Class Transaction

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class Transaction
    extends BaseMessage

    A transaction represents the movement of coins from some addresses to some other addresses. It can also represent the minting of new coins. A Transaction object corresponds to the equivalent in the Bitcoin C++ implementation.

    Transactions are the fundamental atoms of Bitcoin and have many powerful features. Read "Working with transactions" in the documentation to learn more about how to use this class.

    All Bitcoin transactions are at risk of being reversed, though the risk is much less than with traditional payment systems. Transactions have confidence levels, which help you decide whether to trust a transaction or not. Whether to trust a transaction is something that needs to be decided on a case by case basis - a rule that makes sense for selling MP3s might not make sense for selling cars, or accepting payments from a family member. If you are building a wallet, how to present confidence to your users is something to consider carefully.

    Instances of this class are not safe for use by multiple threads.

    • Field Detail


        public static final java.util.Comparator<Transaction> SORT_TX_BY_UPDATE_TIME
        A comparator that can be used to sort transactions by their updateTime field. The ordering goes from most recent into the past. Transactions with an unknown update time will go to the end.

        public static final java.util.Comparator<Transaction> SORT_TX_BY_HEIGHT
        A comparator that can be used to sort transactions by their chain height. Unconfirmed transactions will go to the end.

        public static final int SERIALIZE_TRANSACTION_NO_WITNESS
        When this bit is set in protocolVersion, do not include witness. The actual value is the same as in Bitcoin Core for consistency.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final int LOCKTIME_THRESHOLD
        use LockTime.THRESHOLD or lockTime instanceof HeightLock or lockTime instanceof TimeLock
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final int MAX_STANDARD_TX_SIZE
        How many bytes a transaction can be before it won't be relayed anymore. Currently 100kb.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final Coin REFERENCE_DEFAULT_MIN_TX_FEE
        If feePerKb is lower than this, Bitcoin Core will treat it as if there were no fee.

        public static final Coin DEFAULT_TX_FEE
        If using this feePerKb, transactions will get confirmed within the next couple of blocks. This should be adjusted from time to time. Last adjustment: February 2017.

        public static final byte SIGHASH_ANYONECANPAY_VALUE
        Instead use SigHash.ANYONECANPAY.value or SigHash.ANYONECANPAY.byteValue() as appropriate.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
    • Method Detail

      • coinbase

        public static Transaction coinbase()
        Constructs an incomplete coinbase transaction with a minimal input script and no outputs.
        coinbase transaction
      • coinbase

        public static Transaction coinbase​(byte[] inputScriptBytes)
        Constructs an incomplete coinbase transaction with given bytes for the input script and no outputs.
        inputScriptBytes - arbitrary bytes for the coinbase input
        coinbase transaction
      • read

        public static Transaction read​(java.nio.ByteBuffer payload)
                                throws java.nio.BufferUnderflowException,
        Deserialize this message from a given payload.
        payload - payload to deserialize from
        read message
        java.nio.BufferUnderflowException - if the read message extends beyond the remaining bytes of the payload
      • read

        public static Transaction read​(java.nio.ByteBuffer payload,
                                       int protocolVersion)
                                throws java.nio.BufferUnderflowException,
        Deserialize this message from a given payload, according to BIP144 or the classic format, depending on if the transaction is segwit or not.
        payload - payload to deserialize from
        protocolVersion - protocol version to use for deserialization
        read message
        java.nio.BufferUnderflowException - if the read message extends beyond the remaining bytes of the payload
      • getTxId

        public Sha256Hash getTxId()
        Returns the transaction id as you see them in block explorers. It is used as a reference by transaction inputs via outpoints.
      • getWTxId

        public Sha256Hash getWTxId()
        Returns the witness transaction id (aka witness id) as per BIP144. For transactions without witness, this is the same as getTxId().
      • getWeight

        public int getWeight()
        Gets the transaction weight as defined in BIP141.
      • getVsize

        public int getVsize()
        Gets the virtual transaction size as defined in BIP141.
      • getInputSum

        public Coin getInputSum()
        Gets the sum of all transaction inputs, regardless of who owns them.

        Warning: Inputs with null TransactionInput.getValue() are silently skipped. Before completing or signing a transaction you should verify that there are no inputs with null values.

        The sum of all inputs with non-null values.
      • getValueSentToMe

        public Coin getValueSentToMe​(TransactionBag transactionBag)
        Calculates the sum of the outputs that are sending coins to a key in the wallet.
      • getAppearsInHashes

        public java.util.Map<Sha256Hash,​java.lang.Integer> getAppearsInHashes()
        Returns a map of block [hashes] which contain the transaction mapped to relativity counters, or null if this transaction doesn't have that data because it's not stored in the wallet or because it has never appeared in a block.
      • isPending

        public boolean isPending()
        Convenience wrapper around getConfidence().getConfidenceType()
        true if this transaction hasn't been seen in any block yet.
      • setBlockAppearance

        public void setBlockAppearance​(StoredBlock block,
                                       boolean bestChain,
                                       int relativityOffset)

        Puts the given block in the internal set of blocks in which this transaction appears. This is used by the wallet to ensure transactions that appear on side chains are recorded properly even though the block stores do not save the transaction data at all.

        If there is a re-org this will be called once for each block that was previously seen, to update which block is the best chain. The best chain block is guaranteed to be called last. So this must be idempotent.

        Sets updatedAt to be the earliest valid block time where this tx was seen.

        block - The StoredBlock in which the transaction has appeared.
        bestChain - whether to set the updatedAt timestamp from the block header (only if not already set)
        relativityOffset - A number that disambiguates the order of transactions within a block.
      • addBlockAppearance

        public void addBlockAppearance​(Sha256Hash blockHash,
                                       int relativityOffset)
      • getValueSentFromMe

        public Coin getValueSentFromMe​(TransactionBag wallet)
                                throws ScriptException
        Calculates the sum of the inputs that are spending coins with keys in the wallet. This requires the transactions sending coins to those keys to be in the wallet. This method will not attempt to download the blocks containing the input transactions if the key is in the wallet but the transactions are not.
        sum of the inputs that are spending coins with keys in the wallet
      • getOutputSum

        public Coin getOutputSum()
        Gets the sum of the outputs of the transaction. If the outputs are less than the inputs, it does not count the fee.
        the sum of the outputs regardless of who owns them.
      • getFee

        public Coin getFee()
        The transaction fee is the difference of the value of all inputs and the value of all outputs. Currently, the fee can only be determined for transactions created by us.
        fee, or null if it cannot be determined
      • isAnyOutputSpent

        public boolean isAnyOutputSpent()
        Returns true if any of the outputs is marked as spent.
      • isEveryOwnedOutputSpent

        public boolean isEveryOwnedOutputSpent​(TransactionBag transactionBag)
        Returns false if this transaction has at least one output that is owned by the given wallet and unspent, true otherwise.
      • updateTime

        public java.util.Optional<java.time.Instant> updateTime()
        Returns the earliest time at which the transaction was seen (broadcast or included into the chain), or empty if that information isn't available.
      • getUpdateTime

        public java.util.Date getUpdateTime()
      • setUpdateTime

        public void setUpdateTime​(java.time.Instant updateTime)
        Sets the update time of this transaction.
        updateTime - update time
      • clearUpdateTime

        public void clearUpdateTime()
        Clears the update time of this transaction.
      • hasWitnesses

        public boolean hasWitnesses()
        true of the transaction has any witnesses in any of its inputs
      • getMessageSizeForPriorityCalc

        public int getMessageSizeForPriorityCalc()
        The priority (coin age) calculation doesn't use the regular message size, but rather one adjusted downwards for the number of inputs. The goal is to incentivise cleaning up the UTXO set with free transactions, if one can do so.
      • isCoinBase

        public boolean isCoinBase()
        A coinbase transaction is one that creates a new coin. They are the first transaction in each block and their value is determined by a formula that all implementations of Bitcoin share. In 2011 the value of a coinbase transaction is 50 coins, but in future it will be less. A coinbase transaction is defined not only by its position in a block but by the data in the inputs.
      • toString

        public java.lang.String toString()
        toString in class java.lang.Object
      • toString

        public java.lang.String toString​(@Nullable
                                         AbstractBlockChain chain,
                                         Network network)
        A human-readable version of the transaction useful for debugging. The format is not guaranteed to be stable.
        chain - if provided, will be used to estimate lock times (if set)
        network - if provided, network for output scripts converted to addresses
      • toString

        public java.lang.String toString​(@Nullable
                                         AbstractBlockChain chain,
                                         Network network,
                                         java.lang.CharSequence indent)
        A human-readable version of the transaction useful for debugging. The format is not guaranteed to be stable.
        chain - if provided, will be used to estimate lock times (if set)
        network - if provided, network for output scripts converted to addresses
        indent - characters that will be prepended to each line of the output
      • clearInputs

        public void clearInputs()
        Removes all the inputs from this transaction. Note that this also invalidates the length attribute
      • addInput

        public TransactionInput addInput​(Sha256Hash spendTxHash,
                                         long outputIndex,
                                         Script script)
        Creates and adds an input to this transaction, with no checking that it's valid.
        the newly created input.
      • addSignedInput

        public TransactionInput addSignedInput​(TransactionOutPoint prevOut,
                                               Script scriptPubKey,
                                               Coin amount,
                                               ECKey sigKey,
                                               Transaction.SigHash sigHash,
                                               boolean anyoneCanPay)
                                        throws ScriptException
        Adds a new and fully signed input for the given parameters. Note that this method is not thread safe and requires external synchronization. Please refer to general documentation on Bitcoin scripting and contracts to understand the values of sigHash and anyoneCanPay: otherwise you can use the other form of this method that sets them to typical defaults.
        prevOut - A reference to the output being spent
        scriptPubKey - The scriptPubKey of the output
        amount - The amount of the output (which is part of the signature hash for segwit)
        sigKey - The signing key
        sigHash - enum specifying how the transaction hash is calculated
        anyoneCanPay - anyone-can-pay hashing
        The newly created input
        ScriptException - if the scriptPubKey is something we don't know how to sign.
      • addSignedInput

        public TransactionInput addSignedInput​(TransactionOutPoint prevOut,
                                               Script scriptPubKey,
                                               Coin amount,
                                               ECKey sigKey)
                                        throws ScriptException
        Adds a new and fully signed input for the given parameters. Note that this method is not thread safe and requires external synchronization. Defaults to Transaction.SigHash.ALL and "false" for the anyoneCanPay flag. This is normally what you want.
        prevOut - A reference to the output being spent
        scriptPubKey - The scriptPubKey of the output
        amount - The amount of the output (which is part of the signature hash for segwit)
        sigKey - The signing key
        The newly created input
        ScriptException - if the scriptPubKey is something we don't know how to sign.
      • addSignedInput

        public TransactionInput addSignedInput​(TransactionOutput output,
                                               ECKey sigKey)
        Adds an input that points to the given output and contains a valid signature for it, calculated using the signing key. Defaults to Transaction.SigHash.ALL and "false" for the anyoneCanPay flag. This is normally what you want.
        output - output to sign and use as input
        sigKey - The signing key
        The newly created input
      • clearOutputs

        public void clearOutputs()
        Removes all the outputs from this transaction. Note that this also invalidates the length attribute
      • addOutput

        public TransactionOutput addOutput​(TransactionOutput to)
        Adds the given output to this transaction. The output must be completely initialized. Returns the given output.
      • addOutput

        public TransactionOutput addOutput​(Coin value,
                                           Address address)
        Creates an output based on the given address and value, adds it to this transaction, and returns the new output.
      • addOutput

        public TransactionOutput addOutput​(Coin value,
                                           ECKey pubkey)
        Creates an output that pays to the given pubkey directly (no address) with the given value, adds it to this transaction, and returns the new output.
      • addOutput

        public TransactionOutput addOutput​(Coin value,
                                           Script script)
        Creates an output that pays to the given script. The address and key forms are specialisations of this method, you won't normally need to use it unless you're doing unusual things.
      • calculateSignature

        public TransactionSignature calculateSignature​(int inputIndex,
                                                       ECKey key,
                                                       byte[] redeemScript,
                                                       Transaction.SigHash hashType,
                                                       boolean anyoneCanPay)
        Calculates a signature that is valid for being inserted into the input at the given position. This is simply a wrapper around calling hashForSignature(int, byte[], Transaction.SigHash, boolean) followed by ECKey.sign(Sha256Hash) and then returning a new TransactionSignature. The key must be usable for signing as-is: if the key is encrypted it must be decrypted first external to this method.
        inputIndex - Which input to calculate the signature for, as an index.
        key - The private key used to calculate the signature.
        redeemScript - Byte-exact contents of the scriptPubKey that is being satisfied, or the P2SH redeem script.
        hashType - Signing mode, see the enum for documentation.
        anyoneCanPay - Signing mode, see the SigHash enum for documentation.
        A newly calculated signature object that wraps the r, s and sighash components.
      • calculateSignature

        public TransactionSignature calculateSignature​(int inputIndex,
                                                       ECKey key,
                                                       Script redeemScript,
                                                       Transaction.SigHash hashType,
                                                       boolean anyoneCanPay)
        Calculates a signature that is valid for being inserted into the input at the given position. This is simply a wrapper around calling hashForSignature(int, byte[], Transaction.SigHash, boolean) followed by ECKey.sign(Sha256Hash) and then returning a new TransactionSignature.
        inputIndex - Which input to calculate the signature for, as an index.
        key - The private key used to calculate the signature.
        redeemScript - The scriptPubKey that is being satisfied, or the P2SH redeem script.
        hashType - Signing mode, see the enum for documentation.
        anyoneCanPay - Signing mode, see the SigHash enum for documentation.
        A newly calculated signature object that wraps the r, s and sighash components.
      • calculateSignature

        public TransactionSignature calculateSignature​(int inputIndex,
                                                       ECKey key,
                                                       AesKey aesKey,
                                                       byte[] redeemScript,
                                                       Transaction.SigHash hashType,
                                                       boolean anyoneCanPay)
        Calculates a signature that is valid for being inserted into the input at the given position. This is simply a wrapper around calling hashForSignature(int, byte[], Transaction.SigHash, boolean) followed by ECKey.sign(Sha256Hash) and then returning a new TransactionSignature. The key must be usable for signing as-is: if the key is encrypted it must be decrypted first external to this method.
        inputIndex - Which input to calculate the signature for, as an index.
        key - The private key used to calculate the signature.
        aesKey - The AES key to use for decryption of the private key. If null then no decryption is required.
        redeemScript - Byte-exact contents of the scriptPubKey that is being satisfied, or the P2SH redeem script.
        hashType - Signing mode, see the enum for documentation.
        anyoneCanPay - Signing mode, see the SigHash enum for documentation.
        A newly calculated signature object that wraps the r, s and sighash components.
      • calculateSignature

        public TransactionSignature calculateSignature​(int inputIndex,
                                                       ECKey key,
                                                       AesKey aesKey,
                                                       Script redeemScript,
                                                       Transaction.SigHash hashType,
                                                       boolean anyoneCanPay)
        Calculates a signature that is valid for being inserted into the input at the given position. This is simply a wrapper around calling hashForSignature(int, byte[], Transaction.SigHash, boolean) followed by ECKey.sign(Sha256Hash) and then returning a new TransactionSignature.
        inputIndex - Which input to calculate the signature for, as an index.
        key - The private key used to calculate the signature.
        aesKey - The AES key to use for decryption of the private key. If null then no decryption is required.
        redeemScript - The scriptPubKey that is being satisfied, or the P2SH redeem script.
        hashType - Signing mode, see the enum for documentation.
        anyoneCanPay - Signing mode, see the SigHash enum for documentation.
        A newly calculated signature object that wraps the r, s and sighash components.
      • hashForSignature

        public Sha256Hash hashForSignature​(int inputIndex,
                                           byte[] redeemScript,
                                           Transaction.SigHash type,
                                           boolean anyoneCanPay)

        Calculates a signature hash, that is, a hash of a simplified form of the transaction. How exactly the transaction is simplified is specified by the type and anyoneCanPay parameters.

        This is a low level API and when using the regular Wallet class you don't have to call this yourself. When working with more complex transaction types and contracts, it can be necessary. When signing a P2SH output the redeemScript should be the script encoded into the scriptSig field, for normal transactions, it's the scriptPubKey of the output you're signing for.

        inputIndex - input the signature is being calculated for. Tx signatures are always relative to an input.
        redeemScript - the bytes that should be in the given input during signing.
        type - Should be SigHash.ALL
        anyoneCanPay - should be false.
      • hashForSignature

        public Sha256Hash hashForSignature​(int inputIndex,
                                           Script redeemScript,
                                           Transaction.SigHash type,
                                           boolean anyoneCanPay)

        Calculates a signature hash, that is, a hash of a simplified form of the transaction. How exactly the transaction is simplified is specified by the type and anyoneCanPay parameters.

        This is a low level API and when using the regular Wallet class you don't have to call this yourself. When working with more complex transaction types and contracts, it can be necessary. When signing a P2SH output the redeemScript should be the script encoded into the scriptSig field, for normal transactions, it's the scriptPubKey of the output you're signing for.

        inputIndex - input the signature is being calculated for. Tx signatures are always relative to an input.
        redeemScript - the script that should be in the given input during signing.
        type - Should be SigHash.ALL
        anyoneCanPay - should be false.
      • hashForSignature

        public Sha256Hash hashForSignature​(int inputIndex,
                                           byte[] connectedScript,
                                           byte sigHashType)
        This is required for signatures which use a sigHashType which cannot be represented using SigHash and anyoneCanPay See transaction c99c49da4c38af669dea436d3e73780dfdb6c1ecf9958baa52960e8baee30e73, which has sigHashType 0
      • hashForWitnessSignature

        public Sha256Hash hashForWitnessSignature​(int inputIndex,
                                                  byte[] scriptCode,
                                                  Coin prevValue,
                                                  Transaction.SigHash type,
                                                  boolean anyoneCanPay)
      • hashForWitnessSignature

        public Sha256Hash hashForWitnessSignature​(int inputIndex,
                                                  Script scriptCode,
                                                  Coin prevValue,
                                                  Transaction.SigHash type,
                                                  boolean anyoneCanPay)

        Calculates a signature hash, that is, a hash of a simplified form of the transaction. How exactly the transaction is simplified is specified by the type and anyoneCanPay parameters.

        This is a low level API and when using the regular Wallet class you don't have to call this yourself. When working with more complex transaction types and contracts, it can be necessary. When signing a Witness output the scriptCode should be the script encoded into the scriptSig field, for normal transactions, it's the scriptPubKey of the output you're signing for. (See BIP143:

        inputIndex - input the signature is being calculated for. Tx signatures are always relative to an input.
        scriptCode - the script that should be in the given input during signing.
        prevValue - the value of the coin being spent
        type - Should be SigHash.ALL
        anyoneCanPay - should be false.
      • hashForWitnessSignature

        public Sha256Hash hashForWitnessSignature​(int inputIndex,
                                                  byte[] scriptCode,
                                                  Coin prevValue,
                                                  byte sigHashType)
      • messageSize

        public int messageSize()
        Description copied from class: BaseMessage
        Return the size of the serialized message. Note that if the message was deserialized from a payload, this size can differ from the size of the original payload.
        Specified by:
        messageSize in interface Message
        messageSize in class BaseMessage
        size of this object when serialized (in bytes)
      • bitcoinSerializeToStream

        protected void bitcoinSerializeToStream​( stream)
        Description copied from class: BaseMessage
        Serializes this message to the provided stream. If you just want the raw bytes use bitcoinSerialize().
        Specified by:
        bitcoinSerializeToStream in class BaseMessage
      • bitcoinSerializeToStream

        protected void bitcoinSerializeToStream​( stream,
                                                boolean useSegwit)
        Serialize according to BIP144 or the classic format, depending on if segwit is desired.
      • lockTime

        public LockTime lockTime()
        Transactions can have an associated lock time, specified either as a block height or as a timestamp (in seconds since epoch). A transaction is not allowed to be confirmed by miners until the lock time is reached, and since Bitcoin 0.8+ a transaction that did not end its lock period (non final) is considered to be non standard and won't be relayed or included in the memory pool either.
        lock time, wrapped in a LockTime
      • getLockTime

        public long getLockTime()
      • setLockTime

        public void setLockTime​(long lockTime)
        Transactions can have an associated lock time, specified either as a block height or as a timestamp (in seconds since epoch). A transaction is not allowed to be confirmed by miners until the lock time is reached, and since Bitcoin 0.8+ a transaction that did not end its lock period (non final) is considered to be non standard and won't be relayed or included in the memory pool either.
      • getVersion

        public long getVersion()
      • setVersion

        public void setVersion​(int version)
      • getInputs

        public java.util.List<TransactionInput> getInputs()
        Returns an unmodifiable view of all inputs.
      • getOutputs

        public java.util.List<TransactionOutput> getOutputs()
        Returns an unmodifiable view of all outputs.
      • getWalletOutputs

        public java.util.List<TransactionOutput> getWalletOutputs​(TransactionBag transactionBag)

        Returns the list of transacion outputs, whether spent or unspent, that match a wallet by address or that are watched by a wallet, i.e., transaction outputs whose script's address is controlled by the wallet and transaction outputs whose script is watched by the wallet.

        transactionBag - The wallet that controls addresses and watches scripts.
        linked list of outputs relevant to the wallet in this transaction
      • shuffleOutputs

        public void shuffleOutputs()
        Randomly re-orders the transaction outputs: good for privacy
      • getInput

        public TransactionInput getInput​(long index)
        Same as getInputs().get(index).
      • getOutput

        public TransactionOutput getOutput​(long index)
        Same as getOutputs().get(index)
      • getOutput

        public TransactionOutput getOutput​(TransactionOutPoint outpoint)
        Gets the output the gihven outpoint is referring to. Note the output must belong to this transaction, or else an IllegalArgumentException will occur.
        outpoint - outpoint referring to the output to get
        output referred to by the given outpoint
      • hasConfidence

        public boolean hasConfidence()
        Check if the transaction has a known confidence
      • equals

        public boolean equals​(java.lang.Object o)
        equals in class java.lang.Object
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class java.lang.Object
      • checkCoinBaseHeight

        public void checkCoinBaseHeight​(int height)
                                 throws VerificationException
        Check block height is in coinbase input script, for use after BIP 34 enforcement is enabled.
      • findWitnessCommitment

        public Sha256Hash findWitnessCommitment()
        Loops the outputs of a coinbase transaction to locate the witness commitment.
      • isTimeLocked

        public boolean isTimeLocked()

        A transaction is time-locked if at least one of its inputs is non-final and it has a lock time. A transaction can also have a relative lock time which this method doesn't tell. Use hasRelativeLockTime() to find out.

        To check if this transaction is final at a given height and time, see isFinal(int, long)

      • isOptInFullRBF

        public boolean isOptInFullRBF()
        Returns whether this transaction will opt into the full replace-by-fee semantics.
      • isFinal

        public boolean isFinal​(int height,
                               long blockTimeSeconds)

        Returns true if this transaction is considered finalized and can be placed in a block. Non-finalized transactions won't be included by miners and can be replaced with newer versions using sequence numbers. This is useful in certain types of contracts, such as micropayment channels.

        Note that currently the replacement feature is disabled in Bitcoin Core and will need to be re-activated before this functionality is useful.

      • estimateUnlockTime

        public java.time.Instant estimateUnlockTime​(AbstractBlockChain chain)
        Returns either the lock time, if it was specified as a timestamp, or an estimate based on the time in the current head block if it was specified as a block height.
      • getPurpose

        public Transaction.Purpose getPurpose()
        Returns the purpose for which this transaction was created. See the javadoc for Transaction.Purpose for more information on the point of this field and what it can be.
      • setPurpose

        public void setPurpose​(Transaction.Purpose purpose)
        Marks the transaction as being created for the given purpose. See the javadoc for Transaction.Purpose for more information on the point of this field and what it can be.
      • getExchangeRate

        public ExchangeRate getExchangeRate()
        Getter for exchangeRate.
      • setExchangeRate

        public void setExchangeRate​(ExchangeRate exchangeRate)
        Setter for exchangeRate.
      • getMemo

        public java.lang.String getMemo()
        Returns the transaction memo.
      • setMemo

        public void setMemo​(java.lang.String memo)
        Set the transaction memo. It can be used to record the memo of the payment request that initiated the transaction.
      • verify

        public static void verify​(Network network,
                                  Transaction tx)
                           throws VerificationException

        Checks the transaction contents for sanity, in ways that can be done in a standalone manner. Does not perform all checks on a transaction such as whether the inputs are already spent. Specifically this method verifies:

        • That there is at least one input and output.
        • That the serialized size is not larger than the max block size.
        • That no outputs have negative value.
        • That the outputs do not sum to larger than the max allowed quantity of coin in the system.
        • If the tx is a coinbase tx, the coinbase scriptSig size is within range. Otherwise that there are no coinbase inputs in the tx.
        network - network for the verification rules
        tx - transaction to verify
        VerificationException - if at least one of the rules is violated