Class TransactionInput

public class TransactionInput extends ChildMessage

A transfer of coins from one address to another creates a transaction in which the outputs can be claimed by the recipient in the input of another transaction. You can imagine a transaction as being a module which is wired up to others, the inputs of one have to be wired to the outputs of another. The exceptions are coinbase transactions, which create new coins.

Instances of this class are not safe for use by multiple threads.

  • Field Details


      public static final long NO_SEQUENCE
      Magic sequence number that indicates there is no sequence number.
      See Also:

      public static final long SEQUENCE_LOCKTIME_DISABLE_FLAG
      BIP68: If this flag set, sequence is NOT interpreted as a relative lock-time.
      See Also:

      public static final long SEQUENCE_LOCKTIME_TYPE_FLAG
      BIP68: If sequence encodes a relative lock-time and this flag is set, the relative lock-time has units of 512 seconds, otherwise it specifies blocks with a granularity of 1.
      See Also:

      public static final long SEQUENCE_LOCKTIME_MASK
      BIP68: If sequence encodes a relative lock-time, this mask is applied to extract that lock-time from the sequence field.
      See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • TransactionInput

      public TransactionInput(NetworkParameters params, @Nullable Transaction parentTransaction, byte[] scriptBytes)
      Creates an input that connects to nothing - used only in creation of coinbase transactions.
    • TransactionInput

      public TransactionInput(NetworkParameters params, @Nullable Transaction parentTransaction, byte[] scriptBytes, TransactionOutPoint outpoint)
    • TransactionInput

      public TransactionInput(NetworkParameters params, @Nullable Transaction parentTransaction, byte[] scriptBytes, TransactionOutPoint outpoint, @Nullable Coin value)
    • TransactionInput

      public TransactionInput(NetworkParameters params, @Nullable Transaction parentTransaction, byte[] payload, int offset) throws ProtocolException
      Deserializes an input message. This is usually part of a transaction message.
    • TransactionInput

      public TransactionInput(NetworkParameters params, Transaction parentTransaction, byte[] payload, int offset, MessageSerializer serializer) throws ProtocolException
      Deserializes an input message. This is usually part of a transaction message.
      params - NetworkParameters object.
      payload - Bitcoin protocol formatted byte array containing message content.
      offset - The location of the first payload byte within the array.
      serializer - the serializer to use for this message.
  • Method Details

    • getIndex

      public int getIndex()
      Gets the index of this input in the parent transaction, or throws if this input is free standing. Iterates over the parents list to discover this.
    • parse

      protected void parse() throws ProtocolException
      Specified by:
      parse in class Message
    • bitcoinSerializeToStream

      protected void bitcoinSerializeToStream(OutputStream stream) throws IOException
      Description copied from class: Message
      Serializes this message to the provided stream. If you just want the raw bytes use bitcoinSerialize().
      bitcoinSerializeToStream in class Message
    • isCoinBase

      public boolean isCoinBase()
      Coinbase transactions have special inputs with hashes of zero. If this is such an input, returns true.
    • getScriptSig

      public Script getScriptSig() throws ScriptException
      Returns the script that is fed to the referenced output (scriptPubKey) script in order to satisfy it: usually contains signatures and maybe keys, but can contain arbitrary data if the output script accepts it.
    • setScriptSig

      public void setScriptSig(Script scriptSig)
      Set the given program as the scriptSig that is supposed to satisfy the connected output script.
    • getSequenceNumber

      public long getSequenceNumber()
      Sequence numbers allow participants in a multi-party transaction signing protocol to create new versions of the transaction independently of each other. Newer versions of a transaction can replace an existing version that's in nodes memory pools if the existing version is time locked. See the Contracts page on the Bitcoin wiki for examples of how you can use this feature to build contract protocols.
    • setSequenceNumber

      public void setSequenceNumber(long sequence)
      Sequence numbers allow participants in a multi-party transaction signing protocol to create new versions of the transaction independently of each other. Newer versions of a transaction can replace an existing version that's in nodes memory pools if the existing version is time locked. See the Contracts page on the Bitcoin wiki for examples of how you can use this feature to build contract protocols.
    • getOutpoint

      public TransactionOutPoint getOutpoint()
      The previous output transaction reference, as an OutPoint structure. This contains the data needed to connect to the output of the transaction we're gathering coins from.
    • getScriptBytes

      public byte[] getScriptBytes()
      The "script bytes" might not actually be a script. In coinbase transactions where new coins are minted there is no input transaction, so instead the scriptBytes contains some extra stuff (like a rollover nonce) that we don't care about much. The bytes are turned into a Script object (cached below) on demand via a getter.
      the scriptBytes
    • clearScriptBytes

      public void clearScriptBytes()
      Clear input scripts, e.g. in preparation for signing.
    • getParentTransaction

      public Transaction getParentTransaction()
      The Transaction that owns this input.
    • getValue

      @Nullable public Coin getValue()
      Value of the output connected to this input, if known. Null if unknown.
    • getWitness

      public TransactionWitness getWitness()
      Get the transaction witness of this input.
      the witness of the input
    • setWitness

      public void setWitness(TransactionWitness witness)
      Set the transaction witness of an input.
    • hasWitness

      public boolean hasWitness()
      Determine if the transaction has witnesses.
      true if the transaction has witnesses
    • getConnectedRedeemData

      @Nullable public RedeemData getConnectedRedeemData(KeyBag keyBag) throws ScriptException
      Alias for getOutpoint().getConnectedRedeemData(keyBag)
      See Also:
    • connect

      Connects this input to the relevant output of the referenced transaction if it's in the given map. Connecting means updating the internal pointers and spent flags. If the mode is to ABORT_ON_CONFLICT then the spent output won't be changed, but the outpoint.fromTx pointer will still be updated.
      transactions - Map of txhash to transaction.
      mode - Whether to abort if there's a pre-existing connection or not.
      NO_SUCH_TX if the prevtx wasn't found, ALREADY_SPENT if there was a conflict, SUCCESS if not.
    • connect

      Connects this input to the relevant output of the referenced transaction. Connecting means updating the internal pointers and spent flags. If the mode is to ABORT_ON_CONFLICT then the spent output won't be changed, but the outpoint.fromTx pointer will still be updated.
      transaction - The transaction to try.
      mode - Whether to abort if there's a pre-existing connection or not.
      NO_SUCH_TX if transaction is not the prevtx, ALREADY_SPENT if there was a conflict, SUCCESS if not.
    • connect

      public void connect(TransactionOutput out)
      Internal use only: connects this TransactionInput to the given output (updates pointers and spent flags)
    • disconnect

      public boolean disconnect()
      If this input is connected, check the output is connected back to this input and release it if so, making it spendable once again.
      true if the disconnection took place, false if it was not connected.
    • hasSequence

      public boolean hasSequence()
      true if this transaction's sequence number is set (ie it may be a part of a time-locked transaction)
    • isOptInFullRBF

      public boolean isOptInFullRBF()
      Returns whether this input will cause a transaction to opt into the full replace-by-fee semantics.
    • hasRelativeLockTime

      public boolean hasRelativeLockTime()
      Returns whether this input, if it belongs to a version 2 (or higher) transaction, has relative lock-time enabled.
    • verify

      public void verify() throws VerificationException
      For a connected transaction, runs the script against the connected pubkey and verifies they are correct.
      ScriptException - if the script did not verify.
      VerificationException - If the outpoint doesn't match the given output.
    • verify

      public void verify(TransactionOutput output) throws VerificationException
      Verifies that this input can spend the given output. Note that this input must be a part of a transaction. Also note that the consistency of the outpoint will be checked, even if this input has not been connected.
      output - the output that this input is supposed to spend.
      ScriptException - If the script doesn't verify.
      VerificationException - If the outpoint doesn't match the given output.
    • getConnectedOutput

      @Nullable public TransactionOutput getConnectedOutput()
      Returns the connected output, assuming the input was connected with connect(TransactionOutput) or variants at some point. If it wasn't connected, then this method returns null.
    • getConnectedTransaction

      @Nullable public Transaction getConnectedTransaction()
      Returns the connected transaction, assuming the input was connected with connect(TransactionOutput) or variants at some point. If it wasn't connected, then this method returns null.
    • duplicateDetached

      public TransactionInput duplicateDetached()
      Returns a copy of the input detached from its containing transaction, if need be.
    • isStandard

      public DefaultRiskAnalysis.RuleViolation isStandard()

      Returns either RuleViolation.NONE if the input is standard, or which rule makes it non-standard if so. The "IsStandard" rules control whether the default Bitcoin Core client blocks relay of a tx / refuses to mine it, however, non-standard transactions can still be included in blocks and will be accepted as valid if so.

      This method simply calls DefaultRiskAnalysis.isInputStandard(this).

    • equals

      public boolean equals(Object o)
      equals in class Object
    • hashCode

      public int hashCode()
      hashCode in class Object
    • toString

      public String toString()
      Returns a human readable debug string.
      toString in class Object