Class Sha256Hash

All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, Comparable<Sha256Hash>

public class Sha256Hash extends Object implements Serializable, Comparable<Sha256Hash>
A Sha256Hash wraps a byte[] so that equals(java.lang.Object) and hashCode() work correctly, allowing it to be used as a key in a map. It also checks that the length is correct (equal to LENGTH) and provides a bit more type safety.

Given that Sha256Hash instances can be created using wrapReversed(byte[]) or twiceOf(byte[]) or by wrapping raw bytes, there is no guarantee that if two Sha256Hash instances are found equal (via equals(Object)) that their preimages would be the same (even in the absence of a hash collision.)

See Also:
  • Field Summary

    Modifier and Type
    static final int
    static final Sha256Hash
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Returns the internal byte array, without defensively copying.
    Returns a reversed copy of the internal byte array.
    static byte[]
    hash(byte[] input)
    Calculates the SHA-256 hash of the given bytes.
    static byte[]
    hash(byte[] input, int offset, int length)
    Calculates the SHA-256 hash of the given byte range.
    Returns the last four bytes of the wrapped hash.
    static byte[]
    hashTwice(byte[] input)
    Calculates the SHA-256 hash of the given bytes, and then hashes the resulting hash again.
    static byte[]
    hashTwice(byte[] input1, byte[] input2)
    Calculates the hash of hash on the given chunks of bytes.
    static byte[]
    hashTwice(byte[] input, int offset, int length)
    Calculates the SHA-256 hash of the given byte range, and then hashes the resulting hash again.
    static byte[]
    hashTwice(byte[] input1, int offset1, int length1, byte[] input2, int offset2, int length2)
    Calculates the hash of hash on the given byte ranges.
    Returns a new SHA-256 MessageDigest instance.
    static Sha256Hash
    of(byte[] contents)
    Creates a new instance containing the calculated (one-time) hash of the given bytes.
    static Sha256Hash
    of(File file)
    Creates a new instance containing the calculated (one-time) hash of the given file's contents.
    Returns the bytes interpreted as a positive integer.
    static Sha256Hash
    twiceOf(byte[] contents)
    Creates a new instance containing the hash of the calculated hash of the given bytes.
    static Sha256Hash
    twiceOf(byte[] content1, byte[] content2)
    Creates a new instance containing the hash of the calculated hash of the given bytes.
    static Sha256Hash
    wrap(byte[] rawHashBytes)
    Creates a new instance that wraps the given hash value.
    static Sha256Hash
    wrap(String hexString)
    Creates a new instance that wraps the given hash value (represented as a hex string).
    static Sha256Hash
    wrapReversed(byte[] rawHashBytes)
    Creates a new instance that wraps the given hash value, but with byte order reversed.

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    clone, finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
  • Field Details

  • Method Details

    • wrap

      public static Sha256Hash wrap(byte[] rawHashBytes)
      Creates a new instance that wraps the given hash value.
      rawHashBytes - the raw hash bytes to wrap
      a new instance
      IllegalArgumentException - if the given array length is not exactly 32
    • wrap

      public static Sha256Hash wrap(String hexString)
      Creates a new instance that wraps the given hash value (represented as a hex string).
      hexString - a hash value represented as a hex string
      a new instance
      IllegalArgumentException - if the given string is not a valid hex string, or if it does not represent exactly 32 bytes
    • wrapReversed

      public static Sha256Hash wrapReversed(byte[] rawHashBytes)
      Creates a new instance that wraps the given hash value, but with byte order reversed.
      rawHashBytes - the raw hash bytes to wrap
      a new instance
      IllegalArgumentException - if the given array length is not exactly 32
    • of

      public static Sha256Hash of(byte[] contents)
      Creates a new instance containing the calculated (one-time) hash of the given bytes.
      contents - the bytes on which the hash value is calculated
      a new instance containing the calculated (one-time) hash
    • twiceOf

      public static Sha256Hash twiceOf(byte[] contents)
      Creates a new instance containing the hash of the calculated hash of the given bytes.
      contents - the bytes on which the hash value is calculated
      a new instance containing the calculated (two-time) hash
    • twiceOf

      public static Sha256Hash twiceOf(byte[] content1, byte[] content2)
      Creates a new instance containing the hash of the calculated hash of the given bytes.
      content1 - first bytes on which the hash value is calculated
      content2 - second bytes on which the hash value is calculated
      a new instance containing the calculated (two-time) hash
    • of

      public static Sha256Hash of(File file) throws IOException
      Creates a new instance containing the calculated (one-time) hash of the given file's contents. The file contents are read fully into memory, so this method should only be used with small files.
      file - the file on which the hash value is calculated
      a new instance containing the calculated (one-time) hash
      IOException - if an error occurs while reading the file
    • newDigest

      public static MessageDigest newDigest()
      Returns a new SHA-256 MessageDigest instance. This is a convenience method which wraps the checked exception that can never occur with a RuntimeException.
      a new SHA-256 MessageDigest instance
    • hash

      public static byte[] hash(byte[] input)
      Calculates the SHA-256 hash of the given bytes.
      input - the bytes to hash
      the hash (in big-endian order)
    • hash

      public static byte[] hash(byte[] input, int offset, int length)
      Calculates the SHA-256 hash of the given byte range.
      input - the array containing the bytes to hash
      offset - the offset within the array of the bytes to hash
      length - the number of bytes to hash
      the hash (in big-endian order)
    • hashTwice

      public static byte[] hashTwice(byte[] input)
      Calculates the SHA-256 hash of the given bytes, and then hashes the resulting hash again.
      input - the bytes to hash
      the double-hash (in big-endian order)
    • hashTwice

      public static byte[] hashTwice(byte[] input1, byte[] input2)
      Calculates the hash of hash on the given chunks of bytes. This is equivalent to concatenating the two chunks and then passing the result to hashTwice(byte[]).
    • hashTwice

      public static byte[] hashTwice(byte[] input, int offset, int length)
      Calculates the SHA-256 hash of the given byte range, and then hashes the resulting hash again.
      input - the array containing the bytes to hash
      offset - the offset within the array of the bytes to hash
      length - the number of bytes to hash
      the double-hash (in big-endian order)
    • hashTwice

      public static byte[] hashTwice(byte[] input1, int offset1, int length1, byte[] input2, int offset2, int length2)
      Calculates the hash of hash on the given byte ranges. This is equivalent to concatenating the two ranges and then passing the result to hashTwice(byte[]).
    • equals

      public boolean equals(Object o)
      equals in class Object
    • hashCode

      public int hashCode()
      Returns the last four bytes of the wrapped hash. This should be unique enough to be a suitable hash code even for blocks, where the goal is to try and get the first bytes to be zeros (i.e. the value as a big integer lower than the target value).
      hashCode in class Object
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object
    • toBigInteger

      public BigInteger toBigInteger()
      Returns the bytes interpreted as a positive integer.
    • getBytes

      public byte[] getBytes()
      Returns the internal byte array, without defensively copying. Therefore do NOT modify the returned array.
    • getReversedBytes

      public byte[] getReversedBytes()
      Returns a reversed copy of the internal byte array.
    • compareTo

      public int compareTo(Sha256Hash other)
      Specified by:
      compareTo in interface Comparable<Sha256Hash>