Class UTXO


public class UTXO extends Object
A UTXO message contains the information necessary to check a spending transaction. It avoids having to store the entire parentTransaction just to get the hash and index. Useful when working with freestanding outputs.
  • Constructor Summary

    UTXO(Sha256Hash hash, long index, Coin value, int height, boolean coinbase, Script script)
    Creates a stored transaction output.
    UTXO(Sha256Hash hash, long index, Coin value, int height, boolean coinbase, Script script, String address)
    Creates a stored transaction output.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    The address of this output, can be the empty string if none was provided at construction time or was deserialized
    The hash of the transaction which holds this output.
    Gets the height of the block that created this output.
    The index of this output in the transaction which holds it.
    The Script object which you can use to get address, script bytes or script type.
    The value which this Transaction output holds.
    Gets the flag of whether this was created by a coinbase tx.

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    clone, finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
  • Constructor Details

    • UTXO

      public UTXO(Sha256Hash hash, long index, Coin value, int height, boolean coinbase, Script script)
      Creates a stored transaction output.
      hash - The hash of the containing transaction.
      index - The outpoint.
      value - The value available.
      height - The height this output was created in.
      coinbase - The coinbase flag.
    • UTXO

      public UTXO(Sha256Hash hash, long index, Coin value, int height, boolean coinbase, Script script, String address)
      Creates a stored transaction output.
      hash - The hash of the containing transaction.
      index - The outpoint.
      value - The value available.
      height - The height this output was created in.
      coinbase - The coinbase flag.
      address - The address.
  • Method Details

    • getValue

      public Coin getValue()
      The value which this Transaction output holds.
    • getScript

      public Script getScript()
      The Script object which you can use to get address, script bytes or script type.
    • getHash

      public Sha256Hash getHash()
      The hash of the transaction which holds this output.
    • getIndex

      public long getIndex()
      The index of this output in the transaction which holds it.
    • getHeight

      public int getHeight()
      Gets the height of the block that created this output.
    • isCoinbase

      public boolean isCoinbase()
      Gets the flag of whether this was created by a coinbase tx.
    • getAddress

      public String getAddress()
      The address of this output, can be the empty string if none was provided at construction time or was deserialized
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object
    • hashCode

      public int hashCode()
      hashCode in class Object
    • equals

      public boolean equals(Object o)
      equals in class Object