Interface ClientConnectionManager

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
BlockingClientManager, NioClientManager

public interface ClientConnectionManager extends

A generic interface for an object which keeps track of a set of open client connections, creates new ones and ensures they are serviced properly.

When the service is stopped via Service.stopAsync(), all connections will be closed and the appropriate connectionClosed() calls must be made.

  • Nested Class Summary

    Nested classes/interfaces inherited from interface,
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Closes n peer connections
    Gets the number of connected peers
    openConnection(SocketAddress serverAddress, StreamConnection connection)
    Creates a new connection to the given address, with the given connection used to handle incoming data.

    Methods inherited from interface

    addListener, awaitRunning, awaitRunning, awaitTerminated, awaitTerminated, failureCause, isRunning, startAsync, state, stopAsync
  • Method Details

    • openConnection

      ListenableCompletableFuture<SocketAddress> openConnection(SocketAddress serverAddress, StreamConnection connection)
      Creates a new connection to the given address, with the given connection used to handle incoming data. Any errors that occur during connection will be returned in the given future, including errors that can occur immediately.
    • getConnectedClientCount

      int getConnectedClientCount()
      Gets the number of connected peers
    • closeConnections

      void closeConnections(int n)
      Closes n peer connections