Package org.bitcoinj.params
Class RegTestParams
Network parameters for the regression test mode of bitcoind in which all blocks are trivially solvable.
Field Summary
Fields inherited from class org.bitcoinj.params.BitcoinNetworkParams
Fields inherited from class org.bitcoinj.core.NetworkParameters
addressHeader, addrSeeds, BIP16_ENFORCE_TIME, bip32HeaderP2PKHpriv, bip32HeaderP2PKHpub, bip32HeaderP2WPKHpriv, bip32HeaderP2WPKHpub, checkpoints, defaultSerializer, dnsSeeds, dumpedPrivateKeyHeader, id, interval, INTERVAL, majorityEnforceBlockUpgrade, majorityRejectBlockOutdated, majorityWindow, MAX_COINS, MAX_MONEY, maxTarget, network, p2shHeader, packetMagic, PAYMENT_PROTOCOL_ID_MAINNET, PAYMENT_PROTOCOL_ID_REGTEST, PAYMENT_PROTOCOL_ID_SIGNET, PAYMENT_PROTOCOL_ID_TESTNET, PAYMENT_PROTOCOL_ID_UNIT_TESTS, port, segwitAddressHrp, spendableCoinbaseDepth, subsidyDecreaseBlockCount, TARGET_SPACING, TARGET_TIMESPAN, targetTimespan
Constructor Summary
Constructors -
Method Summary
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionboolean
If we are running in testnet-in-a-box mode, we allow connections to nodes with 0 non-genesis blocks.static RegTestParams
Genesis block for this chain.Methods inherited from class org.bitcoinj.params.BitcoinNetworkParams
checkDifficultyTransitions, fromID, getBlockInflation, getMaxMoney, getMonetaryFormat, getPaymentProtocolId, getSerializer, getUriScheme, hasMaxMoney, isDifficultyTransitionPoint, isRewardHalvingPoint, of
Methods inherited from class org.bitcoinj.core.NetworkParameters
equals, fromAddress, fromPmtProtocolID, getAddressHeader, getAddrSeeds, getBip32HeaderP2PKHpriv, getBip32HeaderP2PKHpub, getBip32HeaderP2WPKHpriv, getBip32HeaderP2WPKHpub, getBlockVerificationFlags, getDefaultSerializer, getDnsSeeds, getDumpedPrivateKeyHeader, getId, getInterval, getMajorityEnforceBlockUpgrade, getMajorityRejectBlockOutdated, getMajorityWindow, getMaxTarget, getP2SHHeader, getPacketMagic, getPort, getProtocolVersionNum, getSegwitAddressHrp, getSpendableCoinbaseDepth, getSubsidyDecreaseBlockCount, getTargetTimespan, getTransactionVerificationFlags, hashCode, isCheckpoint, network, of, passesCheckpoint
Constructor Details
public RegTestParams()
Method Details
public boolean allowEmptyPeerChain()Description copied from class:NetworkParameters
If we are running in testnet-in-a-box mode, we allow connections to nodes with 0 non-genesis blocks.- Overrides:
in classNetworkParameters
- Returns:
- true if allowed
Description copied from class:NetworkParameters
Genesis block for this chain.
The first block in every chain is a well known constant shared between all Bitcoin implementations. For a block to be valid, it must be eventually possible to work backwards to the genesis block by following the prevBlockHash pointers in the block headers.
The genesis blocks for both test and main networks contain the timestamp of when they were created, and a message in the coinbase transaction. It says, "The Times 03/Jan/2009 Chancellor on brink of second bailout for banks".
- Specified by:
in classNetworkParameters
- Returns:
- genesis block