Class Peer

    • Field Detail

      • lock

        protected final java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock lock
    • Method Detail

      • addBlocksDownloadedEventListener

        public void addBlocksDownloadedEventListener​(BlocksDownloadedEventListener listener)
        Registers a listener that is invoked when new blocks are downloaded.
      • addBlocksDownloadedEventListener

        public void addBlocksDownloadedEventListener​(java.util.concurrent.Executor executor,
                                                     BlocksDownloadedEventListener listener)
        Registers a listener that is invoked when new blocks are downloaded.
      • addChainDownloadStartedEventListener

        public void addChainDownloadStartedEventListener​(ChainDownloadStartedEventListener listener)
        Registers a listener that is invoked when a blockchain downloaded starts.
      • addChainDownloadStartedEventListener

        public void addChainDownloadStartedEventListener​(java.util.concurrent.Executor executor,
                                                         ChainDownloadStartedEventListener listener)
        Registers a listener that is invoked when a blockchain downloaded starts.
      • addConnectedEventListener

        public void addConnectedEventListener​(PeerConnectedEventListener listener)
        Registers a listener that is invoked when a peer is connected.
      • addConnectedEventListener

        public void addConnectedEventListener​(java.util.concurrent.Executor executor,
                                              PeerConnectedEventListener listener)
        Registers a listener that is invoked when a peer is connected.
      • addDisconnectedEventListener

        public void addDisconnectedEventListener​(PeerDisconnectedEventListener listener)
        Registers a listener that is invoked when a peer is disconnected.
      • addDisconnectedEventListener

        public void addDisconnectedEventListener​(java.util.concurrent.Executor executor,
                                                 PeerDisconnectedEventListener listener)
        Registers a listener that is invoked when a peer is disconnected.
      • addGetDataEventListener

        public void addGetDataEventListener​(GetDataEventListener listener)
        Registers a listener that is called when messages are received.
      • addGetDataEventListener

        public void addGetDataEventListener​(java.util.concurrent.Executor executor,
                                            GetDataEventListener listener)
        Registers a listener that is called when messages are received.
      • addOnTransactionBroadcastListener

        public void addOnTransactionBroadcastListener​(OnTransactionBroadcastListener listener)
        Registers a listener that is called when a transaction is broadcast across the network
      • addOnTransactionBroadcastListener

        public void addOnTransactionBroadcastListener​(java.util.concurrent.Executor executor,
                                                      OnTransactionBroadcastListener listener)
        Registers a listener that is called when a transaction is broadcast across the network
      • addPreMessageReceivedEventListener

        public void addPreMessageReceivedEventListener​(PreMessageReceivedEventListener listener)
        Registers a listener that is called immediately before a message is received
      • addPreMessageReceivedEventListener

        public void addPreMessageReceivedEventListener​(java.util.concurrent.Executor executor,
                                                       PreMessageReceivedEventListener listener)
        Registers a listener that is called immediately before a message is received
      • addAddressEventListener

        public void addAddressEventListener​(AddressEventListener listener)
        Registers a listener that is called when addr or addrv2 messages are received.
      • addAddressEventListener

        public void addAddressEventListener​(java.util.concurrent.Executor executor,
                                            AddressEventListener listener)
        Registers a listener that is called when addr or addrv2 messages are received.
      • removeGetDataEventListener

        public boolean removeGetDataEventListener​(GetDataEventListener listener)
      • removeAddressEventListener

        public boolean removeAddressEventListener​(AddressEventListener listener)
      • toString

        public java.lang.String toString()
        toString in class java.lang.Object
      • connectionClosed

        public void connectionClosed()
        Description copied from interface: StreamConnection
        Called when the connection socket is closed
      • connectionOpened

        public void connectionOpened()
        Description copied from interface: StreamConnection
        Called when the connection socket is first opened
      • getConnectionOpenFuture

        public ListenableCompletableFuture<Peer> getConnectionOpenFuture()
        Provides a ListenableCompletableFuture that can be used to wait for the socket to connect. A socket connection does not mean that protocol handshake has occurred.
      • processMessage

        protected void processMessage​(Message m)
                               throws java.lang.Exception
        Description copied from class: PeerSocketHandler
        Called every time a message is received from the network
        Specified by:
        processMessage in class PeerSocketHandler
      • startFilteredBlock

        protected void startFilteredBlock​(FilteredBlock m)
      • processNotFoundMessage

        protected void processNotFoundMessage​(NotFoundMessage m)
      • processGetData

        protected void processGetData​(GetDataMessage getdata)
      • downloadDependencies

        public ListenableCompletableFuture<java.util.List<Transaction>> downloadDependencies​(Transaction tx)

        Returns a future that wraps a list of all transactions that the given transaction depends on, recursively. Only transactions in peers memory pools are included; the recursion stops at transactions that are in the current best chain. So it doesn't make much sense to provide a tx that was already in the best chain and a precondition checks this.

        For example, if tx has 2 inputs that connect to transactions A and B, and transaction B is unconfirmed and has one input connecting to transaction C that is unconfirmed, and transaction C connects to transaction D that is in the chain, then this method will return either {B, C} or {C, B}. No ordering is guaranteed.

        This method is useful for apps that want to learn about how long an unconfirmed transaction might take to confirm, by checking for unexpectedly time locked transactions, unusually deep dependency trees or fee-paying transactions that depend on unconfirmed free transactions.

        Note that dependencies downloaded this way will not trigger the onTransaction method of event listeners.

        tx - The transaction
        A Future for a list of dependent transactions
      • downloadDependenciesInternal

        protected java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture<java.util.List<Transaction>> downloadDependenciesInternal​(Transaction rootTx,
                                                                                                                   int maxDepth,
                                                                                                                   int depth)
        Internal, recursive dependency downloader
        rootTx - The root transaction
        maxDepth - maximum recursion depth
        depth - current recursion depth (starts at 0)
        A Future for a list of dependent transactions
      • processBlock

        protected void processBlock​(Block m)
      • endFilteredBlock

        protected void endFilteredBlock​(FilteredBlock m)
      • getBlock

        public ListenableCompletableFuture<Block> getBlock​(Sha256Hash blockHash)
        Asks the connected peer for the block of the given hash, and returns a future representing the answer. If you want the block right away and don't mind waiting for it, just call .get() on the result. Your thread will block until the peer answers.
      • getPeerMempoolTransaction

        public ListenableCompletableFuture<Transaction> getPeerMempoolTransaction​(Sha256Hash hash)
        Asks the connected peer for the given transaction from its memory pool. Transactions in the chain cannot be retrieved this way because peers don't have a transaction ID to transaction-pos-on-disk index, and besides, in future many peers will delete old transaction data they don't need.
      • setFastDownloadParameters

        public void setFastDownloadParameters​(boolean useFilteredBlocks,
                                              java.time.Instant fastCatchupTime)
        When downloading the block chain, the bodies will be skipped for blocks created before the given date. Any transactions relevant to the wallet will therefore not be found, but if you know your wallet has no such transactions it doesn't matter and can save a lot of bandwidth and processing time. Note that the times of blocks isn't known until their headers are available and they are requested in chunks, so some headers may be downloaded twice using this scheme, but this optimization can still be a large win for newly created wallets.
        useFilteredBlocks - whether to request filtered blocks if the protocol version allows for them
        fastCatchupTime - time before which block bodies are skipped
      • setDownloadParameters

        public void setDownloadParameters​(boolean useFilteredBlocks)
        Always download full blocks.
        useFilteredBlocks - whether to request filtered blocks if the protocol version allows for them
      • addWallet

        public void addWallet​(Wallet wallet)
        Links the given wallet to this peer. If you have multiple peers, you should use a PeerGroup to manage them and use the PeerGroup.addWallet(Wallet) method instead of registering the wallet with each peer independently, otherwise the wallet will receive duplicate notifications.
      • removeWallet

        public void removeWallet​(Wallet wallet)
        Unlinks the given wallet from peer. See addWallet(Wallet).
      • startBlockChainDownload

        public void startBlockChainDownload()
        Starts an asynchronous download of the block chain. The chain download is deemed to be complete once we've downloaded the same number of blocks that the peer advertised having in its version handshake message.
      • sendPing

        public java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture<java.time.Duration> sendPing()
        Sends the peer a ping message and returns a future that will be completed when the pong is received back. The future provides a Duration which contains the time elapsed between the ping and the pong. Once the pong is received the value returned by lastPingInterval() is updated. The future completes exceptionally with a ProtocolException if the peer version is too low to support measurable pings.
        A future for the duration representing elapsed time
      • sendPing

        protected java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture<java.time.Duration> sendPing​(long nonce)
      • lastPingInterval

        public java.util.Optional<java.time.Duration> lastPingInterval()
        Returns the elapsed time of the last ping/pong cycle. If sendPing() has never been called or we did not hear back the "pong" message yet, returns empty.
        last ping, or empty
      • getLastPingTime

        public long getLastPingTime()
      • pingInterval

        public java.util.Optional<java.time.Duration> pingInterval()
        Returns a moving average of the last N ping/pong cycles. If sendPing() has never been called or we did not hear back the "pong" message yet, returns empty. The moving average window is PING_MOVING_AVERAGE_WINDOW buckets.
        moving average, or empty
      • getPingTime

        public long getPingTime()
      • processPong

        protected void processPong​(Pong m)
      • getPeerBlockHeightDifference

        public int getPeerBlockHeightDifference()
        Returns the difference between our best chain height and the peers, which can either be positive if we are behind the peer, or negative if the peer is ahead of us.
      • isDownloadData

        public boolean isDownloadData()
        Returns true if this peer will try and download things it is sent in "inv" messages. Normally you only need one peer to be downloading data. Defaults to true.
      • setDownloadData

        public void setDownloadData​(boolean downloadData)
        If set to false, the peer won't try and fetch blocks and transactions it hears about. Normally, only one peer should download missing blocks. Defaults to true. Changing this value from false to true may trigger a request to the remote peer for the contents of its memory pool, if Bloom filtering is active.
      • getPeerVersionMessage

        public VersionMessage getPeerVersionMessage()
        Returns version data announced by the remote peer.
      • getFeeFilter

        public Coin getFeeFilter()
        Returns the fee filter announced by the remote peer, interpreted as satoshis per kB.
      • getVersionMessage

        public VersionMessage getVersionMessage()
        Returns version data we announce to our remote peers.
      • getBestHeight

        public long getBestHeight()
        the height of the best chain as claimed by peer: sum of its ver announcement and blocks announced since.
      • setMinProtocolVersion

        public boolean setMinProtocolVersion​(int minProtocolVersion)
        The minimum P2P protocol version that is accepted. If the peer speaks a protocol version lower than this, it will be disconnected.
        true if the peer was disconnected as a result
      • setBloomFilter

        public void setBloomFilter​(BloomFilter filter)

        Sets a Bloom filter on this connection. This will cause the given BloomFilter object to be sent to the remote peer and if either a memory pool has been set using the constructor or the vDownloadData property is true, a MemoryPoolMessage is sent as well to trigger downloading of any pending transactions that may be relevant.

        The Peer does not automatically request filters from any wallets added using addWallet(Wallet). This is to allow callers to avoid redundantly recalculating the same filter repeatedly when using multiple peers and multiple wallets together.

        Therefore, you should not use this method if your app uses a PeerGroup. It is called for you.

        If the remote peer doesn't support Bloom filtering, then this call is ignored. Once set you presently cannot unset a filter, though the underlying p2p protocol does support it.

      • setBloomFilter

        public void setBloomFilter​(BloomFilter filter,
                                   boolean andQueryMemPool)

        Sets a Bloom filter on this connection. This will cause the given BloomFilter object to be sent to the remote peer and if requested, a MemoryPoolMessage is sent as well to trigger downloading of any pending transactions that may be relevant.

        The Peer does not automatically request filters from any wallets added using addWallet(Wallet). This is to allow callers to avoid redundantly recalculating the same filter repeatedly when using multiple peers and multiple wallets together.

        Therefore, you should not use this method if your app uses a PeerGroup. It is called for you.

        If the remote peer doesn't support Bloom filtering, then this call is ignored. Once set you presently cannot unset a filter, though the underlying p2p protocol does support it.

      • isDownloadTxDependencies

        public boolean isDownloadTxDependencies()
        Returns true if this peer will use getdata/notfound messages to walk backwards through transaction dependencies before handing the transaction off to the wallet. The wallet can do risk analysis on pending/recent transactions to try and discover if a pending tx might be at risk of double spending.
      • setDownloadTxDependencies

        public void setDownloadTxDependencies​(boolean enable)
        Sets if this peer will use getdata/notfound messages to walk backwards through transaction dependencies before handing the transaction off to the wallet. The wallet can do risk analysis on pending/recent transactions to try and discover if a pending tx might be at risk of double spending.
      • setDownloadTxDependencies

        public void setDownloadTxDependencies​(int depth)
        Sets if this peer will use getdata/notfound messages to walk backwards through transaction dependencies before handing the transaction off to the wallet. The wallet can do risk analysis on pending/recent transactions to try and discover if a pending tx might be at risk of double spending.