Class NetworkParameters

  • Direct Known Subclasses:
    BitcoinNetworkParams, MockAltNetworkParams

    public abstract class NetworkParameters
    extends java.lang.Object

    NetworkParameters contains the data needed for working with an instantiation of a Bitcoin chain.

    This is an abstract class, concrete instantiations can be found in the params package. There are four: one for the main network (MainNetParams), one for the public test network, and two others that are intended for unit testing and local app development purposes. Although this class contains some aliases for them, you are encouraged to call the static get() methods on each specific params class directly.

    • Field Detail


        public static final java.lang.String PAYMENT_PROTOCOL_ID_MAINNET
        The string used by the payment protocol to represent the main net.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String PAYMENT_PROTOCOL_ID_TESTNET
        The string used by the payment protocol to represent the test net.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String PAYMENT_PROTOCOL_ID_SIGNET
        The string used by the payment protocol to represent signet (note that this is non-standard).
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String PAYMENT_PROTOCOL_ID_UNIT_TESTS
        The string used by the payment protocol to represent unit testing (note that this is non-standard).
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String PAYMENT_PROTOCOL_ID_REGTEST
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • maxTarget

        protected java.math.BigInteger maxTarget
      • port

        protected int port
      • packetMagic

        protected long packetMagic
      • addressHeader

        protected int addressHeader
      • p2shHeader

        protected int p2shHeader
      • dumpedPrivateKeyHeader

        protected int dumpedPrivateKeyHeader
      • segwitAddressHrp

        protected java.lang.String segwitAddressHrp
      • interval

        protected int interval
      • targetTimespan

        protected int targetTimespan
      • bip32HeaderP2PKHpub

        protected int bip32HeaderP2PKHpub
      • bip32HeaderP2PKHpriv

        protected int bip32HeaderP2PKHpriv
      • bip32HeaderP2WPKHpub

        protected int bip32HeaderP2WPKHpub
      • bip32HeaderP2WPKHpriv

        protected int bip32HeaderP2WPKHpriv
      • majorityEnforceBlockUpgrade

        protected int majorityEnforceBlockUpgrade
        Used to check majorities for block version upgrade
      • majorityRejectBlockOutdated

        protected int majorityRejectBlockOutdated
      • majorityWindow

        protected int majorityWindow
      • id

        protected final java.lang.String id
        See getId()
      • network

        protected final Network network
      • spendableCoinbaseDepth

        protected int spendableCoinbaseDepth
        The depth of blocks required for a coinbase transaction to be spendable.
      • subsidyDecreaseBlockCount

        protected int subsidyDecreaseBlockCount
      • dnsSeeds

        protected java.lang.String[] dnsSeeds
      • addrSeeds

        protected int[] addrSeeds
      • checkpoints

        protected java.util.Map<java.lang.Integer,​Sha256Hash> checkpoints
      • defaultSerializer

        protected transient volatile MessageSerializer defaultSerializer

        public static final int BIP16_ENFORCE_TIME
        Blocks with a timestamp after this should enforce BIP 16, aka "Pay to script hash". This BIP changed the network rules in a soft-forking manner, that is, blocks that don't follow the rules are accepted but not mined upon and thus will be quickly re-orged out as long as the majority are enforcing the rule.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • MAX_COINS

        public static final long MAX_COINS
        The maximum number of coins to be generated
    • Constructor Detail

      • NetworkParameters

        protected NetworkParameters​(Network network)
    • Method Detail

      • getId

        public java.lang.String getId()
        A Java package style string acting as unique ID for these parameters
        network id string
      • network

        public Network network()
        Network enum for this network
      • equals

        public boolean equals​(java.lang.Object o)
        equals in class java.lang.Object
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class java.lang.Object
      • fromID

        public static NetworkParameters fromID​(java.lang.String id)
        Return network parameters for a network id
        id - the network id
        the network parameters for the given string ID or NULL if not recognized
      • of

        public static NetworkParameters of​(Network network)
        Return network parameters for a Network.

        Alternative networks will be found if they have been registered with Networks registry.

        network - the network
        the network parameters for the given string ID
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if unknown network
      • fromPmtProtocolID

        public static NetworkParameters fromPmtProtocolID​(java.lang.String pmtProtocolId)
        Return network parameters for a paymentProtocol ID string
        pmtProtocolId - paymentProtocol ID string
        network parameters for the given string paymentProtocolID or NULL if not recognized
      • fromAddress

        public static NetworkParameters fromAddress​(Address address)
        You should be using instead
        Get a NetworkParameters from an Address. Addresses should not be used for storing NetworkParameters. In the future Address will be an interface that only makes a Network available.
        address - An address
        network parameters
      • getSpendableCoinbaseDepth

        public int getSpendableCoinbaseDepth()
      • passesCheckpoint

        public boolean passesCheckpoint​(int height,
                                        Sha256Hash hash)
        Validate the hash for a given block height against checkpoints
        height - block height
        hash - hash for height
        true if the block height is either not a checkpoint, or is a checkpoint and the hash matches
      • isCheckpoint

        public boolean isCheckpoint​(int height)
        Is height a checkpoint
        height - block height
        true if the given height has a recorded checkpoint
      • getSubsidyDecreaseBlockCount

        public int getSubsidyDecreaseBlockCount()
      • getDnsSeeds

        public java.lang.String[] getDnsSeeds()
        Return DNS names that when resolved, give IP addresses of active peers
        an array of DNS names
      • getAddrSeeds

        public int[] getAddrSeeds()
        Return IP addresses of active peers
        array of IP addresses
      • getGenesisBlock

        public abstract Block getGenesisBlock()

        Genesis block for this chain.

        The first block in every chain is a well known constant shared between all Bitcoin implementations. For a block to be valid, it must be eventually possible to work backwards to the genesis block by following the prevBlockHash pointers in the block headers.

        The genesis blocks for both test and main networks contain the timestamp of when they were created, and a message in the coinbase transaction. It says, "The Times 03/Jan/2009 Chancellor on brink of second bailout for banks".

        genesis block
      • getPort

        public int getPort()
        Default TCP port on which to connect to nodes
        default port for this network
      • getPacketMagic

        public long getPacketMagic()
        The header bytes that identify the start of a packet on this network.
        header bytes as a long
      • getAddressHeader

        public int getAddressHeader()
        First byte of a base58 encoded address. See LegacyAddress.
        the header value
      • getP2SHHeader

        public int getP2SHHeader()
        First byte of a base58 encoded P2SH address. P2SH addresses are defined as part of BIP0013.
        the header value
      • getDumpedPrivateKeyHeader

        public int getDumpedPrivateKeyHeader()
        First byte of a base58 encoded dumped private key. See DumpedPrivateKey.
        the header value
      • getTargetTimespan

        public int getTargetTimespan()
        How much time in seconds is supposed to pass between "interval" blocks. If the actual elapsed time is significantly different from this value, the network difficulty formula will produce a different value. Both test and main Bitcoin networks use 2 weeks (1209600 seconds).
        target timespan in seconds
      • allowEmptyPeerChain

        public boolean allowEmptyPeerChain()
        If we are running in testnet-in-a-box mode, we allow connections to nodes with 0 non-genesis blocks.
        true if allowed
      • getInterval

        public int getInterval()
        How many blocks pass between difficulty adjustment periods. Bitcoin standardises this to be 2016.
        number of blocks
      • getMaxTarget

        public java.math.BigInteger getMaxTarget()
        Maximum target represents the easiest allowable proof of work.
        maximum target integer
      • getBip32HeaderP2PKHpub

        public int getBip32HeaderP2PKHpub()
        Returns the 4 byte header for BIP32 wallet P2PKH - public key part.
        the header value
      • getBip32HeaderP2PKHpriv

        public int getBip32HeaderP2PKHpriv()
        Returns the 4 byte header for BIP32 wallet P2PKH - private key part.
        the header value
      • getBip32HeaderP2WPKHpub

        public int getBip32HeaderP2WPKHpub()
        Returns the 4 byte header for BIP32 wallet P2WPKH - public key part.
        the header value
      • getBip32HeaderP2WPKHpriv

        public int getBip32HeaderP2WPKHpriv()
        Returns the 4 byte header for BIP32 wallet P2WPKH - private key part.
        the header value
      • getMaxMoney

        public abstract Coin getMaxMoney()
        Returns the number of coins that will be produced in total, on this network. Where not applicable, a very large number of coins is returned instead (e.g. the main coin issue for Dogecoin).
        maximum number of coins for this network
      • getMonetaryFormat

        public abstract MonetaryFormat getMonetaryFormat()
        Get one another way or construct your own MonetaryFormat as needed.
        The monetary object for this currency.
        formatting utility object
      • getUriScheme

        public abstract java.lang.String getUriScheme()
        Scheme part for URIs, for example "bitcoin".
        a string with the "scheme" part
      • hasMaxMoney

        public abstract boolean hasMaxMoney()
        Returns whether this network has a maximum number of coins (finite supply) or not. Always returns true for Bitcoin, but exists to be overridden for other networks.
        true if network has a fixed maximum number of coins
      • getDefaultSerializer

        public final MessageSerializer getDefaultSerializer()
        Return the default serializer for this network. This is a shared serializer.
        the default serializer for this network.
      • getSerializer

        public abstract BitcoinSerializer getSerializer()
        Construct and return a custom serializer.
        the serializer
      • getMajorityEnforceBlockUpgrade

        public int getMajorityEnforceBlockUpgrade()
        The number of blocks in the last getMajorityWindow() blocks at which to trigger a notice to the user to upgrade their client, where the client does not understand those blocks.
        number of blocks
      • getMajorityRejectBlockOutdated

        public int getMajorityRejectBlockOutdated()
        The number of blocks in the last getMajorityWindow() blocks at which to enforce the requirement that all new blocks are of the newer type (i.e. outdated blocks are rejected).
        number of blocks
      • getMajorityWindow

        public int getMajorityWindow()
        The sampling window from which the version numbers of blocks are taken in order to determine if a new block version is now the majority.
        number of blocks
      • getBlockVerificationFlags

        public java.util.EnumSet<Block.VerifyFlag> getBlockVerificationFlags​(Block block,
                                                                             VersionTally tally,
                                                                             java.lang.Integer height)
        The flags indicating which block validation tests should be applied to the given block. Enables support for alternative blockchains which enable tests based on different criteria.
        block - block to determine flags for.
        height - height of the block, if known, null otherwise. Returned tests should be a safe subset if block height is unknown.
        tally - caching tally counter
        the flags
      • getTransactionVerificationFlags

        public java.util.EnumSet<Script.VerifyFlag> getTransactionVerificationFlags​(Block block,
                                                                                    Transaction transaction,
                                                                                    VersionTally tally,
                                                                                    java.lang.Integer height)
        The flags indicating which script validation tests should be applied to the given transaction. Enables support for alternative blockchains which enable tests based on different criteria.
        block - block the transaction belongs to.
        transaction - to determine flags for.
        tally - caching tally counter
        height - height of the block, if known, null otherwise. Returned tests should be a safe subset if block height is unknown.
        the flags