Class DumpedPrivateKey

All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, Cloneable

public class DumpedPrivateKey extends PrefixedChecksummedBytes
Parses and generates private keys in the form used by the Bitcoin "dumpprivkey" command. This is the private key bytes with a header byte and 4 checksum bytes at the end. If there are 33 private key bytes instead of 32, then the last byte is a discriminator value for the compressed pubkey.
See Also:
  • Method Details

    • fromBase58

      public static DumpedPrivateKey fromBase58(@Nullable NetworkParameters params, String base58) throws AddressFormatException, AddressFormatException.WrongNetwork
      Construct a private key from its Base58 representation.
      params - The expected NetworkParameters or null if you don't want validation.
      base58 - The textual form of the private key.
      AddressFormatException - if the given base58 doesn't parse or the checksum is invalid
      AddressFormatException.WrongNetwork - if the given private key is valid but for a different chain (eg testnet vs mainnet)
    • toBase58

      public String toBase58()
      Returns the base58-encoded textual form, including version and checksum bytes.
      textual form
    • getKey

      public ECKey getKey()
      Returns an ECKey created from this encoded private key.
    • isPubKeyCompressed

      public boolean isPubKeyCompressed()
      Returns true if the public key corresponding to this private key is compressed.
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object