Class GetDataMessage

public class GetDataMessage extends ListMessage

Represents the "getdata" P2P network message, which requests the contents of blocks or transactions given their hashes.

Instances of this class are not safe for use by multiple threads.

  • Constructor Details

    • GetDataMessage

      public GetDataMessage(NetworkParameters params, byte[] payloadBytes) throws ProtocolException
    • GetDataMessage

      public GetDataMessage(NetworkParameters params, byte[] payload, MessageSerializer serializer, int length) throws ProtocolException
      Deserializes a 'getdata' message.
      params - NetworkParameters object.
      payload - Bitcoin protocol formatted byte array containing message content.
      serializer - the serializer to use for this message.
      length - The length of message if known. Usually this is provided when deserializing of the wire as the length will be provided as part of the header. If unknown then set to Message.UNKNOWN_LENGTH
    • GetDataMessage

      public GetDataMessage(NetworkParameters params)
  • Method Details

    • addTransaction

      public void addTransaction(Sha256Hash hash, boolean includeWitness)
    • addBlock

      public void addBlock(Sha256Hash hash, boolean includeWitness)
    • addFilteredBlock

      public void addFilteredBlock(Sha256Hash hash)
    • getHashOf

      public Sha256Hash getHashOf(int i)