Class Address

All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, Cloneable, Comparable<Address>
Direct Known Subclasses:
LegacyAddress, SegwitAddress

public abstract class Address extends PrefixedChecksummedBytes implements Comparable<Address>
Base class for addresses, e.g. native segwit addresses (SegwitAddress) or legacy addresses (LegacyAddress).

Use fromString(NetworkParameters, String) to conveniently construct any kind of address from its textual form.

See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • Address

      protected Address(NetworkParameters params, byte[] bytes)
      Construct an address from its binary form.
      params - the network this address is valid for
      bytes - the binary address data
  • Method Details

    • fromString

      public static Address fromString(@Nullable NetworkParameters params, String str) throws AddressFormatException
      Construct an address from its textual form.
      params - the expected network this address is valid for, or null if the network should be derived from the textual form
      str - the textual form of the address, such as "17kzeh4N8g49GFvdDzSf8PjaPfyoD1MndL" or "bc1qw508d6qejxtdg4y5r3zarvary0c5xw7kv8f3t4"
      constructed address
      AddressFormatException - if the given string doesn't parse or the checksum is invalid
      AddressFormatException.WrongNetwork - if the given string is valid but not for the expected network (eg testnet vs mainnet)
    • fromKey

      public static Address fromKey(NetworkParameters params, ECKey key, Script.ScriptType outputScriptType)
      Construct an Address that represents the public part of the given ECKey.
      params - network this address is valid for
      key - only the public part is used
      outputScriptType - script type the address should use
      constructed address
    • getHash

      public abstract byte[] getHash()
      Get either the public key hash or script hash that is encoded in the address.
      hash that is encoded in the address
    • getOutputScriptType

      public abstract Script.ScriptType getOutputScriptType()
      Get the type of output script that will be used for sending to the address.
      type of output script
    • compareTo

      public abstract int compareTo(Address o)
      Comparison field order for addresses is:
      1. NetworkParameters.getId()
      2. Legacy vs. Segwit
      3. (Legacy only) Version byte
      4. remaining bytes

      Implementations may use compareAddressPartial for tests 1 and 2.

      Specified by:
      compareTo in interface Comparable<Address>
      o - other Address object
      comparison result
    • compareAddressPartial

      protected int compareAddressPartial(Address o)
      Comparator for the first two comparison fields in Address comparisons, see compareTo(Address). Used by LegacyAddress.compareTo(Address) and SegwitAddress.compareTo(Address).
      o - other Address object
      comparison result