Class MonetaryFormat


public final class MonetaryFormat extends Object

Utility for formatting and parsing coin values to and from human-readable form.

MonetaryFormat instances are immutable. Invoking a configuration method has no effect on the receiving instance; you must store and use the new instance it returns, instead. Instances are thread safe, so they may be stored safely as static constants.

  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • MonetaryFormat

      public MonetaryFormat()
      Construct a MonetaryFormat with the default configuration.
    • MonetaryFormat

      public MonetaryFormat(boolean useSymbol)
      Construct a MonetaryFormat with the default configuration.
      useSymbol - use unicode symbols instead of the BTC and sat codes
  • Method Details

    • negativeSign

      public MonetaryFormat negativeSign(char negativeSign)
      Set character to prefix negative values.
    • positiveSign

      public MonetaryFormat positiveSign(char positiveSign)
      Set character to prefix positive values. A zero value means no sign is used in this case. For parsing, a missing sign will always be interpreted as if the positive sign was used.
    • digits

      public MonetaryFormat digits(char zeroDigit)
      Set character range to use for representing digits. It starts with the specified character representing zero.
    • decimalMark

      public MonetaryFormat decimalMark(char decimalMark)
      Set character to use as the decimal mark. If the formatted value does not have any decimals, no decimal mark is used either.
    • minDecimals

      public MonetaryFormat minDecimals(int minDecimals)
      Set minimum number of decimals to use for formatting. If the value precision exceeds all decimals specified (including additional decimals specified by optionalDecimals(int...) or repeatOptionalDecimals(int, int)), the value will be rounded. This configuration is not relevant for parsing.
    • optionalDecimals

      public MonetaryFormat optionalDecimals(int... groups)

      Set additional groups of decimals to use after the minimum decimals, if they are useful for expressing precision. Each value is a number of decimals in that group. If the value precision exceeds all decimals specified (including minimum decimals), the value will be rounded. This configuration is not relevant for parsing.

      For example, if you pass 4,2 it will add four decimals to your formatted string if needed, and then add another two decimals if needed. At this point, rather than adding further decimals the value will be rounded.

      groups - any number numbers of decimals, one for each group
    • repeatOptionalDecimals

      public MonetaryFormat repeatOptionalDecimals(int decimals, int repetitions)

      Set repeated additional groups of decimals to use after the minimum decimals, if they are useful for expressing precision. If the value precision exceeds all decimals specified (including minimum decimals), the value will be rounded. This configuration is not relevant for parsing.

      For example, if you pass 1,8 it will up to eight decimals to your formatted string if needed. After these have been used up, rather than adding further decimals the value will be rounded.

      decimals - value of the group to be repeated
      repetitions - number of repetitions
    • shift

      public MonetaryFormat shift(int shift)
      Set number of digits to shift the decimal separator to the right, coming from the standard BTC notation that was common pre-2014. Note this will change the currency code if enabled.
    • roundingMode

      public MonetaryFormat roundingMode(RoundingMode roundingMode)
      Set rounding mode to use when it becomes necessary.
    • noCode

      public MonetaryFormat noCode()
      Don't display currency code when formatting. This configuration is not relevant for parsing.
    • code

      public MonetaryFormat code(int codeShift, String code)
      Configure currency code for given decimal separator shift. This configuration is not relevant for parsing.
      codeShift - decimal separator shift, see shift
      code - currency code
    • codeSeparator

      public MonetaryFormat codeSeparator(char codeSeparator)
      Separator between currency code and formatted value. This configuration is not relevant for parsing.
    • prefixCode

      public MonetaryFormat prefixCode()
      Prefix formatted output by currency code. This configuration is not relevant for parsing.
    • postfixCode

      public MonetaryFormat postfixCode()
      Postfix formatted output with currency code. This configuration is not relevant for parsing.
    • withLocale

      public MonetaryFormat withLocale(Locale locale)
      Configure this instance with values from a Locale.
    • format

      public CharSequence format(Monetary monetary)
      Format the given monetary value to a human-readable form.
    • parse

      public Coin parse(String str) throws NumberFormatException
      Parse a human-readable coin value to a Coin instance.
      NumberFormatException - if the string cannot be parsed for some reason
    • parseFiat

      public Fiat parseFiat(String currencyCode, String str) throws NumberFormatException
      Parse a human-readable fiat value to a Fiat instance.
      NumberFormatException - if the string cannot be parsed for some reason
    • code

      public String code()
      Get currency code that will be used for current shift.
    • equals

      public boolean equals(Object o)
      Two formats are equal if they have the same parameters.
      equals in class Object
    • hashCode

      public int hashCode()
      hashCode in class Object