Interface KeyBag

    • Method Detail

      • findKeyFromPubKeyHash

        ECKey findKeyFromPubKeyHash​(byte[] pubKeyHash,
                                    Script.ScriptType scriptType)
        Locates a keypair from the keychain given the hash of the public key, and (optionally) by usage for a specific script type. This is needed when finding out which key we need to use to redeem a transaction output.
        pubKeyHash - hash of the keypair to look for
        scriptType - only look for given usage (currently Script.ScriptType.P2PKH or Script.ScriptType.P2WPKH) or null if we don't care
        found key or null if no such key was found.
      • findKeyFromPubKey

        ECKey findKeyFromPubKey​(byte[] pubKey)
        Locates a keypair from the keychain given the raw public key bytes.
        ECKey or null if no such key was found.
      • findRedeemDataFromScriptHash

        RedeemData findRedeemDataFromScriptHash​(byte[] scriptHash)
        Locates a redeem data (redeem script and keys) from the keychain given the hash of the script. This is needed when finding out which key and script we need to use to locally sign a P2SH transaction input. It is assumed that wallet should not have more than one private key for a single P2SH tx for security reasons. Returns RedeemData object or null if no such data was found.