizeInBytes() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.VarInt
Returns the original number of bytes used to encode the value if it was
deserialized from a byte array, or the minimum encoded size if it was not.
- getOrphanRoot(Sha256Hash) - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.AbstractBlockChain
An orphan block is one that does not connect to the chain anywhere (ie we can't find its parent, therefore
it's an orphan).
- getOutpoint() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.TransactionInput
- getOutPointFor() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.TransactionOutput
- getOutPoints() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.GetUTXOsMessage
- getOutput(long) - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.Transaction
Same as getOutputs().get(index)
- getOutputs(int) - Method in class org.bitcoin.protocols.payments.Protos.PaymentDetails.Builder
Where payment should be sent
- getOutputs(int) - Method in class org.bitcoin.protocols.payments.Protos.PaymentDetails
Where payment should be sent
- getOutputs(int) - Method in interface org.bitcoin.protocols.payments.Protos.PaymentDetailsOrBuilder
Where payment should be sent
- getOutputs() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.Transaction
Returns an unmodifiable view of all outputs.
- getOutputs() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.UTXOsMessage
Returns the list of outputs that matched the query.
- getOutputs() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.protocols.payments.PaymentSession
Returns the outputs of the payment request.
- getOutputsCount() - Method in class org.bitcoin.protocols.payments.Protos.PaymentDetails.Builder
Where payment should be sent
- getOutputsCount() - Method in class org.bitcoin.protocols.payments.Protos.PaymentDetails
Where payment should be sent
- getOutputsCount() - Method in interface org.bitcoin.protocols.payments.Protos.PaymentDetailsOrBuilder
Where payment should be sent
- getOutputScriptType() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.Address
Get the type of output script that will be used for sending to the address.
- getOutputScriptType() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.LegacyAddress
Get the type of output script that will be used for sending to the address.
- getOutputScriptType() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.SegwitAddress
Get the type of output script that will be used for sending to the address.
- getOutputScriptType() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.DeterministicKeyChain
- getOutputScriptType() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.Key.Builder
Type of addresses (aka output scripts) to generate for receiving.
- getOutputScriptType() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.Key
Type of addresses (aka output scripts) to generate for receiving.
- getOutputScriptType() - Method in interface org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.KeyOrBuilder
Type of addresses (aka output scripts) to generate for receiving.
- getOutputsList() - Method in class org.bitcoin.protocols.payments.Protos.PaymentDetails.Builder
Where payment should be sent
- getOutputsList() - Method in class org.bitcoin.protocols.payments.Protos.PaymentDetails
Where payment should be sent
- getOutputsList() - Method in interface org.bitcoin.protocols.payments.Protos.PaymentDetailsOrBuilder
Where payment should be sent
- getOutputsOrBuilder(int) - Method in class org.bitcoin.protocols.payments.Protos.PaymentDetails
Where payment should be sent
- getOutputsOrBuilderList() - Method in class org.bitcoin.protocols.payments.Protos.PaymentDetails
Where payment should be sent
- getOutputSum() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.Transaction
Gets the sum of the outputs of the transaction.
- getOverridingTransaction() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.TransactionConfidence
If this transaction has been overridden by a double spend (is dead), this call returns the overriding transaction.
- getOverridingTransaction() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.TransactionConfidence.Builder
If set, hash of the transaction that double spent this one into oblivion.
- getOverridingTransaction() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.TransactionConfidence
If set, hash of the transaction that double spent this one into oblivion.
- getOverridingTransaction() - Method in interface org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.TransactionConfidenceOrBuilder
If set, hash of the transaction that double spent this one into oblivion.
- getP() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.ScryptParameters.Builder
Parallelisation parameter
- getP() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.ScryptParameters
Parallelisation parameter
- getP() - Method in interface org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.ScryptParametersOrBuilder
Parallelisation parameter
- getP2SHHeader() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.NetworkParameters
First byte of a base58 encoded P2SH address.
- getP2SHSigOpCount(byte[]) - Static method in class org.bitcoinj.script.Script
Gets the count of P2SH Sig Ops in the Script scriptSig
- getPacketMagic() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.NetworkParameters
The header bytes that identify the start of a packet on this network.
- getParameterByName(String) - Method in class org.bitcoinj.uri.BitcoinURI
- getParameters() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.BitcoinSerializer
Get the network parameters for this serializer.
- getParameters() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.PrefixedChecksummedBytes
- getParametersFromAddress(String) - Static method in class org.bitcoinj.core.LegacyAddress
Given an address, examines the version byte and attempts to find a matching NetworkParameters.
- getParams() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.Context
- getParams() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.Message
Network parameters this message was created with.
- getParams() - Method in interface org.bitcoinj.core.UTXOProvider
- getParams() - Method in interface org.bitcoinj.store.BlockStore
- getParams() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.store.DatabaseFullPrunedBlockStore
- getParams() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.store.LevelDBBlockStore
- getParams() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.store.LevelDBFullPrunedBlockStore
- getParams() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.store.MemoryBlockStore
- getParams() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.store.MemoryFullPrunedBlockStore
- getParams() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.store.SPVBlockStore
- getParams() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Wallet
Returns the parameters this wallet was created with.
- getParent() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.crypto.DeterministicKey
- getParentFingerprint() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.crypto.DeterministicKey
Return the fingerprint of the key from which this key was derived, if this is a
child key, or else an array of four zero-value bytes.
- getParentTransaction() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.TransactionInput
- getParentTransaction() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.TransactionOutput
Returns the transaction that owns this output.
- getParentTransactionDepthInBlocks() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.TransactionOutput
Returns the depth in blocks of the parent tx.
- getParentTransactionHash() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.TransactionOutput
Returns the transaction hash that owns this output.
- getPartialMerkleTree() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.FilteredBlock
Returns the
object that provides the mathematical proof of transaction inclusion in the block.
- getPassphrase() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.DeterministicKeyChain.Builder
- getPath() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.crypto.DeterministicKey
- getPath(String) - Static method in class org.bitcoinj.utils.AppDataDirectory
Return the Path to the application data directory without making
sure it exists or creating it.
- getPath(int) - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.DeterministicKey.Builder
The path through the key tree.
- getPath(int) - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.DeterministicKey
The path through the key tree.
- getPath(int) - Method in interface org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.DeterministicKeyOrBuilder
The path through the key tree.
- getPathAsString() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.crypto.DeterministicKey
Returns the path of this key as a human readable string starting with M or m to indicate the master key.
- getPathCount() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.DeterministicKey.Builder
The path through the key tree.
- getPathCount() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.DeterministicKey
The path through the key tree.
- getPathCount() - Method in interface org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.DeterministicKeyOrBuilder
The path through the key tree.
- getPathList() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.DeterministicKey.Builder
The path through the key tree.
- getPathList() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.DeterministicKey
The path through the key tree.
- getPathList() - Method in interface org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.DeterministicKeyOrBuilder
The path through the key tree.
- getPayment() - Method in class org.bitcoin.protocols.payments.Protos.PaymentACK.Builder
Payment message that triggered this ACK
- getPayment() - Method in class org.bitcoin.protocols.payments.Protos.PaymentACK
Payment message that triggered this ACK
- getPayment() - Method in interface org.bitcoin.protocols.payments.Protos.PaymentACKOrBuilder
Payment message that triggered this ACK
- getPayment(List<Transaction>, Address, String) - Method in class org.bitcoinj.protocols.payments.PaymentSession
Generates a Payment message based on the information in the PaymentRequest.
- getPaymentDetails() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.protocols.payments.PaymentSession
Returns the protobuf that describes the payment to be made.
- getPaymentDetailsVersion() - Method in class org.bitcoin.protocols.payments.Protos.PaymentRequest.Builder
optional uint32 payment_details_version = 1 [default = 1];
- getPaymentDetailsVersion() - Method in class org.bitcoin.protocols.payments.Protos.PaymentRequest
optional uint32 payment_details_version = 1 [default = 1];
- getPaymentDetailsVersion() - Method in interface org.bitcoin.protocols.payments.Protos.PaymentRequestOrBuilder
optional uint32 payment_details_version = 1 [default = 1];
- getPaymentProtocolId() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.NetworkParameters
- getPaymentProtocolId() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.params.MainNetParams
- getPaymentProtocolId() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.params.RegTestParams
- getPaymentProtocolId() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.params.TestNet3Params
- getPaymentProtocolId() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.params.UnitTestParams
- getPaymentRequest() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.protocols.payments.PaymentSession
Returns the protobuf that this object was instantiated with.
- getPaymentRequestUrl() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.uri.BitcoinURI
- getPaymentRequestUrls() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.uri.BitcoinURI
Returns the URLs where a payment request (as specified in BIP 70) may be fetched.
- getPaymentUrl() - Method in class org.bitcoin.protocols.payments.Protos.PaymentDetails.Builder
URL to send Payment and get PaymentACK
- getPaymentUrl() - Method in class org.bitcoin.protocols.payments.Protos.PaymentDetails
URL to send Payment and get PaymentACK
- getPaymentUrl() - Method in interface org.bitcoin.protocols.payments.Protos.PaymentDetailsOrBuilder
URL to send Payment and get PaymentACK
- getPaymentUrl() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.protocols.payments.PaymentSession
Returns the payment url where the Payment message should be sent.
- getPaymentUrlBytes() - Method in class org.bitcoin.protocols.payments.Protos.PaymentDetails.Builder
URL to send Payment and get PaymentACK
- getPaymentUrlBytes() - Method in class org.bitcoin.protocols.payments.Protos.PaymentDetails
URL to send Payment and get PaymentACK
- getPaymentUrlBytes() - Method in interface org.bitcoin.protocols.payments.Protos.PaymentDetailsOrBuilder
URL to send Payment and get PaymentACK
- getPeer() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.net.discovery.SeedPeers
Acts as an iterator, returning the address of each node in the list sequentially.
- getPeerBlockHeightDifference() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.Peer
Returns the difference between our best chain height and the peers, which can either be positive if we are
behind the peer, or negative if the peer is ahead of us.
- getPeerMempoolTransaction(Sha256Hash) - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.Peer
Asks the connected peer for the given transaction from its memory pool.
- getPeers(long, long, TimeUnit) - Method in class org.bitcoinj.net.discovery.DnsDiscovery.DnsSeedDiscovery
- getPeers(long, long, TimeUnit) - Method in class org.bitcoinj.net.discovery.HttpDiscovery
- getPeers(long, long, TimeUnit) - Method in class org.bitcoinj.net.discovery.MultiplexingDiscovery
- getPeers(long, long, TimeUnit) - Method in interface org.bitcoinj.net.discovery.PeerDiscovery
Queries the addresses.
- getPeers(long, long, TimeUnit) - Method in class org.bitcoinj.net.discovery.SeedPeers
Returns all the Bitcoin nodes within the list.
- getPeerSeeds() - Method in class org.bitcoin.crawler.PeerSeedProtos.SignedPeerSeeds.Builder
required bytes peer_seeds = 1;
- getPeerSeeds() - Method in class org.bitcoin.crawler.PeerSeedProtos.SignedPeerSeeds
required bytes peer_seeds = 1;
- getPeerSeeds() - Method in interface org.bitcoin.crawler.PeerSeedProtos.SignedPeerSeedsOrBuilder
required bytes peer_seeds = 1;
- getPeerVersionMessage() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.Peer
Returns version data announced by the remote peer.
- getPendingPeers() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.PeerGroup
Returns a list containing Peers that did not complete connection yet.
- getPendingTransactions() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Wallet
Returns an immutable view of the transactions currently waiting for network confirmations.
- getPingIntervalMsec() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.PeerGroup
Returns the period between pings for an individual peer.
- getPingTime() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.Peer
Returns a moving average of the last N ping/pong cycles.
- getPkiData() - Method in class org.bitcoin.protocols.payments.Protos.PaymentRequest.Builder
depends on pki_type
- getPkiData() - Method in class org.bitcoin.protocols.payments.Protos.PaymentRequest
depends on pki_type
- getPkiData() - Method in interface org.bitcoin.protocols.payments.Protos.PaymentRequestOrBuilder
depends on pki_type
- getPkiType() - Method in class org.bitcoin.protocols.payments.Protos.PaymentRequest.Builder
none / x509+sha256 / x509+sha1
- getPkiType() - Method in class org.bitcoin.protocols.payments.Protos.PaymentRequest
none / x509+sha256 / x509+sha1
- getPkiType() - Method in interface org.bitcoin.protocols.payments.Protos.PaymentRequestOrBuilder
none / x509+sha256 / x509+sha1
- getPkiTypeBytes() - Method in class org.bitcoin.protocols.payments.Protos.PaymentRequest.Builder
none / x509+sha256 / x509+sha1
- getPkiTypeBytes() - Method in class org.bitcoin.protocols.payments.Protos.PaymentRequest
none / x509+sha256 / x509+sha1
- getPkiTypeBytes() - Method in interface org.bitcoin.protocols.payments.Protos.PaymentRequestOrBuilder
none / x509+sha256 / x509+sha1
- getPolicy() - Static method in class org.bitcoinj.utils.Threading
- getPool() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.Transaction.Builder
If pool is not present, that means either:
- This Transaction is either not in a wallet at all (the proto is re-used elsewhere)
- Or it is stored but for other purposes, for example, because it is the overriding transaction of a double spend.
- getPool() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.Transaction
If pool is not present, that means either:
- This Transaction is either not in a wallet at all (the proto is re-used elsewhere)
- Or it is stored but for other purposes, for example, because it is the overriding transaction of a double spend.
- getPool() - Method in interface org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.TransactionOrBuilder
If pool is not present, that means either:
- This Transaction is either not in a wallet at all (the proto is re-used elsewhere)
- Or it is stored but for other purposes, for example, because it is the overriding transaction of a double spend.
- getPool() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.WalletTransaction
- getPoolSize(WalletTransaction.Pool) - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Wallet
- getPort() - Method in class org.bitcoin.crawler.PeerSeedProtos.PeerSeedData.Builder
required uint32 port = 2;
- getPort() - Method in class org.bitcoin.crawler.PeerSeedProtos.PeerSeedData
required uint32 port = 2;
- getPort() - Method in interface org.bitcoin.crawler.PeerSeedProtos.PeerSeedDataOrBuilder
required uint32 port = 2;
- getPort() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.NetworkParameters
Default TCP port on which to connect to nodes.
- getPort() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.PeerAddress
- getPort() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.PeerAddress.Builder
required uint32 port = 2;
- getPort() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.PeerAddress
required uint32 port = 2;
- getPort() - Method in interface org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.PeerAddressOrBuilder
required uint32 port = 2;
- getPrev(BlockStore) - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.StoredBlock
Given a block store, looks up the previous block in this chain.
- getPrevBlockHash() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.Block
Returns the hash of the previous block in the chain, as defined by the block header.
- getPrivateKeyAsHex() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.ECKey
- getPrivateKeyAsWiF(NetworkParameters) - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.ECKey
- getPrivateKeyEncoded(NetworkParameters) - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.ECKey
Exports the private key in the form used by Bitcoin Core's "dumpprivkey" and "importprivkey" commands.
- getPrivKey() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.ECKey
Gets the private key in the form of an integer field element.
- getPrivKey() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.crypto.DeterministicKey
Returns the private key of this deterministic key.
- getPrivKeyBytes() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.ECKey
Returns a 32 byte array containing the private key.
- getPrivKeyBytes33() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.crypto.DeterministicKey
Returns private key bytes, padded with zeros to 33 bytes.
- getProgram() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.script.Script
Returns the serialized program as a newly created byte array.
- getProgram() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.Script.Builder
required bytes program = 1;
- getProgram() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.Script
required bytes program = 1;
- getProgram() - Method in interface org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.ScriptOrBuilder
required bytes program = 1;
- getProtocolVersion() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.BitcoinSerializer
- getProtocolVersion() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.MessageSerializer
Get the protocol version of this serializer.
- getProtocolVersionNum(NetworkParameters.ProtocolVersion) - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.NetworkParameters
- getProtocolVersionNum(NetworkParameters.ProtocolVersion) - Method in class org.bitcoinj.params.AbstractBitcoinNetParams
- getPubkey() - Method in class org.bitcoin.crawler.PeerSeedProtos.SignedPeerSeeds.Builder
required bytes pubkey = 3;
- getPubkey() - Method in class org.bitcoin.crawler.PeerSeedProtos.SignedPeerSeeds
required bytes pubkey = 3;
- getPubkey() - Method in interface org.bitcoin.crawler.PeerSeedProtos.SignedPeerSeedsOrBuilder
required bytes pubkey = 3;
- getPubKey() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.ECKey
Gets the raw public key value.
- getPubKeyHash() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.ECKey
Gets the hash160 form of the public key (as seen in addresses).
- getPubKeyHash() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.script.Script
If the program somehow pays to a hash, returns the hash.
- getPubKeyPoint() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.ECKey
Gets the public key in the form of an elliptic curve point object from Bouncy Castle.
- getPubKeys() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.script.Script
Returns a list of the keys required by this script, assuming a multi-sig script.
- getPublicKey() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.Key.Builder
The public EC key derived from the private key.
- getPublicKey() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.Key
The public EC key derived from the private key.
- getPublicKey() - Method in interface org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.KeyOrBuilder
The public EC key derived from the private key.
- getPublicKeyAsHex() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.ECKey
- getPurpose() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.Transaction
Returns the purpose for which this transaction was created.
- getPurpose() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.Transaction.Builder
optional .wallet.Transaction.Purpose purpose = 10 [default = UNKNOWN];
- getPurpose() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.Transaction
optional .wallet.Transaction.Purpose purpose = 10 [default = UNKNOWN];
- getPurpose() - Method in interface org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.TransactionOrBuilder
optional .wallet.Transaction.Purpose purpose = 10 [default = UNKNOWN];
- getPush(int) - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.TransactionWitness
- getPushCount() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.TransactionWitness
- getPushDataName(int) - Static method in class org.bitcoinj.script.ScriptOpCodes
Converts the given pushdata OpCode into a string (eg "PUSHDATA2", or "PUSHDATA(23)")
- getR() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.ScryptParameters.Builder
Block size parameter
- getR() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.ScryptParameters
Block size parameter
- getR() - Method in interface org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.ScryptParametersOrBuilder
Block size parameter
- getReasonCode() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.RejectMessage
The reason code given for why the peer rejected the message.
- getReasonString() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.RejectMessage
The reason message given for rejection.
- getRecentTransactions(int, boolean) - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Wallet
Returns an list of N transactions, ordered by increasing age.
- getRedeemData(DeterministicKey) - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.DeterministicKeyChain
Get redeem data for a key.
- getRedeemData(DeterministicKey) - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.MarriedKeyChain
Get the redeem data for a key in this married chain
- getReferenceClientBlockFileList(File) - Static method in class org.bitcoinj.utils.BlockFileLoader
Gets the list of files which contain blocks from Bitcoin Core.
- getReferenceClientBlockFileList() - Static method in class org.bitcoinj.utils.BlockFileLoader
- getRefundTo(int) - Method in class org.bitcoin.protocols.payments.Protos.Payment.Builder
Where to send refunds, if a refund is necessary
- getRefundTo(int) - Method in class org.bitcoin.protocols.payments.Protos.Payment
Where to send refunds, if a refund is necessary
- getRefundTo(int) - Method in interface org.bitcoin.protocols.payments.Protos.PaymentOrBuilder
Where to send refunds, if a refund is necessary
- getRefundToCount() - Method in class org.bitcoin.protocols.payments.Protos.Payment.Builder
Where to send refunds, if a refund is necessary
- getRefundToCount() - Method in class org.bitcoin.protocols.payments.Protos.Payment
Where to send refunds, if a refund is necessary
- getRefundToCount() - Method in interface org.bitcoin.protocols.payments.Protos.PaymentOrBuilder
Where to send refunds, if a refund is necessary
- getRefundToList() - Method in class org.bitcoin.protocols.payments.Protos.Payment.Builder
Where to send refunds, if a refund is necessary
- getRefundToList() - Method in class org.bitcoin.protocols.payments.Protos.Payment
Where to send refunds, if a refund is necessary
- getRefundToList() - Method in interface org.bitcoin.protocols.payments.Protos.PaymentOrBuilder
Where to send refunds, if a refund is necessary
- getRefundToOrBuilder(int) - Method in class org.bitcoin.protocols.payments.Protos.Payment
Where to send refunds, if a refund is necessary
- getRefundToOrBuilderList() - Method in class org.bitcoin.protocols.payments.Protos.Payment
Where to send refunds, if a refund is necessary
- getRejectedMessage() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.RejectMessage
Provides the type of message which was rejected by the peer.
- getRejectedObjectHash() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.RejectMessage
Provides the hash of the rejected object (if getRejectedMessage() is either "tx" or "block"), otherwise null.
- getRejectMessage() - Method in exception org.bitcoinj.core.RejectedTransactionException
Return the RejectMessage object representing the broadcast rejection.
- getRetryTime() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.utils.ExponentialBackoff
Get the next time to retry, in milliseconds since the epoch
- getReversedBytes() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.Sha256Hash
Returns a reversed copy of the internal byte array.
- getRiskAnalyzer() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Wallet
- getRootKey() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.crypto.DeterministicHierarchy
- getRootKey() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.DeterministicKeyChain
- getSalt() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.ScryptParameters.Builder
Salt to use in generation of the wallet password (8 bytes)
- getSalt() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.ScryptParameters
Salt to use in generation of the wallet password (8 bytes)
- getSalt() - Method in interface org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.ScryptParametersOrBuilder
Salt to use in generation of the wallet password (8 bytes)
- getScript() - Method in class org.bitcoin.protocols.payments.Protos.Output.Builder
usually one of the standard Script forms
- getScript() - Method in class org.bitcoin.protocols.payments.Protos.Output
usually one of the standard Script forms
- getScript() - Method in interface org.bitcoin.protocols.payments.Protos.OutputOrBuilder
usually one of the standard Script forms
- getScript() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.UTXO
The Script object which you can use to get address, script bytes or script type.
- getScriptBytes() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.TransactionInput
The "script bytes" might not actually be a script.
- getScriptBytes() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.TransactionOutput
The backing script bytes which can be turned into a Script object.
- getScriptBytes() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.TransactionInput.Builder
Script that contains the signatures/pubkeys.
- getScriptBytes() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.TransactionInput
Script that contains the signatures/pubkeys.
- getScriptBytes() - Method in interface org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.TransactionInputOrBuilder
Script that contains the signatures/pubkeys.
- getScriptBytes() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.TransactionOutput.Builder
script of transaction output
- getScriptBytes() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.TransactionOutput
script of transaction output
- getScriptBytes() - Method in interface org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.TransactionOutputOrBuilder
script of transaction output
- getScriptPubKey() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.TransactionOutput
- getScriptSig() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.TransactionInput
Returns the script that is fed to the referenced output (scriptPubKey) script in order to satisfy it: usually
contains signatures and maybe keys, but can contain arbitrary data if the output script accepts it.
- getScriptSigWithSignature(Script, byte[], int) - Method in class org.bitcoinj.script.Script
Returns a copy of the given scriptSig with the signature inserted in the given position.
- getScriptType() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.script.Script
- getScryptParameters() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.crypto.KeyCrypterScrypt
- getSecretBytes() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.ECKey
A wrapper for
that returns null if the private key bytes are missing or would have
to be derived (for the HD key case).
- getSecretBytes() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.crypto.DeterministicKey
- getSecretBytes() - Method in interface org.bitcoinj.crypto.EncryptableItem
Returns the raw bytes of the item, if not encrypted, or null if encrypted or the secret is missing.
- getSecretBytes() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.DeterministicSeed
- getSecretBytes() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.Key.Builder
Either the private EC key bytes (without any ASN.1 wrapping), or the deterministic root seed.
- getSecretBytes() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.Key
Either the private EC key bytes (without any ASN.1 wrapping), or the deterministic root seed.
- getSecretBytes() - Method in interface org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.KeyOrBuilder
Either the private EC key bytes (without any ASN.1 wrapping), or the deterministic root seed.
- getSeed(int) - Method in class org.bitcoin.crawler.PeerSeedProtos.PeerSeeds.Builder
repeated .org.bitcoin.crawler.PeerSeedData seed = 1;
- getSeed(int) - Method in class org.bitcoin.crawler.PeerSeedProtos.PeerSeeds
repeated .org.bitcoin.crawler.PeerSeedData seed = 1;
- getSeed(int) - Method in interface org.bitcoin.crawler.PeerSeedProtos.PeerSeedsOrBuilder
repeated .org.bitcoin.crawler.PeerSeedData seed = 1;
- getSeed() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.DeterministicKeyChain
Returns the seed or null if this chain is a watching chain.
- getSeedBytes() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.DeterministicSeed
- getSeedCount() - Method in class org.bitcoin.crawler.PeerSeedProtos.PeerSeeds.Builder
repeated .org.bitcoin.crawler.PeerSeedData seed = 1;
- getSeedCount() - Method in class org.bitcoin.crawler.PeerSeedProtos.PeerSeeds
repeated .org.bitcoin.crawler.PeerSeedData seed = 1;
- getSeedCount() - Method in interface org.bitcoin.crawler.PeerSeedProtos.PeerSeedsOrBuilder
repeated .org.bitcoin.crawler.PeerSeedData seed = 1;
- getSeedList() - Method in class org.bitcoin.crawler.PeerSeedProtos.PeerSeeds.Builder
repeated .org.bitcoin.crawler.PeerSeedData seed = 1;
- getSeedList() - Method in class org.bitcoin.crawler.PeerSeedProtos.PeerSeeds
repeated .org.bitcoin.crawler.PeerSeedData seed = 1;
- getSeedList() - Method in interface org.bitcoin.crawler.PeerSeedProtos.PeerSeedsOrBuilder
repeated .org.bitcoin.crawler.PeerSeedData seed = 1;
- getSeedOrBuilder(int) - Method in class org.bitcoin.crawler.PeerSeedProtos.PeerSeeds
repeated .org.bitcoin.crawler.PeerSeedData seed = 1;
- getSeedOrBuilderList() - Method in class org.bitcoin.crawler.PeerSeedProtos.PeerSeeds
repeated .org.bitcoin.crawler.PeerSeedData seed = 1;
- getSegwitAddressHrp() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.NetworkParameters
Human readable part of bech32 encoded segwit address.
- getSelectHeadersDumpSQL() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.store.DatabaseFullPrunedBlockStore
Get the SQL to select the headers dump fields for sizing/statistics.
- getSelectHeadersSQL() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.store.DatabaseFullPrunedBlockStore
Get the SQL to select a headers record.
- getSelectOpenoutputsCountSQL() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.store.DatabaseFullPrunedBlockStore
Get the SQL to select count of openoutputs.
- getSelectopenoutputsDumpSQL() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.store.DatabaseFullPrunedBlockStore
Get the SQL to select the openoutouts dump fields for sizing/statistics.
- getSelectOpenoutputsSQL() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.store.DatabaseFullPrunedBlockStore
Get the SQL to select a openoutputs record.
- getSelectOpenoutputsSQL() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.store.MySQLFullPrunedBlockStore
- getSelectSettingsDumpSQL() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.store.DatabaseFullPrunedBlockStore
Get the SQL to select the setting dump fields for sizing/statistics.
- getSelectSettingsSQL() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.store.DatabaseFullPrunedBlockStore
Get the SQL to select a setting value.
- getSelectUndoableblocksDumpSQL() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.store.DatabaseFullPrunedBlockStore
Get the SQL to select the undoableblocks dump fields for sizing/statistics.
- getSelectUndoableBlocksSQL() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.store.DatabaseFullPrunedBlockStore
Get the SQL to select an undoableblocks record.
- getSendRequest() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.protocols.payments.PaymentSession
Returns a
suitable for broadcasting to the network.
- getSequence() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.TransactionInput.Builder
Sequence number.
- getSequence() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.TransactionInput
Sequence number.
- getSequence() - Method in interface org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.TransactionInputOrBuilder
Sequence number.
- getSequenceNumber() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.TransactionInput
Sequence numbers allow participants in a multi-party transaction signing protocol to create new versions of the
transaction independently of each other.
- getSerializedPaymentDetails() - Method in class org.bitcoin.protocols.payments.Protos.PaymentRequest.Builder
- getSerializedPaymentDetails() - Method in class org.bitcoin.protocols.payments.Protos.PaymentRequest
- getSerializedPaymentDetails() - Method in interface org.bitcoin.protocols.payments.Protos.PaymentRequestOrBuilder
- getSerializer(boolean) - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.NetworkParameters
Construct and return a custom serializer.
- getSerializer(boolean) - Method in class org.bitcoinj.params.AbstractBitcoinNetParams
- getServices() - Method in class org.bitcoin.crawler.PeerSeedProtos.PeerSeedData.Builder
required uint32 services = 3;
- getServices() - Method in class org.bitcoin.crawler.PeerSeedProtos.PeerSeedData
required uint32 services = 3;
- getServices() - Method in interface org.bitcoin.crawler.PeerSeedProtos.PeerSeedDataOrBuilder
required uint32 services = 3;
- getServices() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.PeerAddress
- getServices() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.PeerAddress.Builder
required uint64 services = 3;
- getServices() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.PeerAddress
required uint64 services = 3;
- getServices() - Method in interface org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.PeerAddressOrBuilder
required uint64 services = 3;
- getSigInsertionIndex(Sha256Hash, ECKey) - Method in class org.bitcoinj.script.Script
Returns the index where a signature by the key should be inserted.
- getSignature() - Method in class org.bitcoin.crawler.PeerSeedProtos.SignedPeerSeeds.Builder
required bytes signature = 2;
- getSignature() - Method in class org.bitcoin.crawler.PeerSeedProtos.SignedPeerSeeds
required bytes signature = 2;
- getSignature() - Method in interface org.bitcoin.crawler.PeerSeedProtos.SignedPeerSeedsOrBuilder
required bytes signature = 2;
- getSignature() - Method in class org.bitcoin.protocols.payments.Protos.PaymentRequest.Builder
pki-dependent signature
- getSignature() - Method in class org.bitcoin.protocols.payments.Protos.PaymentRequest
pki-dependent signature
- getSignature() - Method in interface org.bitcoin.protocols.payments.Protos.PaymentRequestOrBuilder
pki-dependent signature
- getSignature(Sha256Hash, List<ChildNumber>) - Method in class org.bitcoinj.signers.CustomTransactionSigner
- getSigOpCount() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.Transaction
Gets the count of regular SigOps in this transactions
- getSigOpCount(byte[]) - Static method in class org.bitcoinj.script.Script
Gets the count of regular SigOps in the script program (counting multisig ops as 20)
- getSigsRequiredToSpend() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.DeterministicKeyChain
Returns the number of signatures required to spend transactions for this KeyChain.
- getSigsRequiredToSpend() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.DeterministicKey.Builder
Number of signatures required to spend.
- getSigsRequiredToSpend() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.DeterministicKey
Number of signatures required to spend.
- getSigsRequiredToSpend() - Method in interface org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.DeterministicKeyOrBuilder
Number of signatures required to spend.
- getSizeInBytes() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.VarInt
Returns the minimum encoded size of the value.
- getSocketAddress() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.PeerAddress
- getSource() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.TransactionConfidence
The source of a transaction tries to identify where it came from originally.
- getSource() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.TransactionConfidence.Builder
optional .wallet.TransactionConfidence.Source source = 7;
- getSource() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.TransactionConfidence
optional .wallet.TransactionConfidence.Source source = 7;
- getSource() - Method in interface org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.TransactionConfidenceOrBuilder
optional .wallet.TransactionConfidence.Source source = 7;
- getSpendableCoinbaseDepth() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.NetworkParameters
- getSpentBy() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.TransactionOutput
Returns the connected input.
- getSpentByTransactionHash() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.TransactionOutput.Builder
If spent, the hash of the transaction doing the spend.
- getSpentByTransactionHash() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.TransactionOutput
If spent, the hash of the transaction doing the spend.
- getSpentByTransactionHash() - Method in interface org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.TransactionOutputOrBuilder
If spent, the hash of the transaction doing the spend.
- getSpentByTransactionIndex() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.TransactionOutput.Builder
If spent, the index of the transaction input of the transaction doing the spend.
- getSpentByTransactionIndex() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.TransactionOutput
If spent, the index of the transaction input of the transaction doing the spend.
- getSpentByTransactionIndex() - Method in interface org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.TransactionOutputOrBuilder
If spent, the index of the transaction input of the transaction doing the spend.
- getStopHash() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.GetBlocksMessage
- getStoredBlockInCurrentScope(Sha256Hash) - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.AbstractBlockChain
For a standard BlockChain, this should return blockStore.get(hash),
for a FullPrunedBlockChain blockStore.getOnceUndoableStoredBlock(hash)
- getStoredBlockInCurrentScope(Sha256Hash) - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.BlockChain
- getStoredBlockInCurrentScope(Sha256Hash) - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.FullPrunedBlockChain
- getStoredOutputsFromUTXOProvider() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Wallet
Get all the
's from the
based on keys that the
wallet contains.
- getSubsidyDecreaseBlockCount() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.NetworkParameters
- getSymbolInstance() - Static method in class org.bitcoinj.utils.BtcFormat
Return a new auto-denominating instance that will indicate units using a currency
symbol, for example, "฿"
- getSymbolInstance(int) - Static method in class org.bitcoinj.utils.BtcFormat
Return a new symbol-style auto-formatter with the given number of fractional decimal
- getSymbolInstance(Locale) - Static method in class org.bitcoinj.utils.BtcFormat
Return a new symbol-style auto-formatter for the given locale.
- getSymbolInstance(Locale, int) - Static method in class org.bitcoinj.utils.BtcFormat
Return a new symbol-style auto-formatter for the given locale with the given number of
fraction places.
- getTablesExistSQL() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.store.DatabaseFullPrunedBlockStore
Get the SQL statement that checks if tables exist.
- getTag(String) - Method in class org.bitcoinj.utils.BaseTaggableObject
- getTag(String) - Method in interface org.bitcoinj.utils.TaggableObject
Returns the immutable byte array associated with the given tag name, or throws IllegalArgumentException
if that tag wasn't set yet.
- getTag() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.Tag.Builder
required string tag = 1;
- getTag() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.Tag
required string tag = 1;
- getTag() - Method in interface org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.TagOrBuilder
required string tag = 1;
- getTagBytes() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.Tag.Builder
required string tag = 1;
- getTagBytes() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.Tag
required string tag = 1;
- getTagBytes() - Method in interface org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.TagOrBuilder
required string tag = 1;
- getTags() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.utils.BaseTaggableObject
- getTags() - Method in interface org.bitcoinj.utils.TaggableObject
Returns a copy of all the tags held by this object.
- getTags(int) - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.Wallet.Builder
repeated .wallet.Tag tags = 16;
- getTags(int) - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.Wallet
repeated .wallet.Tag tags = 16;
- getTags(int) - Method in interface org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.WalletOrBuilder
repeated .wallet.Tag tags = 16;
- getTagsCount() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.Wallet.Builder
repeated .wallet.Tag tags = 16;
- getTagsCount() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.Wallet
repeated .wallet.Tag tags = 16;
- getTagsCount() - Method in interface org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.WalletOrBuilder
repeated .wallet.Tag tags = 16;
- getTagsList() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.Wallet.Builder
repeated .wallet.Tag tags = 16;
- getTagsList() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.Wallet
repeated .wallet.Tag tags = 16;
- getTagsList() - Method in interface org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.WalletOrBuilder
repeated .wallet.Tag tags = 16;
- getTagsOrBuilder(int) - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.Wallet
repeated .wallet.Tag tags = 16;
- getTagsOrBuilderList() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.Wallet
repeated .wallet.Tag tags = 16;
- getTargetTimespan() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.NetworkParameters
How much time in seconds is supposed to pass between "interval" blocks.
- getTime() - Method in class org.bitcoin.protocols.payments.Protos.PaymentDetails.Builder
Timestamp; when payment request created
- getTime() - Method in class org.bitcoin.protocols.payments.Protos.PaymentDetails
Timestamp; when payment request created
- getTime() - Method in interface org.bitcoin.protocols.payments.Protos.PaymentDetailsOrBuilder
Timestamp; when payment request created
- getTime() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.Block
Returns the time at which the block was solved and broadcast, according to the clock of the solving node.
- getTime() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.PeerAddress
- getTimeSeconds() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.Block
Returns the time at which the block was solved and broadcast, according to the clock of the solving node.
- getTimestamp() - Method in class org.bitcoin.crawler.PeerSeedProtos.PeerSeeds.Builder
seconds since UNIX epoch
- getTimestamp() - Method in class org.bitcoin.crawler.PeerSeedProtos.PeerSeeds
seconds since UNIX epoch
- getTimestamp() - Method in interface org.bitcoin.crawler.PeerSeedProtos.PeerSeedsOrBuilder
seconds since UNIX epoch
- getToAddress(NetworkParameters) - Method in class org.bitcoinj.script.Script
Gets the destination address from this script, if it's in the required form.
- getToAddress(NetworkParameters, boolean) - Method in class org.bitcoinj.script.Script
Gets the destination address from this script, if it's in the required form.
- getTotalReceived() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Wallet
Returns the amount of bitcoin ever received via output.
- getTotalSent() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Wallet
Returns the amount of bitcoin ever sent via output.
- getTransaction() - Method in exception org.bitcoinj.core.RejectedTransactionException
Return the original Transaction object whose broadcast was rejected.
- getTransaction(int) - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.Wallet.Builder
repeated .wallet.Transaction transaction = 4;
- getTransaction(int) - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.Wallet
repeated .wallet.Transaction transaction = 4;
- getTransaction(int) - Method in interface org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.WalletOrBuilder
repeated .wallet.Transaction transaction = 4;
- getTransaction(Sha256Hash) - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Wallet
Returns a transaction object given its hash, if it exists in this wallet, or null otherwise.
- getTransaction() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.WalletTransaction
- getTransactionCount() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.FilteredBlock
Number of transactions in this block, before it was filtered
- getTransactionCount() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.PartialMerkleTree
- getTransactionCount() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.Wallet.Builder
repeated .wallet.Transaction transaction = 4;
- getTransactionCount() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.Wallet
repeated .wallet.Transaction transaction = 4;
- getTransactionCount() - Method in interface org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.WalletOrBuilder
repeated .wallet.Transaction transaction = 4;
- getTransactionHash() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.TransactionConfidence
- getTransactionHashes() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.FilteredBlock
Gets a list of leaf hashes which are contained in the partial merkle tree in this filtered block
- getTransactionInput(int) - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.Transaction.Builder
repeated .wallet.TransactionInput transaction_input = 6;
- getTransactionInput(int) - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.Transaction
repeated .wallet.TransactionInput transaction_input = 6;
- getTransactionInput(int) - Method in interface org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.TransactionOrBuilder
repeated .wallet.TransactionInput transaction_input = 6;
- getTransactionInputCount() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.Transaction.Builder
repeated .wallet.TransactionInput transaction_input = 6;
- getTransactionInputCount() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.Transaction
repeated .wallet.TransactionInput transaction_input = 6;
- getTransactionInputCount() - Method in interface org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.TransactionOrBuilder
repeated .wallet.TransactionInput transaction_input = 6;
- getTransactionInputList() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.Transaction.Builder
repeated .wallet.TransactionInput transaction_input = 6;
- getTransactionInputList() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.Transaction
repeated .wallet.TransactionInput transaction_input = 6;
- getTransactionInputList() - Method in interface org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.TransactionOrBuilder
repeated .wallet.TransactionInput transaction_input = 6;
- getTransactionInputOrBuilder(int) - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.Transaction
repeated .wallet.TransactionInput transaction_input = 6;
- getTransactionInputOrBuilderList() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.Transaction
repeated .wallet.TransactionInput transaction_input = 6;
- getTransactionList() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.Wallet.Builder
repeated .wallet.Transaction transaction = 4;
- getTransactionList() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.Wallet
repeated .wallet.Transaction transaction = 4;
- getTransactionList() - Method in interface org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.WalletOrBuilder
repeated .wallet.Transaction transaction = 4;
- getTransactionOrBuilder(int) - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.Wallet
repeated .wallet.Transaction transaction = 4;
- getTransactionOrBuilderList() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.Wallet
repeated .wallet.Transaction transaction = 4;
- getTransactionOutPointHash() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.TransactionInput.Builder
Hash of the transaction this input is using.
- getTransactionOutPointHash() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.TransactionInput
Hash of the transaction this input is using.
- getTransactionOutPointHash() - Method in interface org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.TransactionInputOrBuilder
Hash of the transaction this input is using.
- getTransactionOutPointIndex() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.TransactionInput.Builder
Index of transaction output used by this input.
- getTransactionOutPointIndex() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.TransactionInput
Index of transaction output used by this input.
- getTransactionOutPointIndex() - Method in interface org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.TransactionInputOrBuilder
Index of transaction output used by this input.
- getTransactionOutput(Sha256Hash, long) - Method in class org.bitcoinj.store.DatabaseFullPrunedBlockStore
- getTransactionOutput(Sha256Hash, long) - Method in interface org.bitcoinj.store.FullPrunedBlockStore
Gets a
with the given hash and index, or null if none is found
- getTransactionOutput(Sha256Hash, long) - Method in class org.bitcoinj.store.LevelDBFullPrunedBlockStore
- getTransactionOutput(Sha256Hash, long) - Method in class org.bitcoinj.store.MemoryFullPrunedBlockStore
- getTransactionOutput(int) - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.Transaction.Builder
repeated .wallet.TransactionOutput transaction_output = 7;
- getTransactionOutput(int) - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.Transaction
repeated .wallet.TransactionOutput transaction_output = 7;
- getTransactionOutput(int) - Method in interface org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.TransactionOrBuilder
repeated .wallet.TransactionOutput transaction_output = 7;
- getTransactionOutputCount() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.Transaction.Builder
repeated .wallet.TransactionOutput transaction_output = 7;
- getTransactionOutputCount() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.Transaction
repeated .wallet.TransactionOutput transaction_output = 7;
- getTransactionOutputCount() - Method in interface org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.TransactionOrBuilder
repeated .wallet.TransactionOutput transaction_output = 7;
- getTransactionOutputList() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.Transaction.Builder
repeated .wallet.TransactionOutput transaction_output = 7;
- getTransactionOutputList() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.Transaction
repeated .wallet.TransactionOutput transaction_output = 7;
- getTransactionOutputList() - Method in interface org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.TransactionOrBuilder
repeated .wallet.TransactionOutput transaction_output = 7;
- getTransactionOutputOrBuilder(int) - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.Transaction
repeated .wallet.TransactionOutput transaction_output = 7;
- getTransactionOutputOrBuilderList() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.Transaction
repeated .wallet.TransactionOutput transaction_output = 7;
- getTransactionOutputSelectSQL() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.store.DatabaseFullPrunedBlockStore
Get the SQL to select the transaction outputs for a given address.
- getTransactionOutputSelectSQL() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.store.MySQLFullPrunedBlockStore
- getTransactionPool(WalletTransaction.Pool) - Method in interface org.bitcoinj.core.TransactionBag
Returns transactions from a specific pool.
- getTransactionPool(WalletTransaction.Pool) - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Wallet
- getTransactions(int) - Method in class org.bitcoin.protocols.payments.Protos.Payment.Builder
Signed transactions that satisfy PaymentDetails.outputs
- getTransactions(int) - Method in class org.bitcoin.protocols.payments.Protos.Payment
Signed transactions that satisfy PaymentDetails.outputs
- getTransactions(int) - Method in interface org.bitcoin.protocols.payments.Protos.PaymentOrBuilder
Signed transactions that satisfy PaymentDetails.outputs
- getTransactions() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.Block
Returns an immutable list of transactions held in this block, or null if this object represents just a header.
- getTransactions() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.StoredUndoableBlock
Get the full list of transactions if it is stored, otherwise null.
- getTransactions(boolean) - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Wallet
Returns a set of all transactions in the wallet.
- getTransactionsByTime() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Wallet
Returns all non-dead, active transactions ordered by recency.
- getTransactionsCount() - Method in class org.bitcoin.protocols.payments.Protos.Payment.Builder
Signed transactions that satisfy PaymentDetails.outputs
- getTransactionsCount() - Method in class org.bitcoin.protocols.payments.Protos.Payment
Signed transactions that satisfy PaymentDetails.outputs
- getTransactionsCount() - Method in interface org.bitcoin.protocols.payments.Protos.PaymentOrBuilder
Signed transactions that satisfy PaymentDetails.outputs
- getTransactionSigners() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Wallet
- getTransactionsList() - Method in class org.bitcoin.protocols.payments.Protos.Payment.Builder
Signed transactions that satisfy PaymentDetails.outputs
- getTransactionsList() - Method in class org.bitcoin.protocols.payments.Protos.Payment
Signed transactions that satisfy PaymentDetails.outputs
- getTransactionsList() - Method in interface org.bitcoin.protocols.payments.Protos.PaymentOrBuilder
Signed transactions that satisfy PaymentDetails.outputs
- getTransactionVerificationFlags(Block, Transaction, VersionTally, Integer) - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.NetworkParameters
The flags indicating which script validation tests should be applied to
the given transaction.
- getTxId() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.Transaction
Returns the transaction id as you see them in block explorers.
- getTxnHashAndMerkleRoot(List<Sha256Hash>) - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.PartialMerkleTree
Extracts tx hashes that are in this merkle tree
and returns the merkle root of this tree.
- getTxOutChanges() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.StoredUndoableBlock
Get the transaction output changes if they have been calculated, otherwise null.
- getType() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.Key.Builder
required .wallet.Key.Type type = 1;
- getType() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.Key
required .wallet.Key.Type type = 1;
- getType() - Method in interface org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.KeyOrBuilder
required .wallet.Key.Type type = 1;
- getType() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.TransactionConfidence.Builder
This is optional in case we add confidence types to prevent parse errors - backwards compatible.
- getType() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.TransactionConfidence
This is optional in case we add confidence types to prevent parse errors - backwards compatible.
- getType() - Method in interface org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.TransactionConfidenceOrBuilder
This is optional in case we add confidence types to prevent parse errors - backwards compatible.
- getUnderstoodEncryptionType() - Method in interface org.bitcoinj.crypto.KeyCrypter
Return the EncryptionType enum value which denotes the type of encryption/ decryption that this KeyCrypter
can understand.
- getUnderstoodEncryptionType() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.crypto.KeyCrypterScrypt
Return the EncryptionType enum value which denotes the type of encryption/ decryption that this KeyCrypter
can understand.
- getUndoBlock(Sha256Hash) - Method in class org.bitcoinj.store.DatabaseFullPrunedBlockStore
- getUndoBlock(Sha256Hash) - Method in interface org.bitcoinj.store.FullPrunedBlockStore
- getUndoBlock(Sha256Hash) - Method in class org.bitcoinj.store.LevelDBFullPrunedBlockStore
- getUndoBlock(Sha256Hash) - Method in class org.bitcoinj.store.MemoryFullPrunedBlockStore
- getUnspents() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Wallet
Returns a copy of the internal unspent outputs list
- getUpdatedAt() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.Transaction.Builder
millis since epoch the transaction was last updated
- getUpdatedAt() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.Transaction
millis since epoch the transaction was last updated
- getUpdatedAt() - Method in interface org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.TransactionOrBuilder
millis since epoch the transaction was last updated
- getUpdateFlag() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.BloomFilter
The update flag controls how application of the filter to a block modifies the filter.
- getUpdateHeadersSQL() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.store.DatabaseFullPrunedBlockStore
Get the SQL to update a headers record.
- getUpdateSettingsSLQ() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.store.DatabaseFullPrunedBlockStore
Get the SQL to update a setting value.
- getUpdateTime() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.Transaction
Returns the earliest time at which the transaction was seen (broadcast or included into the chain),
or the epoch if that information isn't available.
- getUpdateUndoableBlocksSQL() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.store.DatabaseFullPrunedBlockStore
Get the SQL to update a undoableblocks record.
- getUriScheme() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.NetworkParameters
Scheme part for URIs, for example "bitcoin".
- getUriScheme() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.params.AbstractBitcoinNetParams
- getUseLocalhostPeerWhenPossible() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.PeerGroup
- getUTXOProvider() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Wallet
- getUTXOs(List<TransactionOutPoint>) - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.Peer
Sends a query to the remote peer asking for the unspent transaction outputs (UTXOs) for the given outpoints,
with the memory pool included.
- getUTXOs(List<TransactionOutPoint>, boolean) - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.Peer
Sends a query to the remote peer asking for the unspent transaction outputs (UTXOs) for the given outpoints.
- GetUTXOsMessage - Class in org.bitcoinj.core
This command is supported only by
Bitcoin XT nodes, which
advertise themselves using the second service bit flag.
- GetUTXOsMessage(NetworkParameters, List<TransactionOutPoint>, boolean) - Constructor for class org.bitcoinj.core.GetUTXOsMessage
- GetUTXOsMessage(NetworkParameters, byte[]) - Constructor for class org.bitcoinj.core.GetUTXOsMessage
- getValue() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.Coin
Returns the number of satoshis of this monetary value.
- getValue() - Method in interface org.bitcoinj.core.Monetary
Returns the number of "smallest units" of this monetary value.
- getValue(TransactionBag) - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.Transaction
- getValue() - Method in enum org.bitcoinj.core.TransactionConfidence.ConfidenceType
- getValue() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.TransactionInput
- getValue() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.TransactionOutput
Returns the value of this output.
- getValue() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.UTXO
The value which this Transaction output holds.
- getValue() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.protocols.payments.PaymentSession
Returns the total amount of bitcoins requested.
- getValue() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.utils.Fiat
Returns the number of "smallest units" of this monetary value.
- getValue() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.TransactionInput.Builder
Value of connected output, if known
- getValue() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.TransactionInput
Value of connected output, if known
- getValue() - Method in interface org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.TransactionInputOrBuilder
Value of connected output, if known
- getValue() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.TransactionOutput.Builder
required int64 value = 1;
- getValue() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.TransactionOutput
required int64 value = 1;
- getValue() - Method in interface org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.TransactionOutputOrBuilder
required int64 value = 1;
- getValueSentFromMe(TransactionBag) - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.Transaction
Calculates the sum of the inputs that are spending coins with keys in the wallet.
- getValueSentToMe(TransactionBag) - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.Transaction
Calculates the sum of the outputs that are sending coins to a key in the wallet.
- getVerifiedChainHead() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.store.DatabaseFullPrunedBlockStore
- getVerifiedChainHead() - Method in interface org.bitcoinj.store.FullPrunedBlockStore
Returns the
that represents the top of the chain of greatest total work that has
been fully verified and the point in the chain at which the unspent transaction output set in this
store represents.
- getVerifiedChainHead() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.store.LevelDBFullPrunedBlockStore
- getVerifiedChainHead() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.store.MemoryFullPrunedBlockStore
- getVersion() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.Block
Returns the version of the block data structure as defined by the Bitcoin protocol.
- getVersion() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.LegacyAddress
Get the version header of an address.
- getVersion() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.Transaction
- getVersion() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.Transaction.Builder
See Wallet.java for detailed description of pool semantics
- getVersion() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.Transaction
See Wallet.java for detailed description of pool semantics
- getVersion() - Method in interface org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.TransactionOrBuilder
See Wallet.java for detailed description of pool semantics
- getVersion() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.Wallet.Builder
The version number of the wallet - used to detect wallets that were produced in the future
- getVersion() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.Wallet
The version number of the wallet - used to detect wallets that were produced in the future
- getVersion() - Method in interface org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.WalletOrBuilder
The version number of the wallet - used to detect wallets that were produced in the future
- getVersion() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Wallet
Get the version of the Wallet.
- getVersionHandshakeFuture() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.Peer
- getVersionMessage() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.Peer
Returns version data we announce to our remote peers.
- getVersionMessage() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.PeerGroup
Returns the version message provided by setVersionMessage or a default if none was given.
- getVersionTally() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.AbstractBlockChain
- getVsize() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.Transaction
Gets the virtual transaction size as defined in BIP141.
- getWallet() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.WalletFiles
- getWalletExtensionID() - Method in interface org.bitcoinj.wallet.WalletExtension
Returns a Java package/class style name used to disambiguate this extension from others.
- getWalletOutputs(TransactionBag) - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.Transaction
Returns the list of transacion outputs, whether spent or unspent, that match a wallet by address or that are
watched by a wallet, i.e., transaction outputs whose script's address is controlled by the wallet and transaction
outputs whose script is watched by the wallet.
- getWalletTransactions() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Wallet
Returns a set of all WalletTransactions in the wallet.
- getWatchedAddresses() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Wallet
Returns all addresses watched by this wallet.
- getWatchedOutputs(boolean) - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Wallet
- getWatchedScript(int) - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.Wallet.Builder
repeated .wallet.Script watched_script = 15;
- getWatchedScript(int) - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.Wallet
repeated .wallet.Script watched_script = 15;
- getWatchedScript(int) - Method in interface org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.WalletOrBuilder
repeated .wallet.Script watched_script = 15;
- getWatchedScriptCount() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.Wallet.Builder
repeated .wallet.Script watched_script = 15;
- getWatchedScriptCount() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.Wallet
repeated .wallet.Script watched_script = 15;
- getWatchedScriptCount() - Method in interface org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.WalletOrBuilder
repeated .wallet.Script watched_script = 15;
- getWatchedScriptList() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.Wallet.Builder
repeated .wallet.Script watched_script = 15;
- getWatchedScriptList() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.Wallet
repeated .wallet.Script watched_script = 15;
- getWatchedScriptList() - Method in interface org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.WalletOrBuilder
repeated .wallet.Script watched_script = 15;
- getWatchedScriptOrBuilder(int) - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.Wallet
repeated .wallet.Script watched_script = 15;
- getWatchedScriptOrBuilderList() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.Wallet
repeated .wallet.Script watched_script = 15;
- getWatchedScripts() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Wallet
Returns a snapshot of the watched scripts.
- getWatchingKey() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.DeterministicKeyChain
An alias for getKeyByPath(getAccountPath())
- getWatchingKey() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Wallet
Returns a public-only DeterministicKey that can be used to set up a watching wallet: that is, a wallet that
can import transactions from the block chain just as the normal wallet can, but which cannot spend.
- getWeight() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.Transaction
Gets the transaction weight as defined in BIP141.
- getWitness() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.TransactionInput
Get the transaction witness of this input.
- getWitness() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.TransactionInput.Builder
script witness
- getWitness() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.TransactionInput
script witness
- getWitness() - Method in interface org.bitcoinj.wallet.Protos.TransactionInputOrBuilder
script witness
- getWitnessProgram() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.SegwitAddress
Returns the witness program in decoded form.
- getWitnessRoot() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.Block
Returns the witness root in big endian form, calculating it from transactions if necessary.
- getWitnessVersion() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.SegwitAddress
Returns the witness version in decoded form.
- getWordList() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.crypto.MnemonicCode
Gets the word list this code uses.
- getWork() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.Block
Returns the work represented by this block.
- getWTxId() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.core.Transaction
Returns the witness transaction id (aka witness id) as per BIP144.
- getX() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.crypto.LazyECPoint
- getXCoord() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.crypto.LazyECPoint
- getY() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.crypto.LazyECPoint
- getYCoord() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.crypto.LazyECPoint
- getZCoord(int) - Method in class org.bitcoinj.crypto.LazyECPoint
- getZCoords() - Method in class org.bitcoinj.crypto.LazyECPoint