Interface EncryptableItem

All Known Implementing Classes:
DeterministicKey, DeterministicSeed, ECKey

public interface EncryptableItem
Provides a uniform way to access something that can be optionally encrypted with a KeyCrypter, yielding an EncryptedData, and which can have a creation time associated with it.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Returns the time at which this encryptable item was first created/derived, or empty of unknown.
    default long
    Returns the initialization vector and encrypted secret bytes, or null if not encrypted.
    Returns an enum constant describing what algorithm was used to encrypt the key or UNENCRYPTED.
    Returns the raw bytes of the item, if not encrypted, or null if encrypted or the secret is missing.
    Returns whether the item is encrypted or not.
  • Method Details

    • isEncrypted

      boolean isEncrypted()
      Returns whether the item is encrypted or not. If it is, then getSecretBytes() will return null.
    • getSecretBytes

      @Nullable byte[] getSecretBytes()
      Returns the raw bytes of the item, if not encrypted, or null if encrypted or the secret is missing.
    • getEncryptedData

      @Nullable EncryptedData getEncryptedData()
      Returns the initialization vector and encrypted secret bytes, or null if not encrypted.
    • getEncryptionType

      org.bitcoinj.protobuf.wallet.Protos.Wallet.EncryptionType getEncryptionType()
      Returns an enum constant describing what algorithm was used to encrypt the key or UNENCRYPTED.
    • getCreationTime

      Optional<Instant> getCreationTime()
      Returns the time at which this encryptable item was first created/derived, or empty of unknown.
    • getCreationTimeSeconds

      @Deprecated default long getCreationTimeSeconds()