Interface Protos.DeterministicKeyOrBuilder

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
Protos.DeterministicKey, Protos.DeterministicKey.Builder
Enclosing class:

public static interface Protos.DeterministicKeyOrBuilder extends
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Random data that allows us to extend a key.
    Flag indicating that this key is a root of a following chain.
    How many children of this key have been issued, that is, given to the user when they requested a fresh key? For the parents of keys being handed out, this is always less than the true number of children: the difference is called the lookahead zone.
    optional uint32 lookahead_size = 4;
    getPath(int index)
    The path through the key tree.
    The path through the key tree.
    The path through the key tree.
    Number of signatures required to spend.
    Random data that allows us to extend a key.
    Flag indicating that this key is a root of a following chain.
    How many children of this key have been issued, that is, given to the user when they requested a fresh key? For the parents of keys being handed out, this is always less than the true number of children: the difference is called the lookahead zone.
    optional uint32 lookahead_size = 4;
    Number of signatures required to spend.

    Methods inherited from interface

    getDefaultInstanceForType, isInitialized
  • Method Details

    • hasChainCode

      boolean hasChainCode()
       Random data that allows us to extend a key. Without this, we can't figure out the next key in the chain and
       should just treat it as a regular ORIGINAL type key.
      required bytes chain_code = 1;
      Whether the chainCode field is set.
    • getChainCode getChainCode()
       Random data that allows us to extend a key. Without this, we can't figure out the next key in the chain and
       should just treat it as a regular ORIGINAL type key.
      required bytes chain_code = 1;
      The chainCode.
    • getPathList

      List<Integer> getPathList()
       The path through the key tree. Each number is encoded in the standard form: high bit set for private derivation
       and high bit unset for public derivation.
      repeated uint32 path = 2;
      A list containing the path.
    • getPathCount

      int getPathCount()
       The path through the key tree. Each number is encoded in the standard form: high bit set for private derivation
       and high bit unset for public derivation.
      repeated uint32 path = 2;
      The count of path.
    • getPath

      int getPath(int index)
       The path through the key tree. Each number is encoded in the standard form: high bit set for private derivation
       and high bit unset for public derivation.
      repeated uint32 path = 2;
      index - The index of the element to return.
      The path at the given index.
    • hasIssuedSubkeys

      boolean hasIssuedSubkeys()
       How many children of this key have been issued, that is, given to the user when they requested a fresh key?
       For the parents of keys being handed out, this is always less than the true number of children: the difference is
       called the lookahead zone. These keys are put into Bloom filters so we can spot transactions made by clones of
       this wallet - for instance when restoring from backup or if the seed was shared between devices.
       If this field is missing it means we're not issuing subkeys of this key to users.
      optional uint32 issued_subkeys = 3;
      Whether the issuedSubkeys field is set.
    • getIssuedSubkeys

      int getIssuedSubkeys()
       How many children of this key have been issued, that is, given to the user when they requested a fresh key?
       For the parents of keys being handed out, this is always less than the true number of children: the difference is
       called the lookahead zone. These keys are put into Bloom filters so we can spot transactions made by clones of
       this wallet - for instance when restoring from backup or if the seed was shared between devices.
       If this field is missing it means we're not issuing subkeys of this key to users.
      optional uint32 issued_subkeys = 3;
      The issuedSubkeys.
    • hasLookaheadSize

      boolean hasLookaheadSize()
      optional uint32 lookahead_size = 4;
      Whether the lookaheadSize field is set.
    • getLookaheadSize

      int getLookaheadSize()
      optional uint32 lookahead_size = 4;
      The lookaheadSize.
    • hasIsFollowing

      boolean hasIsFollowing()
       Flag indicating that this key is a root of a following chain. This chain is following the next non-following chain.
       Following/followed chains concept is used for married keychains, where the set of keys combined together to produce
       a single P2SH multisignature address
      optional bool isFollowing = 5;
      Whether the isFollowing field is set.
    • getIsFollowing

      boolean getIsFollowing()
       Flag indicating that this key is a root of a following chain. This chain is following the next non-following chain.
       Following/followed chains concept is used for married keychains, where the set of keys combined together to produce
       a single P2SH multisignature address
      optional bool isFollowing = 5;
      The isFollowing.
    • hasSigsRequiredToSpend

      boolean hasSigsRequiredToSpend()
       Number of signatures required to spend. This field is needed only for married keychains to reconstruct KeyChain
       and represents the N value from N-of-M CHECKMULTISIG script. For regular single keychains it will always be 1.
      optional uint32 sigsRequiredToSpend = 6 [default = 1];
      Whether the sigsRequiredToSpend field is set.
    • getSigsRequiredToSpend

      int getSigsRequiredToSpend()
       Number of signatures required to spend. This field is needed only for married keychains to reconstruct KeyChain
       and represents the N value from N-of-M CHECKMULTISIG script. For regular single keychains it will always be 1.
      optional uint32 sigsRequiredToSpend = 6 [default = 1];
      The sigsRequiredToSpend.