Class BlockingClient

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class BlockingClient extends Object implements MessageWriteTarget

Creates a simple connection to a server using a StreamConnection to process data.

Generally, using NioClient and NioClientManager should be preferred over BlockingClient and BlockingClientManager, unless you wish to connect over a proxy or use some other network settings that cannot be set using NIO.

  • Constructor Details

    • BlockingClient

      public BlockingClient(SocketAddress serverAddress, StreamConnection connection, int connectTimeoutMillis, SocketFactory socketFactory, @Nullable Set<BlockingClient> clientSet) throws IOException

      Creates a new client to the given server address using the given StreamConnection to decode the data. The given connection MUST be unique to this object. This does not block while waiting for the connection to open, but will call either the StreamConnection.connectionOpened() or StreamConnection.connectionClosed() callback on the created network event processing thread.

      connectTimeoutMillis - The connect timeout set on the connection (in milliseconds). 0 is interpreted as no timeout.
      socketFactory - An object that creates Socket objects on demand, which may be customised to control how this client connects to the internet. If not sure, use SocketFactory.getDefault()
      clientSet - A set which this object will add itself to after initialization, and then remove itself from
  • Method Details

    • runReadLoop

      public static void runReadLoop(InputStream stream, StreamConnection connection) throws Exception
      A blocking call that never returns, except by throwing an exception. It reads bytes from the input stream and feeds them to the provided StreamConnection, for example, a Peer.
    • closeConnection

      public void closeConnection()
      Closes the connection to the server, triggering the StreamConnection.connectionClosed() event on the network-handling thread where all callbacks occur.
      Specified by:
      closeConnection in interface MessageWriteTarget
    • writeBytes

      public writeBytes(byte[] message) throws IOException
      Description copied from interface: MessageWriteTarget
      Writes the given bytes to the remote server. The returned future will complete when all bytes have been written to the OS network buffer.
      Specified by:
      writeBytes in interface MessageWriteTarget
    • getConnectFuture

      public<SocketAddress> getConnectFuture()
      Returns a future that completes once connection has occurred at the socket level or with an exception if failed to connect.