Class SeedPeers

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class SeedPeers extends Object implements PeerDiscovery
SeedPeers stores a pre-determined list of Bitcoin node addresses. These nodes are selected based on being active on the network for a long period of time. The intention is to be a last resort way of finding a connection to the network, in case IRC and DNS fail. The list comes from the Bitcoin C++ source code.
  • Constructor Details

    • SeedPeers

      public SeedPeers(InetSocketAddress[] seedAddrs)
      Supports finding peers by IP addresses/ports
      seedAddrs - IP addresses/ports of seeds.
    • SeedPeers

      @Deprecated public SeedPeers(NetworkParameters params)
      Supports finding peers by IP addresses
      params - Network parameters to be used for port information.
    • SeedPeers

      @Deprecated public SeedPeers(int[] seedAddrInts, NetworkParameters params)
      Supports finding peers by IP addresses
      seedAddrInts - IP addresses for seed addresses.
      params - Network parameters to be used for port information.
  • Method Details

    • getPeer

      @Nullable public InetSocketAddress getPeer()
      Acts as an iterator, returning the address of each node in the list sequentially. Once all the list has been iterated, null will be returned for each subsequent query.
      InetSocketAddress - The address/port of the next node.
    • getPeers

      public List<InetSocketAddress> getPeers(long services, Duration timeout)
      Returns all the Bitcoin nodes within the list.
      Specified by:
      getPeers in interface PeerDiscovery
      services - ignored
      timeout - ignored
      the pre-determined list of peers
    • shutdown

      public void shutdown()
      Description copied from interface: PeerDiscovery
      Stops any discovery in progress when we want to shut down quickly.
      Specified by:
      shutdown in interface PeerDiscovery