Interface Protos.WalletOrBuilder

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
Protos.Wallet, Protos.Wallet.Builder
Enclosing class:

public static interface Protos.WalletOrBuilder extends
  • Method Details

    • hasNetworkIdentifier

      boolean hasNetworkIdentifier()
       the network used by this wallet
      required string network_identifier = 1;
      Whether the networkIdentifier field is set.
    • getNetworkIdentifier

      String getNetworkIdentifier()
       the network used by this wallet
      required string network_identifier = 1;
      The networkIdentifier.
    • getNetworkIdentifierBytes getNetworkIdentifierBytes()
       the network used by this wallet
      required string network_identifier = 1;
      The bytes for networkIdentifier.
    • hasLastSeenBlockHash

      boolean hasLastSeenBlockHash()
       The SHA256 hash of the head of the best chain seen by this wallet.
      optional bytes last_seen_block_hash = 2;
      Whether the lastSeenBlockHash field is set.
    • getLastSeenBlockHash getLastSeenBlockHash()
       The SHA256 hash of the head of the best chain seen by this wallet.
      optional bytes last_seen_block_hash = 2;
      The lastSeenBlockHash.
    • hasLastSeenBlockHeight

      boolean hasLastSeenBlockHeight()
       The height in the chain of the last seen block.
      optional uint32 last_seen_block_height = 12;
      Whether the lastSeenBlockHeight field is set.
    • getLastSeenBlockHeight

      int getLastSeenBlockHeight()
       The height in the chain of the last seen block.
      optional uint32 last_seen_block_height = 12;
      The lastSeenBlockHeight.
    • hasLastSeenBlockTimeSecs

      boolean hasLastSeenBlockTimeSecs()
      optional int64 last_seen_block_time_secs = 14;
      Whether the lastSeenBlockTimeSecs field is set.
    • getLastSeenBlockTimeSecs

      long getLastSeenBlockTimeSecs()
      optional int64 last_seen_block_time_secs = 14;
      The lastSeenBlockTimeSecs.
    • getKeyList

      List<Protos.Key> getKeyList()
      repeated .wallet.Key key = 3;
    • getKey

      Protos.Key getKey(int index)
      repeated .wallet.Key key = 3;
    • getKeyCount

      int getKeyCount()
      repeated .wallet.Key key = 3;
    • getTransactionList

      List<Protos.Transaction> getTransactionList()
      repeated .wallet.Transaction transaction = 4;
    • getTransaction

      Protos.Transaction getTransaction(int index)
      repeated .wallet.Transaction transaction = 4;
    • getTransactionCount

      int getTransactionCount()
      repeated .wallet.Transaction transaction = 4;
    • getWatchedScriptList

      List<Protos.Script> getWatchedScriptList()
      repeated .wallet.Script watched_script = 15;
    • getWatchedScript

      Protos.Script getWatchedScript(int index)
      repeated .wallet.Script watched_script = 15;
    • getWatchedScriptCount

      int getWatchedScriptCount()
      repeated .wallet.Script watched_script = 15;
    • hasEncryptionType

      boolean hasEncryptionType()
      optional .wallet.Wallet.EncryptionType encryption_type = 5 [default = UNENCRYPTED];
      Whether the encryptionType field is set.
    • getEncryptionType

      Protos.Wallet.EncryptionType getEncryptionType()
      optional .wallet.Wallet.EncryptionType encryption_type = 5 [default = UNENCRYPTED];
      The encryptionType.
    • hasEncryptionParameters

      boolean hasEncryptionParameters()
      optional .wallet.ScryptParameters encryption_parameters = 6;
      Whether the encryptionParameters field is set.
    • getEncryptionParameters

      Protos.ScryptParameters getEncryptionParameters()
      optional .wallet.ScryptParameters encryption_parameters = 6;
      The encryptionParameters.
    • hasVersion

      boolean hasVersion()
       The version number of the wallet - used to detect wallets that were produced in the future
       (i.e. the wallet may contain some future format this protobuf or parser code does not know about).
       A version that's higher than the default is considered from the future.
      optional int32 version = 7 [default = 1];
      Whether the version field is set.
    • getVersion

      int getVersion()
       The version number of the wallet - used to detect wallets that were produced in the future
       (i.e. the wallet may contain some future format this protobuf or parser code does not know about).
       A version that's higher than the default is considered from the future.
      optional int32 version = 7 [default = 1];
      The version.
    • getExtensionList

      List<Protos.Extension> getExtensionList()
      repeated .wallet.Extension extension = 10;
    • getExtension

      Protos.Extension getExtension(int index)
      repeated .wallet.Extension extension = 10;
    • getExtensionCount

      int getExtensionCount()
      repeated .wallet.Extension extension = 10;
    • hasDescription

      boolean hasDescription()
       A UTF8 encoded text description of the wallet that is intended for end user provided text.
      optional string description = 11;
      Whether the description field is set.
    • getDescription

      String getDescription()
       A UTF8 encoded text description of the wallet that is intended for end user provided text.
      optional string description = 11;
      The description.
    • getDescriptionBytes getDescriptionBytes()
       A UTF8 encoded text description of the wallet that is intended for end user provided text.
      optional string description = 11;
      The bytes for description.
    • hasKeyRotationTime

      boolean hasKeyRotationTime()
       UNIX time in seconds since the epoch. If set, then any keys created before this date are assumed to be no longer
       wanted. Money sent to them will be re-spent automatically to the first key that was created after this time. It
       can be used to recover a compromised wallet, or just as part of preventative defence-in-depth measures.
      optional uint64 key_rotation_time = 13;
      Whether the keyRotationTime field is set.
    • getKeyRotationTime

      long getKeyRotationTime()
       UNIX time in seconds since the epoch. If set, then any keys created before this date are assumed to be no longer
       wanted. Money sent to them will be re-spent automatically to the first key that was created after this time. It
       can be used to recover a compromised wallet, or just as part of preventative defence-in-depth measures.
      optional uint64 key_rotation_time = 13;
      The keyRotationTime.
    • getTagsList

      List<Protos.Tag> getTagsList()
      repeated .wallet.Tag tags = 16;
    • getTags

      Protos.Tag getTags(int index)
      repeated .wallet.Tag tags = 16;
    • getTagsCount

      int getTagsCount()
      repeated .wallet.Tag tags = 16;