Class DnsDiscovery

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class DnsDiscovery
    extends MultiplexingDiscovery

    Supports peer discovery through DNS.

    Failure to resolve individual host names will not cause an Exception to be thrown. However, if all hosts passed fail to resolve a PeerDiscoveryException will be thrown during getPeers().

    DNS seeds do not attempt to enumerate every peer on the network. MultiplexingDiscovery.getPeers(long, Duration) will return up to 30 random peers from the set of those returned within the timeout period. If you want more peers to connect to, you need to discover them via other means (like addr broadcasts).

    • Constructor Detail

      • DnsDiscovery

        public DnsDiscovery​(Network network)
        Supports finding peers through DNS A records. Community run DNS entry points will be used.
        network - Network to be used for port information.
      • DnsDiscovery

        public DnsDiscovery​(java.lang.String[] dnsSeeds,
                            Network network)
        Supports finding peers through DNS A records.
        dnsSeeds - Host names to be examined for seed addresses.
        network - Network to be used for port information.