Class AesKey

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class AesKey
    extends ByteArray
    Wrapper for a byte[] containing an AES Key. This is a replacement for Bouncy Castle's KeyParameter which was used for this purpose in previous versions of bitcoinj. Unfortunately, this created a Gradle _API_ dependency on Bouncy Castle when that wasn't strictly necessary.

    We have made this change without deprecation because it affected many method signatures and because updating is a trivial change. If for some reason you have code that uses the Bouncy Castle KeyParameter type and need to convert to or from AesKey, you can temporarily use ofKeyParameter(KeyParameter) or toKeyParameter()

    • Constructor Detail

      • AesKey

        public AesKey​(byte[] keyBytes)
        Wrapper for a byte[] containing an AES Key
        keyBytes - implementation-dependent AES Key bytes
    • Method Detail

      • getKey

        public byte[] getKey()
        Provided to ease migration from KeyParameter.
        The key bytes
      • ofKeyParameter

        public static AesKey ofKeyParameter​(org.bouncycastle.crypto.params.KeyParameter keyParameter)
        Use new AesKey(keyParameter.bytes())
        Provided to ease migration from KeyParameter.
        keyParameter - instance to convert
        new, preferred container for AES keys
      • toKeyParameter

        public org.bouncycastle.crypto.params.KeyParameter toKeyParameter()
        Use new KeyParameter(key.bytes)
        Provided to ease migration from KeyParameter.
        if for some reason you still need (temporarily, we hope) a KeyParameter