Interface Protos.TransactionConfidenceOrBuilder

    • Method Detail

      • hasType

        boolean hasType()
         This is optional in case we add confidence types to prevent parse errors - backwards compatible.
        optional .wallet.TransactionConfidence.Type type = 1;
        Whether the type field is set.
      • getType

        Protos.TransactionConfidence.Type getType()
         This is optional in case we add confidence types to prevent parse errors - backwards compatible.
        optional .wallet.TransactionConfidence.Type type = 1;
        The type.
      • hasAppearedAtHeight

        boolean hasAppearedAtHeight()
         If type == BUILDING then this is the chain height at which the transaction was included.
        optional int32 appeared_at_height = 2;
        Whether the appearedAtHeight field is set.
      • getAppearedAtHeight

        int getAppearedAtHeight()
         If type == BUILDING then this is the chain height at which the transaction was included.
        optional int32 appeared_at_height = 2;
        The appearedAtHeight.
      • hasOverridingTransaction

        boolean hasOverridingTransaction()
         If set, hash of the transaction that double spent this one into oblivion. A transaction can be double spent by
         multiple transactions in the case of several inputs being re-spent by several transactions but we don't
         bother to track them all, just the first. This only makes sense if type = DEAD.
        optional bytes overriding_transaction = 3;
        Whether the overridingTransaction field is set.
      • getOverridingTransaction getOverridingTransaction()
         If set, hash of the transaction that double spent this one into oblivion. A transaction can be double spent by
         multiple transactions in the case of several inputs being re-spent by several transactions but we don't
         bother to track them all, just the first. This only makes sense if type = DEAD.
        optional bytes overriding_transaction = 3;
        The overridingTransaction.
      • hasDepth

        boolean hasDepth()
         If type == BUILDING then this is the depth of the transaction in the blockchain.
         Zero confirmations: depth = 0, one confirmation: depth = 1 etc.
        optional int32 depth = 4;
        Whether the depth field is set.
      • getDepth

        int getDepth()
         If type == BUILDING then this is the depth of the transaction in the blockchain.
         Zero confirmations: depth = 0, one confirmation: depth = 1 etc.
        optional int32 depth = 4;
        The depth.
      • getBroadcastByList

        java.util.List<Protos.PeerAddress> getBroadcastByList()
        repeated .wallet.PeerAddress broadcast_by = 6;
      • getBroadcastBy

        Protos.PeerAddress getBroadcastBy​(int index)
        repeated .wallet.PeerAddress broadcast_by = 6;
      • getBroadcastByCount

        int getBroadcastByCount()
        repeated .wallet.PeerAddress broadcast_by = 6;
      • hasLastBroadcastedAt

        boolean hasLastBroadcastedAt()
         Millis since epoch the transaction was last announced to us.
        optional int64 last_broadcasted_at = 8;
        Whether the lastBroadcastedAt field is set.
      • getLastBroadcastedAt

        long getLastBroadcastedAt()
         Millis since epoch the transaction was last announced to us.
        optional int64 last_broadcasted_at = 8;
        The lastBroadcastedAt.
      • hasSource

        boolean hasSource()
        optional .wallet.TransactionConfidence.Source source = 7;
        Whether the source field is set.